taking some time out

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  • DIDI
    Aussie Pest
    • Nov 2004
    • 16845

    Re: taking some time out

    Originally posted by thebanned1
    jdownloader made it easy, 200 or so sets from the same dj in one sitting, people are hoarding too much stuff and buying nothing, it's easy to make someone sit on their arse all day and keep them entertained for a long time,free films and music all day long and sitting on the internet all day, it's killing people hard, it's probably affecting people in colder climates more because they don't want to go out in bad weather and when you get used to it it's a hard cycle to break, the computer has everything you need to keep you entertained for a long time, it's a death trap, i,ve spent the last 20 years or so doing nothing but sit at a computer simply because it kept me happy for a long time, fed me music, gave me people to talk to, helped me be creative ( not any more though ) and everything i needed was in one place, it was as easy as getting up in the morning and switching it on, instant entertainment, even office jobs are fucking up people, they are sitting at a computer all day working using computer programs all day

    so many people do it, they are an easy target as well, look at how much wrong information is out there on the internet and how many people turn to webpages for their main source of information, it's easy for people to writer pages on things like diet and health style that are wrong and cause all sorts of health problems in the future, people know exactly how to target people like this, if you think about it all the info i,ve put out on the internet over the years is frightening, telling people i,ve been smoking, telling people i,ve been doing drugs, it would be so easy to kill or hurt someone like me and make it look like a natural occurrence, it's easy for them to blame it on an unhealthy lifestyle and blame health problems from things like lack of exercise, you can't really trust anything on the internet and even .gov pages etc are a bit too complicated to understand so people go for information that is easy to read and understand, it's probably killed so many because everyone believes all the stuff they read and people are writing other pages based that info themselves without being able to confirm if that info is correct or not, in all the time i,ve spent on the internet i,ve never really found one web page i could honestly say i could trust fully, it's just so easy to trick people into believing that everything you read on here is right, people were going through degree's ripping info from the net, no one can verify or not what they are reading is true or not, it's just screwing up everything... look at how popular conspiracy theories are becoming, it's like half the world population is starting to believe all that stuff, it's making the whole world a paranoid place to live, it's one thing that is driving the world to destruction, the internet is just a deadly place, nothing is safe, you can't trust no one, look at how long i,ve known all of you guys and i,ve never even seen any of you're faces except in picture on facebook and there is not even any way of confirming that is actually the person behind the keyboard, you guys could be pedophiles or anything ( please don't take offence to that i,m just using it as an example ), look what happened to this place, it was hacked, the code is still fucked, for all you know the hacker could of grabbed all you're IP's and set you up for all sorts without you even realizing it was done, some of us could of been sent to prison an innocent person or anything, you used to be able to switch your router off and switch you're IP address in about 20 seconds but now you have the same address for years at a time, anyone could be doing anything to your computer and you would never know especially if you're downloading all the time, that's getting dangerous as hell

    people are basing setting up business and stuff based on info they are finding on the net and everything, that info could be anything and doing more harm than good, in scotland there has been a sharp rise in people becoming fitness instructors etc, i know a guy who is one and he's just setting up a gym that uses ropes and stuff, one person falls from a rope and breaks their back and it's years of medical treatments, a m8 of mine does body building, he uses all sort of protein shakes and other stuff, all he's doing is just making himself fat and over working his body in the gym causing problems with his joints and other things like cartridge and causing other sorts of problems associated with his weight, i,m not saying these guys got that sort of info from the internet but really where else would you find out things like that ? from a book in the library ?

    the internet is just getting deadly
    brother are you ever preaching to the converted here!! So much of
    what you say here rings true. I do love the internet but It can be such an isolating place . You do have to so careful. .!!
    Originally posted by TheVrk
    it IS incredible isn't it??
    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


    • thebanned1
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • May 2009
      • 5031

      Re: taking some time out

      i was reading up on the side effects of the medication i was on last night and i read that alcohol can increase the side effects of the drug, i,m not sure now if i was told this or not when i was first put on it ( i probably was but i can't remember that far back ), if i was i was telling my doctor i was drinking all and they never thought to tell me about this, my cpn even saw me in the super market buying 3 packs of ten beers and they never even thought of reminding me about this, i,ve probably hurt myself more due to this and not even realized i did it, if i hadn't had the internet ( like a lot of other patients who have been thought it and prescribed the same medication ) then i would of never found out about this and by the time i did find out it was too late, i,ve probably said this before but it's like they tell you drugs are bad etc and then the patient thinks the only option is too go by alcohol, i still say it's a trap, when i was going to the chemist i started to notice that every time i would go for my pills they would come from a different manufacturer all the time and i just sussed this morning that this could of been suss as an overdose of the meds i were on is dangerous, i know how this is going to look but they could of been increasing the dosage in those pills all the time and no one would of been checking what was in them before they were handing them out, it would be so easy for companies that make the pills to do this to cause damage to the body to profit from future health problems that arise due to this and make it look like a natural thing or blame it on alcohol or bad diet, it would be that easy, i feel like i,ve just been murdered for profit... my bones are all cracking and everything, feet all bent etc so my future is probably pain medications etc and that is scaring the shit out of me because no one thinks about what is in the pills before they take them and they could gradually increase the dosage to get people addicted more, just look at how america has a big problem with people addicted to pain meds for example, someone is profiting from that big time, i remember back when i was a drug user people started breaking into pharmacies for either valiums or temazipam and they started to tighten that shit up fast, i often wonder where drugs like this come from that are on the street, it's like someone is putting them out deliberately to profit from them and at the same time increasing people's tolerance to them so that if in the future they are prescribed the same types of medication they have to give them stronger and more expensive treatments
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      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5031

        Re: taking some time out

        it would be easy for these companies to start slipping something into the pills un noticed that causes other diseases, something cancerous for example, something that harms you're liver, wrecks you're bones, just about every health complaint you could think of could be targeted this way, no one is checking it a the point of sale, even if they were checking they would still need to go to the same companies for the chemicals they needed to check

        i,ve probably just committed suicide by saying all this ( and i know i look paranoid and delusional )... it would be easy for companies to kill someone like me and make it look natural, these guys know exactly what they are doing
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        • thebanned1
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • May 2009
          • 5031

          Re: taking some time out

          just realized how screwed i am, just cost the system a huge sum of money to fix the repercutions of a drug problem, hospital visits, doctor appointments, medicines and money to live off ( didn't even spend any of that on food or anything till recently ) and that has probably done more damage to me than harm, mentally and physically, i still think i was sane in the first place and that has messed with me more than anything throughout this expereince, i,m not even sure if that is part of the mental health problem i was diagnosed with, the govenment stopped the biggest part of my benefits, i,m now living off less than £200 a month, when that money goes i,m basically messed up, i've been out of work since 2008 and even jobs like cleaning jobs are now looking for people with experience so i know that when that money goes i,m going to have to sign on for job seekers allowance and they will just sanction my payments because i,ll be unable to find a job and they will think i,m not doing enough to find work, looking for work on the jobcentre website is probably the most depressing thing i,ve done in the past couple of weeks, this whole area is screwed, i,m lucky, i still live at home so i have food to eat if that wasn't the case i'd probably have to start living off food banks, food that is basically given away by the public and collected by charities and given out to people who are in need, that's a case of take what ever you can get, not even any fruit or veg, when this happens i,m basically going to end up back in the health system at one point and cost it more money as will many other who are already in the same position, it's basically the future for a lot of people who are in the same boat, it's becoming quite alarming the amount of people that are going through that right now
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          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: taking some time out

            Is there anyway you can spend your time online researching how to plant your own garden? In my neighborhood there is a company that will turn your front yard into a garden for you in exchange for sharing some of the yield with others, pretty cool idea IMO.

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • thebanned1
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • May 2009
              • 5031

              Re: taking some time out

              don't have much space to grow anything
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              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29116

                Re: taking some time out

                You'd be surprised what you can grow in buckets. I have a friend who is growing like 10 different kinds of tomatoes, in buckets.

                Working outside on a project like this would be very good for you for so many reasons mate, give it a thought. Can be done very cheaply too, just gotta get creative. And btw, these types of DIY projects are one of the things I love about the internet. So many ideas and instructional videos.

                more veggies that grow in buckets here: Bucket Container Planting Vegetables – Using Buckets For Growing Vegetables


                It was fun while it lasted...


                • thebanned1
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • May 2009
                  • 5031

                  Re: taking some time out

                  you can only do that in the summer here as we don't have the climate and lot of people just don't have gardens and even those who do don't have enough money to buy a house with enough space to do this, houses in Scotland are pretty cheap compared with the rest of the UK though, if electricity was cheaper people would probably grow more with grow lights but as it stands it's just not viable and i,ve just said people just don't have the room to do this themselves, there is a valley close to where i live that is all green houses etc and they can only stuff when the weather is good ( not even sure if they still use them any more been a while since i was down there ), they could grow a lot of food in places like that if they could afford to pay for the right lights, electricity and pay staff at the same time but the price of everything has been driven up so much over the years places like that just can't afford to run, scotland met it's target for renewable energy well before anyone else yet the price of electricity didn't come down a dime, the place is full of wind farms now, they are all over the place, most of the food you buy now is imported from countries all over the place, places with hotter climates, by the time it reaches the shelves most of it is all going off, i went into a shop the other day and was thinking of buying a single pepper and the skin was all wrinkly and stuff and it had probably been put out on the shelf "fresh" that day, mostly peppers come in packs of 3 at a time, as i,m single and cooking for one i couldn't get through 3 and would have to end up throwing the best part of them out, it's much cheaper to buy then in packs of 3 but people just end up wasting them, eating for one is hard because you can only buy certain food this way for example you can only buy things like sweetcorn in packs of 2 or tinned ( which is all sugar or salt ), i,ll eat one piece of sweetcorn tonight and end up having to eat the same thing tomorrow, you're just as well to eat junk food because the amount of stuff you throw away is just wasting you're money and junk food is cheaper in the long run, there is more junk food places in this town than there is actual normal shops and this is a relatively small place, it's the only shops that are still alive on the main street, i think that says a lot for itself
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                  • thebanned1
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • May 2009
                    • 5031

                    Re: taking some time out

                    can anyone help me look for info on something ( micko or someone ), look for statistics about how many people have been through the mental health system and have committed suicide, i feel like i,m being driven to it now, my dad is a retired nurse who worked in mental health for 37 years, he knows all the little techniques and tricks, he uses them all the time around me, i notice it all the time, the trouble with that is that everyone knows exactly what is happening but they can't explain how it is happening and it just drives a person to completely frustration, it's even worse coming from a family member ( every time i look at him i just hate the fucking site of him due to this and you only get one dad, if it had not been for him showing me what a complete asshole he was on alcohol i would probably have never taken drugs in the first place ), i,ve seen him come home from work with bruises and all sorts on his arms probably because some patients have been driven to violence by this technique, he just done something a couple of minutes ago ( not going to say how ) and i more or less snapped and flung a book, every time i,ve been in a ward i,ve seen normally docile people be driven to the point of snapping, slamming doors at 6 in the morning because someone was refused a paracetamol for a sore head and various other things, every time i,ve been in a ward i,ve noticed things and said things to nurses, i,ve said things to doctors and each time all the have done is answered me with a question like what are you talking about, that has probably driven more people to be medicated than it should have, sane people tortured to a point where they just snap and when they are classed as mentally ill there life is basically over
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                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5031

                      Re: taking some time out

                      all my life i grown up around people who have changed their personality as soon as they get a drink in them, seen people become aggressive on it, normally nice people become complete assholes and 2 faced, normally calm people turning to violence, it's been with me throughout my childhood right up until this point in my life, i honestly believe that is why i started off on drugs in the first place and if my life was anything to go by it could be why so many people have turned to drugs instead, once you have started to go down that route everything you have been told that is bad about them just goes out the window, you feel like you have been lied to all your life, i know what alcohol did to my childhood ( not going to go there ) and then i think about how kids these days are being brought up with people who are smoking cannabis, docile and calm all the time and loving, these kids are possibly going to grow up thinking that drugs are not as bad as they really are and if legal highs are anything to go by then the future of drug use is just going to be a scary thing to watch in the future
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                      • thebanned1
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • May 2009
                        • 5031

                        Re: taking some time out

                        i,ve just been thinking about what i,ve just said and it has made me think about some of the things i did during my druggy days, we used to gather in a house and sit and smoke weed and take "coke" in front of the guys kid who owned the house, she must of seen what we were doing all the time and wondered what it was, i even remember her putting her hand in a gram of "coke" at one point, that's how stupid it was, we didn't even consider the effects on what this would do to this kid when she was growing up, it probably effected her in the same way that alcohol effected me in my childhood, by the time she realized what it was it was too late, both her mum and dad were dead due to drug abuse, her dad died of a heroin overdose and her mum died of amphetamine and alcohol abuse, i don't even want to go there to think what that girl has been through because of this and it's just struck me that we were all responsible for this in some way, we were all focusing on getting high to notice that this could of affected this kid and completely blind to it because we were all high as fuck
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                        • harry ramsden
                          Wanna play sudoko with me?
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 465

                          Re: taking some time out

                          Targeted Individual?


                          • DIDI
                            Aussie Pest
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 16845

                            Re: taking some time out

                            "mostly peppers come in packs of 3 at a time, as i,m single and cooking for one i couldn't get through 3 and would have to end up throwing the best part of them out, it's much cheaper to buy then in packs of 3 but people just end up wasting them,"

                            This is one of my biggest issues !! Every greengrocer/ supermarket should sell single items. It should be law !! All over the world the numbers of homeless people and working poor are growing . The people that need the food have to pay a premium for the people who can afford to buy bulk !! They do it here too!
                            Originally posted by TheVrk
                            it IS incredible isn't it??
                            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                            • thebanned1
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • May 2009
                              • 5031

                              Re: taking some time out

                              this whole country is driving it's self to cancer and other illnesses, i,m reading a book just now and it's telling me a lot even though i,m hopeless at reading, i didn't even know that there was arsenic in drinking water and i was drinking shitloads of the stuff, the fillings in my teeth are also supposed to be cancer causing, i made a list of everything i need to buy to try to prevent it with diet ( not even sure i can ) and it's going to cost me a fortune and it won't even last me a day ( some of it will ), i,m not even sure that i,m going to be able to afford enough to give me the recommended daily intake of vitamins, shit is scary, just look at vitamin c and then start to look at the vitamin content in fruits and veg containing vitamin c, you could spend a whole days budget on just getting enough of that in one go, like i,ve probably already said i,m probably living off more than what most families have at their disposal, place is truly fucked
                              How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                              • thebanned1
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • May 2009
                                • 5031

                                Re: taking some time out

                                Originally posted by harry ramsden
                                Targeted Individual?
                                what ?
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