taking some time out

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  • floridaorange
    I'm merely a humble butler
    • Dec 2005
    • 29116

    Re: taking some time out

    The American's on this board are all very familiar with everything you've been saying, we see it daily in our lives. Either at home for some of us, or when we drive through certain areas, but it is everywhere here.

    It was fun while it lasted...


    • floridaorange
      I'm merely a humble butler
      • Dec 2005
      • 29116

      Re: taking some time out

      It was fun while it lasted...


      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5031

        Re: taking some time out

        Originally posted by floridaorange

        i don't even have to watch that and i know it's true, i,m spending £3-5 a day on fruit and veg ( sometimes even less ) and feeling much better already, not ate any wheat or meat in a long time, just sticking to fruit, veg and seeds, i smoked and drank was never told that this could mess up your vit b or c levels, didn't even know those were water soluble, i,m getting out the house more since i came off my meds, 2-3 times a day something that would never of happened if i didn't stop taking them, struggling a bit though because my pinky toe on my right foot is hurting like hell, haven't weighed myself or anything but the weight i,ve lost since coming off them is frightening i just got back into jeans i bought 10+ years ago ( maybe longer ) and i had to stop wearing because the meds increased my weight
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        • floridaorange
          I'm merely a humble butler
          • Dec 2005
          • 29116

          Re: taking some time out

          Right on Dom, that's great to hear! Keep up the good work, some of these meds can take up to a year to get completely out of your system I have been told, and I believe it. Also, its good to know that you yourself are noticing positive changes, because usually we are the last ones to notice. It can take 6 months - year of consistently taking care of yourself before any obvious changes, so keep going, its worth it!

          It was fun while it lasted...


          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5031

            Re: taking some time out

            just clicked to something, last time i started to try my diet right i was working at the time and the shop i was going to was on the road home so i would go in there and get stuff to eat on the way home, i starting noticing all sorts of strange stuff happening around me ( can't exactly remember what exactly but i felt like i was being made to look paranoid and i started to go to another shop ( if i remember right ), i was panicking quite a bit at that point and everywhere i went it seemed to be around me, i posted on another forum about it and someone posted a thing called gang stalking and it explained it perfectly ( a systematic form of control or something like that, i think the SS used to use it to try to get people to commit suicide, probably now used as a business technique ), i remember having an appointment with the doctor and i had to leave work early one day, as i was coming up to the health center i seen everyone standing outside and i just walked passed it without going to the docs, i later found out a guy had set himself on fire inside the building, a couple of days ago i went up for an appointment at the doctors and there was an accident outside it right at the time my appointment was, again i,m going from shop to shop trying to get my diet right, it's just to coincidental that this would happen at the same time at the same time if you know what i mean, funny it's all started to happen again now that i,ve spat all this out on the forum again just like it did the last time
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            • thebanned1
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • May 2009
              • 5031

              Re: taking some time out

              i think it was after all that my mum got breast cancer and high blood pressure, my dad became an alcoholic and got diabetes, my sister lost a baby, my brothers sister got a brain tumor, my neighbor's daughter got a brain tumor, my neighbor ( pretty old guy ) ended up in a old folks home and died pretty quickly
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              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29116

                Re: taking some time out

                No such thing as gang stalking man.

                It was fun while it lasted...


                • thebanned1
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • May 2009
                  • 5031

                  Re: taking some time out

                  yea right
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                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: taking some time out

                    United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers - NYTimes.com

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5031

                      Re: taking some time out

                      lol..it's easy to hide something where that something is already discredited in the first place, it's the perfect place, everyone hates the government for example so it would be so easy to put something up there hide it in a conspiracy theory and then make it look as if it's not real and then feed lots of paranoid people that kind of information to discredit it's authenticity ( does that make sense ? ) "gangstocking" was used long before the internet was developed , look at how chris and i were arguing about 9/11 and how we both had different views on it, we obviously had different idea's on it, tbh both of us had no clue where that info was coming from, we were just picking up what we learned from different places and both started ranting about what we thought was right ( sorry chris )the best place to hide something is in plain view where everyone can see it but no one notices it because it's just a regular thing

                      people will believe anything they are fed,i,ve seen doctors and nurses learn they are helping people but really have learned a technique that is just driving people back to where those people were in the first place, these are all educated people and have paid big money to go through degree's and stuff, all the drugs i,ve read about seem to interact with other things and are seriously deffective, my mum for example is on 2 different pills from two different manufacturers for high blood pressure, she takes them at the same time, i just don't get why they can't just put it in the one pill and be done with it, she said to me different combinations work better for different people but yesterday when i was looking up her medication i seen a wash of different medications for the same thing ( lots ), how do doctors find out what combination works for each person ? they can't really tell without trying people on different combinations by they have found the right combination they have spent a shitload wasting medicine that doesn't work, big money is being made from that alone

                      my experience of the mental health system for example, they are blaming that one on "science" or "lack of knowledge" but i think that is bullshit, the drugs are deliberately bad imo, my dad used to work in a state hospital ( a mental prison ) so he obviously knows how to restrain someone if they get out of hand ( i don't know if they are all constantly sedated or not ), some of the most violent people that have ever walked the streets in this country are in there, and then he moved to a normal mental health place and started to come home with all sorts of bruises and stuff, i don't know if it is the same technique they use in a place like that or the technique has changed over the years to currently suit "trends" and blame it one something like drug usage for example, i think he did a degree about 10 years or so obviously learned new stuff about it recently,it's basically torture and drives people mad, i honestly think it's been deliberately leaked out onto the street as is getting used by businesses and such, i went to the local fruit shop the other day and got some fruit, i walked past it the next day and noticed he had some beetroot, for two days i thought about buying beetroot from my supermarket and on the second day as i walked up to it a guy with really bad skin walked up to me and nodded his head towards it, people have started to use all sorts of stuff to drive people away from some of the good things in businesses and drive them to other places where there is different items to choose from, the apples i was buying from one place suddenly dissapeered from one shop and appeared in another place ( so they couldn't of been out of season )

                      i,ve seen this before, it happens every time i try to get my diet right, people are just trying to get people confused and thinking about things so they can't really concentrate, i told my doctor this yesterday and he said he was going to put me back on medication, it was on my mind so much i didn't even look the right way when i was crossing the road, the more stressed out i become the quicker i chew my food
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                      • thebanned1
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • May 2009
                        • 5031

                        Re: taking some time out

                        btw still going between two shops lol

                        sudden influx of people with limps going to one and a sudden influx of beautiful people in the other
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                        • thebanned1
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • May 2009
                          • 5031

                          Re: taking some time out

                          talked with my doctor and a nurse about something that happened the other day, guy pulls up in a car outside my window where i can see him and starts smoking on a vape and looking in the direction of my window, really unusual body language, it drew my attention to him right away, he had a safety vest on and i,m talking about dodgy builders and dodgy drug companies, after a couple of minutes he got out the car and looked in the direction of the little girl i was talking about in this thread ( the one with glasses, she was outside playing ), i just found out yesterday that this little girl plays around with my m8's little girl and she is on heart medication because some prick builder done a dodgy job on his extension on his house ( not exactly sure how it happened, i think it was sewage or something, he was on the tv at some point because of this ), talking to her dad yesterday and he told me all about it when i asked how she was and it was then that i learned that she was this little girls pal

                          he went up the path across from my neighbors and walked up the top of the street ( on the other side of the road ) but came down on my side of the road and crossed over it to get to his car...bit unusual, if he was going form door to door then he would of took longer to get back, he then went into the boot of his car and took out a bottle of water, took a drink, licked his lips and looked at my neighbors house ( not talked with them, don't even know their names, guy works in tesco i think ), really unusual, the house was behind his field of view
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                          • thebanned1
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • May 2009
                            • 5031

                            Re: taking some time out

                            went to a different shop today, going to buy a pack of seed mix ( i usually get them from another shop ) but linseeds (flax) are missing (£1:75 from there) from the mix so i,ll have to go back to that shop to get them, they are £1 on the website ( minimum spend of £40 before you're even considered for delivery or £2 for a pack with a mix of 4 seeds *all omega 3 and 6* ) but in the shop they are £2:20, it's as if they don't want people to eat vegan because they both know it will put them out of business, it's probably the healthiest diet out there at the moment, i,m spending 4-5 a day and feeling happy and full, no wheat, no meat, getting all my b vitamins and c vitamins, i like how they all switch all the best products between each other and take all the good stuff off their shelves regularly to milk the shit out of people who are buying those products all the time by replacing them with something that is worse than the things they were buying regularly... every time i go to these places i,m seeing the same people walking out with two bags full of stuff all the time, people are going down there everyday and spending £20 or so each day on BS and the more you eat the more acid waste you have in your system and that makes you more hungry and you eat more, it's deliberate
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                            • thebanned1
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • May 2009
                              • 5031

                              Re: taking some time out

                              that's twice i went for the same kind of diet between these places and each time the same things have happened, same guy talking to his "wife and two kids" and then they walk in front of me as i,m walking up "a wee wiggle" to draw my attention to make me feel guilty about him losing his job and him not being able to feed his kids as he sits in his car, today i was walking down and there was a hearing aid lying on the floor same place as it was in 2008 ( last time i had my ipod on ), it would probably cost less for the government to put him and his family on benefits than it would be to put people through surgeries and other medical treatments on the NHS due to bad diet
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                              • thebanned1
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • May 2009
                                • 5031

                                Re: taking some time out

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