taking some time out

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  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5031

    Re: taking some time out

    just reading a book on vitamins and minerals.. the more i read it the more i,m seeing, old folk in nursing home's being starved of vitamin B and Vitamin C ( depression and cancer, alzheimers and loads of other problems, food with all the B vitamin content "cooked" out and high vitamin K content *brocolli* ) and then being fed drugs that interact with absorption of other nutrients in their bodies's which is leading them to have to take more medication, over cooking is destroying all the vitamin content ( B and C ) before they are even putting it into their mouth and then they are telling people "it's just old age"...it's not old age it's just they are not being fed correctly, you need a number of B Vitamins to work together to get the effects of them, folic acid is helped by Vit C for example... i think it's deliberate, "a quick turn around".. costs a lot of money to keep people in a nursing home and they are spending less than a fiver a day on feeding them, it all starts at "home", people on pensions and can't afford to feed themselves correctly because they're paying for gas and electricity as well ( some are in council housing with badly fitted windows etc the council just can't afford to pay a decent company to fit them because there is so much money being spent on health ) and when that starts it's just a downward spiral into a world that is "profit" based, they're an easy target because all they have known all their days is meat and potato's...it's honestly like all the drugs that are "keeping" them alive are deliberately designed to keep mess them up more

    "have a wee sandwich on ham, cup of tea ?"
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    • thebanned1
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • May 2009
      • 5031

      Re: taking some time out

      most of them are all on walking sticks or wheelchairs now because they can't afford fish, the ones that still able to walk are being taken from point to point in taxi's ( which are just getting ridiculously expensive ) because the pain in their feet is just too much for them to walk to the bus stop
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      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5031

        Re: taking some time out

        The effect of megadose ascorbic acid ingestion on the absorption and retention of vitamin B12 in man. - PubMed - NCBI

        you're not meant to take doses of b12 and vit c together, an hour apart ... cobalamin (b12) is also hurt by folic acid and Vit E deficiency

        you never find this stuff on the net... it's all wrong or dodgy looking sites
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        • thebanned1
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • May 2009
          • 5031

          Re: taking some time out

          when my dad retired from the NHS he started to work i a local old folks home, he was getting something like £20 an hour ( probably more than he was getting in a hospital ) that's the kind of money these people are making and that was also through an agency, they were also taking their cut even before they were paying my dad his wages
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          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5031

            Re: taking some time out

            bastards, seriously..they'll say we "make it soft" so the old people can chew but truth is all the old brands of toothpaste that the old people are used to are deliberately bad now, i was buying the same kind for years and all of a sudden i couldn't even put it in my mouth for more than 30 seconds without almost being sick, truth is just about every time i did brush i was sick, i more or less just stopped brushing because every time i did i was puking, i never even thought about trying another brand of toothpaste because i was trusting the one i had, i thought it was just the taste of mint that was making me sick, seemed a bit stronger than usual, my gums started to bleed and the only thing i found to cure it was mouthwash... now that i,m using a more expensive toothpaste i,m not puking any more... all the ones that are on offer are deliberately bad and that's all pensioners can afford, when the teeth go you just can't chew properly and you just build up "acid waste" and "lose nutrition" then they are given medicine that mess about with other vitamin absorbtion.. when i was in the hospital they "mashed" meat and potatoes for you ( it was an option on the list ) i don't know if they do this in nursing homes or not, it's pretty disgusting what is going on ( Care home residents fed on £2.27 a day - Telegraph )...up at the health center today and the whole place was filled with people all waiting for an appointment ( i think they are being seen by 6 doctors )..free prescription drugs in scotland as well

            an avocado ( small one, look up what farmers are being given per pound for those ), 40g of organic oats (£2 for 18 portions, no vitamin k in it) and a small organic yohgart (50p) for breakfast and i,m my mood is great all day, good balance of B vitamins ( don't eat anything with vitamin C in it with this ) energetic and happy, buying them in bulk and that would be even cheaper...they're all meat and potato's, tea, sandwiches, a wee buiscuit now and then everyday anyway
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            • thebanned1
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • May 2009
              • 5031

              Re: taking some time out

              Care Home Fees, Cost of Care Homes | Paying For Care

              that's as much as a house used to cost
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              • thebanned1
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • May 2009
                • 5031

                Re: taking some time out

                so fucking pissed right now...murdered for profit is an understatement... Antipsychotic drugs have been linked to an increased risk of blood clots - Health News - NHS Choices ... to go for a scan on one on the 29th ( in clydebank ) .... everything i need to fix it with diet leads to either infertility ( that i can handle ) heart or liver and kidney problems, i need to have these things every day to keep it empty ( Vitamins and minerals - Others - NHS Choices ), my diet now is all high cobalt, boron ( something i can't find on the only decent source on diet on the net Show Nutrients List ) and copper, i,m limited to what i can eat because of this and it's all i can get on the shelf of the supermarkets, i need to watch potassium levels ( too much can lead to heart trouble ), i don't want to take drug thinning drugs such as warfarin ( my friends dad was on that and he had something like 3 hip replacements before he died, MURDERED Warfarin - NHS Choices ) and it's either cancer ( the drug i was reading up on that was also bad for blood clotting...ooops back to warfarin again ) or osteoporosis ( oops addicted to pain killers, all the high potassium food i can buy to fix that are all linked to the problems in Vitamins and minerals - NHS Choices ), if i switch my diet again i need to switch to a diet that will lead to me becoming unfocused and depressed ( mmm anti depressants and lots of B6, just like last time in 2008, nerve problems and suicidal thoughts the lot ) and it's pretty obvious to me that someone knows i,ve come off my medication, oh he must be paranoid to think someone is watching him, i,m writting it all up on my facebook..ooops back on the medication...it's all an endless loop, i,m talking to people about it with my friends when i,m out in the street and with my mental health people..it's pretty obvious to me that something is going on, things i was buying suddenly started dissapeering from the shelf when i switched shops, they are using dietitians and everything to create business and making it look like a natural occurrence because they know that shops are forced to sell what they are selling to eliminate waste
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                • thebanned1
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • May 2009
                  • 5031

                  Re: taking some time out

                  mmm giant tangerines now in "place name of shop here" just after i was talking to my cpn about "place name of shop here" employees blocking my path to them when i was buying them regularly ( not sure if i had my phone switched on or off at that appointment or not )...went to "place name of shop here" in a another town a week ago or something now ( this is also discussed with my cpn... lol i don't even know the first thing about body language and i spotted what they were doing, same as mine has been while i,m out walking ) and i looked at the avocado's as i was walking past them the first day i was up, the very next day there was a batch of single ones put out "fresh"..never seen those on the shelf either...pricks
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                  • D.Williams
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 2062

                    Re: taking some time out

                    Why would those employees be blocking you from purchasing those ban?


                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5031

                      Re: taking some time out

                      Originally posted by D.Williams
                      Why would those employees be blocking you from purchasing those ban?
                      probably because the people in charge were getting pissed off i was spending less than a fiver ( sometimes even less ) in there every day and starting to fix my skin and look better than i have done in years, they're not exactly happy unless you're walking out of there with £40 worth of produce everyday.., it's pretty obvious it's all sequenced and directed and because it's the only place in town where you can get a job people are scared to loose their jobs so they'll do anything they're told, they're basically being used... i have no idea how it's done but there will be people that do... discussing all this up at the health center at my appointments, all the decent products i was buying at that time suddenly went off the shelf and the ones that replaced them just weren't of the same quality... couldn't of been out of seasons because they were on the shelf in another shop and still are ... in that place it's the only place where you can get flax seeds in this town, £2:20 in the shop but only £1 on the website for the same amount, minimum £40 order even before you are allow to book a delivery
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                      • thebanned1
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • May 2009
                        • 5031

                        Re: taking some time out

                        i have all the receipts off all the stuff i,ve been buying in the past couple of months so i can work it all out when and what i,ve been buying
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                        • D.Williams
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Aug 2006
                          • 2062

                          Re: taking some time out

                          Money money money
                          I work in retail and we want the customer to spend on average 50 bucks so im sure its the same for supermarkets as well


                          • thebanned1
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • May 2009
                            • 5031

                            Re: taking some time out

                            there a difference than spending 50 in something ( clothes for example, don't know what you work in ) and spending 50 on food each day, it's killing people left right and center... i wrote something out for my mental health appointments which i have here...the health system in this country spends 2.8 billion on strokes each year and 5 billion on cancer ( this was all i looked up as well ).. it's just going to get worse, the drugs that are used to treat strokes lead to cancer themselves either that or bad bones, looked up a cancer drug that i read about in a book i,m reading ( Methotrexate: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects - Drugs.com ) and it said it was bad for blood clotting...it's just an endless loop, blood clot, cancer treatment and back to blood clot and more cancer treatment or heart attack or stroke.. i don't know the first thing about it and even i can see it
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                            • D.Williams
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Aug 2006
                              • 2062

                              Re: taking some time out

                              Ya, its not right to be greedy about anything especially food


                              • thebanned1
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • May 2009
                                • 5031

                                Re: taking some time out

                                it's all screwed up...books are just like the internet, you can't really trust their source and if you do find the right ones it's far to complex to understand, some of that you need degrees to understand, even all the "healthy" stuff is all bad quality or wrong vitamin content and you end up having to waste most of it because it's cheaper to buy it all in big packs than it is to buy it singularly, if you buy it you end up eating it all and will probably end up getting cancer or some other health problem, it's quite sickening

                                got a couple of interesting days ahead, scan on 29th and 2 appointments at the health center in the two seperate days leading up to it, should be an interesting week lol
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