taking some time out

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  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5031

    Re: taking some time out

    the more i say the more i,m going to make myself look completely paranoid but there is science in everything we do now, in everything we eat, touch and drink etc, it would be easy to create business by studying the chemicals that are in the food we eat and drink and creating another chemical which reacts with those chemicals to do harm to our bodies, these people know exactly what they are doing, they are in our food, our drink our drugs etc etc, it's an easy target and no one knows just what is in the food we eat or what we put into our body, no one really thinks about it, you buy a piece of fruit or veg from the shop and eat it without even thinking about the chemicals that were used to help it grow or the chemical used to keep predators from harming it, we put this stuff into our body all the time without thinking about it, if you think about what everyone recommends as a balanced diet then it would be easy for science to target those products to create more business for science in the future, bleaching flour for example ? wtf is that all about ? it's probably killing all the good nutrients in it right away, sweeteners in foods that are linked to heart palpitations, chemicals in beers that are linked to cancers to name a few things, these are all harming our body when we put them into it and no one really knows who is behind creating the treatments for fixing these problems and who they are connected to, for all you know companies could be setting up companies in other fields such as food ( and pesticides ) and medicines to create as much money as they can from each other on the fly without anyone even considering it, if you know what you're doing then it's easy to make disease/illness look like a natural occurrence, business is getting fly, the techniques are getting more advanced and people are getting greedy for power

    take street drugs for example ( especially in this country ), the drugs are so filthy and cut with everything that you never really knows what is in them, it could be anything, what are they cut with and what is it doing to our body, it would be so easy for business to target that and put harmful chemicals in them that need treatments to fix the health problems, even testing kits could be tampered with to hide the harmful stuff that is in them, who has ever tested a testing kit ? look at how cannabis has changed in the last 30 years as an example, you need to know what you are doing to be able to change it in that way, no street dealer is behind that... crack ? who thought about that one ? how cocaine is made, who the hell thought about mixing all those chemicals together to extract the stuff from the plant, look it up on youtube, its scary, there is something serious behind that one, meth ? created by some basement dwelling scientist that got his knowledge from searching google for a webpage ? i don't think so, these people are creating stuff in advance knowing they have treatments to fix the problems caused by ingesting these substances, they are probably making a fortune from it and it's an easy target because it illegal, look at how ecstasy has change over the years, in the old days one pill would of lasted you all night and when the supply of safrole oil was halted they just either started to cut the shit out of what they had left or just synthesized another way of making it through another chemical process ( i don't know a lot about it ), sitting watching gurners ( it's not even gurning now, it's more like twitches ) on a page on facebook recently made me see just how dangerous it is becoming, pills are getting so strong these days and creating so much damage to the brain, again there is science behind that, some of the hash you used to get in this country was filthy, a quarter ounce used to cost £35 and it was not the best quality but it got worse over the years, i remember ( long time ago now ) the stuff was so bad and dirty that people were paying £35 ( or even £25 ) for a whole ounce, goes all black when you burn it and stuff, that could of been ISIS or anything ( if they existed back then ), that's all years and years of oxygen on the health service and today's weed is even more deadly, thc content is driving people insane at an alarming rate, that's all anti psychotic treatments and hospital ward visits and even that doesn't stop people from smoking it, that just drives you to take more drugs
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    • Micko
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Oct 2004
      • 8123

      Re: taking some time out

      Hi Dom,

      I've just sent you a PM

      Come back to me asap


      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5031

        Re: taking some time out

        sent you a reply in two parts again
        How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


        • thebanned1
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • May 2009
          • 5031

          Re: taking some time out

          i,m fucking sick of this place, it's completely fucked, simple essentials needed for everyday life are getting out of the reach of everyone, simple things like toilet roll for example, the stuff every one can afford is so bad that you have to use half a roll just to wipe you're arse right once, that's all going into the sewage system and costing the system huge sums of money to process which is costing scottish water a huge amount of their budget and that is why tap water has become so shit, smells like bleach and tastes horrible because they can no longer afford to pay for the right stuff to make it pure, then you have to go buy bottled water which is so expensive and so dirty and not even filtered or anything, e coli or anything could be in that stuff, they don't even check it, most of that shit is just tap water anyway put into plastic bottles that is fucking up the planet more than anything, the water is messing with people's hair and skin and causing them to become conscious of their looks which is probably why they are sitting in front of their tv's or computers all day and not going out as much as they can and driving people to depression and all sorts of other health problems, this could be one of the reasons why all the shops in the main street are closing down, well one of the reasons and why things like internet shopping and supermarkets are becoming so big because everyone is either going to a one stop shop for everything or sitting on their arse and getting everything delivered right to their door just look at how many people have started to use home deliveries from supermarkets, it's keeping the royal mail going, i was in the sorting office for one day in my town and i swear everything i touched ,all the boxes and parcels were from amazon, that told me a lot, probably more than it should of, things like cd's were 2 and 3 quid cheaper ( including delivery ) than it would of cost for people to go out on the main street and buy it themselves, for me to buy the music i like it would of cost me a good £10 in train fair plus the cost of a cd for some music i could even listen too before i bought it, it has hit record shops hard,take virgin for example, when i was at uni i had to travel into glasgow and i was buying music from there all the time simply because it was the only place ( glasgow ) where the shops were and i was already in the city anyway, people couldn't really afford to travel into the city every time to buy things like music or dvd's and this was the only place where those shops were based because they were spending so much money on trying to live as good as they can and when the computer and internet came along piracy just got huge because everyone loves to feel good and everyone loves something for free, it's not because people couldn't afford to buy the media it was because the only places they could get it from was costing too much to get too, once you get into the habit of getting things for free then why would you bother to start paying for it again ? i,ve sat on forums like this for over a decade and downloaded so much stuff over the years, far too much stuff to go through in my life and it has damaged the scene more than anything because although there is some good music in those sets some dj's don't even bother giving you a tracklist for you the people to go out and buy the music they are hearing, the dj scene is fucking itself over big time, dj's are getting music years in advance and playing it to people and by the time the people find out the name of the song they like it all old and no one buys it, by that time people have already downloaded more music for free and have moved onto something that sounds different, there is so much choice out there and it is getting better and better all the time but the people at the top are not helping the artists by feeding people who are willing to buy the music the names of the song or artists and that is driving a lot of talent in music to move onto something else because they are not making any money from it, the scene could last a life time but it's killing itself for the reasonsi,ve just mentioned
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          • Micko
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • Oct 2004
            • 8123

            Re: taking some time out

            Can you come back to me asap Dom


            • thebanned1
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • May 2009
              • 5031

              Re: taking some time out

              How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


              • unkle
                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                • Mar 2007
                • 10174

                Re: taking some time out

                Ohh man, Sorry to hear all that. I cant say too much about it,
                just, I hope you win, stay strong and watch your steps.
                all the best for you buddy.


                • DIDI
                  Aussie Pest
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 16845

                  Re: taking some time out

                  Originally posted by thebanned1
                  i,m fine m8 honestly, just sitting trying to read a couple of books on diet and stuff, finding it hard, never been able to read properly in my life so i have to keep going over and over paragraphs and sentences, can't even spell properly, if it wasn't for spell checking on my browser i would of looked a right idiot every where, i think that is part of the problem with my reading, i,ve always hated the english subject since school, bores me to death, i got through a bachelor in science without ever reading a book and got through a subject in english in college when i just about every word in my essays was misspelled can't even remember if i used word or hand wrote them now if i,m honest but if i used word i was using spell checker for just about every second word, kind of scary if you think about it
                  Hey maybe I can do something useful. If you want to tell me which books etc. I can summarise for you
                  Originally posted by TheVrk
                  it IS incredible isn't it??
                  STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                  Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                  The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                  • DIDI
                    Aussie Pest
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 16845

                    Re: taking some time out

                    Originally posted by thebanned1
                    i,m fucking sick of this place, it's completely fucked, simple essentials needed for everyday life are getting out of the reach of everyone, simple things like toilet roll for example, the stuff every one can afford is so bad that you have to use half a roll just to wipe you're arse right once, that's all going into the sewage system and costing the system huge sums of money to process which is costing scottish water a huge amount of their budget and that is why tap water has become so shit, smells like bleach and tastes horrible because they can no longer afford to pay for the right stuff to make it pure, then you have to go buy bottled water which is so expensive and so dirty and not even filtered or anything, e coli or anything could be in that stuff, they don't even check it, most of that shit is just tap water anyway put into plastic bottles that is fucking up the planet more than anything, the water is messing with people's hair and skin and causing them to become conscious of their looks which is probably why they are sitting in front of their tv's or computers all day and not going out as much as they can and driving people to depression and all sorts of other health problems, this could be one of the reasons why all the shops in the main street are closing down, well one of the reasons and why things like internet shopping and supermarkets are becoming so big because everyone is either going to a one stop shop for everything or sitting on their arse and getting everything delivered right to their door just look at how many people have started to use home deliveries from supermarkets, it's keeping the royal mail going, i was in the sorting office for one day in my town and i swear everything i touched ,all the boxes and parcels were from amazon, that told me a lot, probably more than it should of, things like cd's were 2 and 3 quid cheaper ( including delivery ) than it would of cost for people to go out on the main street and buy it themselves, for me to buy the music i like it would of cost me a good £10 in train fair plus the cost of a cd for some music i could even listen too before i bought it, it has hit record shops hard,take virgin for example, when i was at uni i had to travel into glasgow and i was buying music from there all the time simply because it was the only place ( glasgow ) where the shops were and i was already in the city anyway, people couldn't really afford to travel into the city every time to buy things like music or dvd's and this was the only place where those shops were based because they were spending so much money on trying to live as good as they can and when the computer and internet came along piracy just got huge because everyone loves to feel good and everyone loves something for free, it's not because people couldn't afford to buy the media it was because the only places they could get it from was costing too much to get too, once you get into the habit of getting things for free then why would you bother to start paying for it again ? i,ve sat on forums like this for over a decade and downloaded so much stuff over the years, far too much stuff to go through in my life and it has damaged the scene more than anything because although there is some good music in those sets some dj's don't even bother giving you a tracklist for you the people to go out and buy the music they are hearing, the dj scene is fucking itself over big time, dj's are getting music years in advance and playing it to people and by the time the people find out the name of the song they like it all old and no one buys it, by that time people have already downloaded more music for free and have moved onto something that sounds different, there is so much choice out there and it is getting better and better all the time but the people at the top are not helping the artists by feeding people who are willing to buy the music the names of the song or artists and that is driving a lot of talent in music to move onto something else because they are not making any money from it, the scene could last a life time but it's killing itself for the reasonsi,ve just mentioned
                    Technology has made it so much easier to be greedy.
                    Originally posted by TheVrk
                    it IS incredible isn't it??
                    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                    • diegoff
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 3866

                      Re: taking some time out

                      so true
                      It´s a spiritual thing!

                      feb 2021 https://soundcloud.com/diegoarv/pand...os-inflamables
                      Sept 26th https://soundcloud.com/diegoarv/earthling-vibes
                      May 1st 2020 https://soundcloud.com/diegoarv/current


                      • thebanned1
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • May 2009
                        • 5031

                        Re: taking some time out

                        Originally posted by DIDI
                        Technology has made it so much easier to be greedy.
                        jdownloader made it easy, 200 or so sets from the same dj in one sitting, people are hoarding too much stuff and buying nothing, it's easy to make someone sit on their arse all day and keep them entertained for a long time,free films and music all day long and sitting on the internet all day, it's killing people hard, it's probably affecting people in colder climates more because they don't want to go out in bad weather and when you get used to it it's a hard cycle to break, the computer has everything you need to keep you entertained for a long time, it's a death trap, i,ve spent the last 20 years or so doing nothing but sit at a computer simply because it kept me happy for a long time, fed me music, gave me people to talk to, helped me be creative ( not any more though ) and everything i needed was in one place, it was as easy as getting up in the morning and switching it on, instant entertainment, even office jobs are fucking up people, they are sitting at a computer all day working using computer programs all day

                        so many people do it, they are an easy target as well, look at how much wrong information is out there on the internet and how many people turn to webpages for their main source of information, it's easy for people to writer pages on things like diet and health style that are wrong and cause all sorts of health problems in the future, people know exactly how to target people like this, if you think about it all the info i,ve put out on the internet over the years is frightening, telling people i,ve been smoking, telling people i,ve been doing drugs, it would be so easy to kill or hurt someone like me and make it look like a natural occurrence, it's easy for them to blame it on an unhealthy lifestyle and blame health problems from things like lack of exercise, you can't really trust anything on the internet and even .gov pages etc are a bit too complicated to understand so people go for information that is easy to read and understand, it's probably killed so many because everyone believes all the stuff they read and people are writing other pages based that info themselves without being able to confirm if that info is correct or not, in all the time i,ve spent on the internet i,ve never really found one web page i could honestly say i could trust fully, it's just so easy to trick people into believing that everything you read on here is right, people were going through degree's ripping info from the net, no one can verify or not what they are reading is true or not, it's just screwing up everything... look at how popular conspiracy theories are becoming, it's like half the world population is starting to believe all that stuff, it's making the whole world a paranoid place to live, it's one thing that is driving the world to destruction, the internet is just a deadly place, nothing is safe, you can't trust no one, look at how long i,ve known all of you guys and i,ve never even seen any of you're faces except in picture on facebook and there is not even any way of confirming that is actually the person behind the keyboard, you guys could be pedophiles or anything ( please don't take offence to that i,m just using it as an example ), look what happened to this place, it was hacked, the code is still fucked, for all you know the hacker could of grabbed all you're IP's and set you up for all sorts without you even realizing it was done, some of us could of been sent to prison an innocent person or anything, you used to be able to switch your router off and switch you're IP address in about 20 seconds but now you have the same address for years at a time, anyone could be doing anything to your computer and you would never know especially if you're downloading all the time, that's getting dangerous as hell

                        people are basing setting up business and stuff based on info they are finding on the net and everything, that info could be anything and doing more harm than good, in scotland there has been a sharp rise in people becoming fitness instructors etc, i know a guy who is one and he's just setting up a gym that uses ropes and stuff, one person falls from a rope and breaks their back and it's years of medical treatments, a m8 of mine does body building, he uses all sort of protein shakes and other stuff, all he's doing is just making himself fat and over working his body in the gym causing problems with his joints and other things like cartridge and causing other sorts of problems associated with his weight, i,m not saying these guys got that sort of info from the internet but really where else would you find out things like that ? from a book in the library ?

                        the internet is just getting deadly
                        How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                        • thebanned1
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • May 2009
                          • 5031

                          Re: taking some time out

                          micko i tried to send a reply to you're pm but it says you've exceeded your limit so it wouldn't send, thanks for taking the time out to talk to me, it helped a bit, made me think about a few things
                          How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                          • Micko
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 8123

                            Re: taking some time out

                            I have deleted my pms - can you try again


                            • jay813
                              Platinum Poster
                              • May 2005
                              • 1344

                              Re: taking some time out

                              Originally posted by thebanned1

                              not impossible to fix things ? you're madder than me lol... you have no idea what you're talking about, people who have never been through it will never understand it.. the drugs are useless and cause all sort of other problems and they don't even fix half the problems at all, they just numb you to a point where you don't care any more, it completely ruins lives more than it helps lives, i first took my first anti psychotic drug in the 90's ( one course of treatment, didn't even go back for more ) and the side effects were still the same some 10-15 years later, patients would of been reporting the same side effects to their doctors for years and no one bother to change the formula or anything, sometimes i think it's deliberate, i saw someone i was in a ward with at one point the other day, guy was only a young guy and he's basically killing himself hard ( smoking cigarette's right to the filter etc ), he didn't even remember me, i had to remind him who i was, the poor guy just looked so fucked up, he couldn't even get a sentence out or nothing
                              I don't disagree with you there, we are far away from being able to prescribe any kind of "fix". Doctors just give you pills and hope for the best. I really do wish you the best. I wish mental health wasnt a such a taboo topic and talked about more. Mental health facilities here are usually the first to see cuts in funding and its unfortunate.


                              • thebanned1
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • May 2009
                                • 5031

                                Re: taking some time out

                                Originally posted by jay813
                                I don't disagree with you there, we are far away from being able to prescribe any kind of "fix". Doctors just give you pills and hope for the best. I really do wish you the best. I wish mental health wasnt a such a taboo topic and talked about more. Mental health facilities here are usually the first to see cuts in funding and its unfortunate.

                                the pills don't work, there is just so much they don't deal with, it's like watching you life pass by you and there is nothing you can do about it, the side effects just ruin your body and that is just as painful if not more painful as living with mental health, that on top of that just plays on your mind so heavily, it's like a never ending cycle of mental health problems, when i say problems i don't mean things as sever as schizophrenia i mean things like depression and loneliness to name a few, people are either going to their doctors and asking for anti depressants or they are getting high all the time to help them forget, either way it's costing the health service a huge amount of cash to deal with, psychiatric drugs are expensive and people need lengthy treatments but if you then add on the cost of treating a patient for substance abuse then you can see just how much it's costing the nhs not to mention just how much these people are paid in sickness benefits, it's costing the country a fortune and the bill is rising all the time, god knows what it cost to put me in hospital for 8 weeks at a time, 3 times...it's hard to explain the experience but it breaks you hard, you're never quite the same after that, just about everyone i,ve known to go through that system ( that i keep in touch with ) is killing themselves in some way or another, the system is just all wrong, it's like the people that created it knew exactly what they were doing in the first place, i still say it deliberate as paranoid as that sounds, honestly they are just driving people to suicide or a long slow painful costly slow death and a lot of people are profiting from that big time
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