taking some time out

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  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5031

    Re: taking some time out

    Originally posted by floridaorange
    The skin on your scalp becomes more sensitive with age, try to use luke warm or cool water on your head in the shower when shampooing. Warm / hot water will cause dandruff. Also a cap size amount of apple cider vinegar will stop dandruff better than that shampoo your are using.
    wtf ? seems like everything i,m touching or eating is screwing me up right now, i don't know what the hell is going on, eating apples and stuff and the next thing that happens is my ears start ringing, i just bought it fresh from the shop as well, eating grapes and my ears start ringing as well, howling farts after eating cheese, i,ve been eating that stuff for years and never had that before, showering everyday and still can't my skin clear, feet all bent, bones all cracking, probably killing myself hard... i,ve just spent all day in the kitchen looking for something to eat and just about everything in the dam place will kill me in some way, full of wheat which you can't really digest properly, stuff from the freezer that is too much but if you take only a small portion the rest is fucked by the time you get back to it so you end up having to throw it away, most people just eat the whole lot instead of throwing it out, this place is death, i said earlier drugs were fucking up the health system but things like this are probably driving people to drugs and drink more than anything, it's a death trap, people are eating more junk food because it's cheaper than buying stuff fresh from the shop and cooking it at home, my body is fucked at 40 and probably no way back, everything in this country that is good for you is just too expensive, i,ve only ever seen one or 2 organic products on the shelf in my whole life and they were really expensive, you can't afford to buy them on a budget and it's screwing everyone left right and center, it's killing people all over the country
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    • thebanned1
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • May 2009
      • 5031

      Re: taking some time out

      meat is all shit, chewy as fuck, veins in it, it's just too expensive to go to a decent butcher so people are buying stuff as cheaply as they can and it's rubbish, peaches in packs of 5 or 6 that turn rotten in 2 or 3 days, fresh apples that are rotten by the time you get them, all the vitamin content in the stuff you buy is gone by the time it reaches your stomach, you don't even know what is in the chemical they spray on the food or the stuff that is in your water, can't even get decent water in scotland, it's causing all sorts of cancers and loads of other health problems, do these poeple even know what happens when certain chemicals are mixed ? god knows what that is doing to people's insides, eating pie's n stuff that are more pastry than meat content and the meat is so drenched in gravy ( god knows whats in that ) and the meat is so poor quality that there it's not even worth eating, i know nothing about diet at all, i,ve only read one or 2 books on it and even with that kind of knowledge i,m seeing problems, a decent meal for one just cost too much to cook, two or 3 pots on the cooker and something in the oven, not to mention how much decent food costs these days itself, things like fish is just too expensive for most people, even looking at what the NHS diet tree ( i think it is called that ) is impossible because there is so many different things you need to buy to have a balanced diet not only costs too much but by the time you get through even half of it you have to throw the rest away because it's all stale or rotten, no one can afford to live healthily these days and businesses are concentrating on making profit more than worrying about people's health, it's killing people hard
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      • floridaorange
        I'm merely a humble butler
        • Dec 2005
        • 29116

        Re: taking some time out

        Originally posted by thebanned1
        wtf ?
        What part was confusing for you bro? Do they have farmers markets where you live?

        It was fun while it lasted...


        • thebanned1
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • May 2009
          • 5031

          Re: taking some time out

          Originally posted by floridaorange
          What part was confusing for you bro? Do they have farmers markets where you live?
          not sure, there is a big market in a town 30 minutes or so away and not sure if they sell food or just animals, there is a little shop in the street that does fruit and veg but it's limited in what it sells and even the supermarkets have cut down on the amount of stuff they stock probably because there was a lot of waste, i guess they only sell stuff that is selling, that is probably why everyone's diet is poor because the cost of living in quite high and people just can't afford to buy the stuff that is good and they are buying cheap food, things like fish is just extortionate, £3:50 for a small piece of fish people just can't afford it even though the health service in this country recommends it twice a week, by the time you buy a piece of fish, cook it and all the rest of the veg and other stuff you need it is just to much cost, if you have a family of 3 or four then you're looking at a huge cost to feed you're family everything they need for a balanced diet each week and even if you do have the money to buy it all things are sold in such big quantities now that by the time you get through it or some of the way through it you either have to throw it away or it's old and lacking it's nutritional content, the cost of bring up a kid in this country is huge and those kids are beginning their lives either nutritionally deficient from day one or eating junk food and becoming obese at a young age because their parent just can't afford to feed them the right diet,, i don't know how to describe it but it must be hurting the health service in this country hard and our health service is paid by taxes and free for all british citizens but it's fighting a losing battle from day one for the reasons i,ve just described, things like anti depressants are being prescribed more than they ever were and this if everyone could afford to eat healthily then people would be much happier and not need things like this, in a book i was reading ( one of only a few i,ve read in my life lol ) there was a part where it said that mental health problems including schizophrenia can be attributed to diet, that's quite scary and quite serious, god knows what other diseases and other problems poor diet is causing, the drugs that they treat these with are not only really expensive but they are hopeless, the things the medication i was on has done to my body is frightening, made me slow, have to sit and think hard before i type words ( can't even think of the right words to say no more ), can't even spell and have to read things over and over before i take them in and even struggle to take them in at that, increased my appetite so i was constantly binge eating and gorging on food all the time my body wasn't even digesting it right and it was sitting in my digestive system for a long time and causing problems with my livers ability to detox my body and caused me lots of skin problems, that just caused depression, i would of killed myself a long time ago if i didn't have music to keep me going or i didn't think about what it would of done to my family, places like this basically kept me going for a long time and at the same time were probably killing me at the same time, if i had access to a gun or something i would of done it years ago and i,ll be honest i,ve probably already killed myself through substance abuse due to this, the whole mental health system is just so wrong imo, it causes more damage than good ( not sure if i,ve already mentioned that or not in here already ) i don't really want to explain why on the forum but i,m thinking about what i,m going to say to my doctor about this when i see him in a couple of days, when i came of my meds not so long ago i was a complete mess, confusion and couldn't sleep for days, some time i think the side effects are deliberate because the people that are in it are in the business of making money and how do you create more money ? you sell a defective product that creates more business, that stuff was just nasty, i,m probably a couple of operations, anti depressants and viagra ( if i ever get a girlfriend, highly unlikely at 40 ) and that is just some of the things i can think of off hand i don't know a lot about it, there is no way back now, it's completely ruining people's lives
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          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5031

            Re: taking some time out

            i,ve been out walking round my town the past couple of days and twice i,ve been approached my the same young lass, first time she asked me to go into the shop for her, i refused because it was probably to get her either drink or cigarettes, yesterday i was walking along the same street and the same girl asked me if i had a lighter, it reminded me of when i was young and we used to ask adults to go into the shops for us to get either drink or "fags" ( as we call them in scotland ), it's depressing as fuck, seriously, history repeating itself, they kids are out on the street with nothing to do and no where to go and you just know it's going to be a life time of exposure to drugs dealers and alcohol, it's like no one has learned from the mistakes of our generation and hasn't put anything in place to try to teach these people about what could potentially happen and look at what they are spending trying to fix the health problems in us in later life, i think i found a blood clot and had to go to the doctors about it and i now have to go for a scan or something and this was probably due to the drugs i was taking, it wasn't until i was in a mental ward for the second time that i found out the drugs i was taking could do this to your body, i was in my 30's by then, it was far far too late by then, we were never told anything about what drugs could do to our system when we were younger so we never even considered the dangers when we were taking them, they should of taught us this in school years ago and been brutally graphic about it
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            • DIDI
              Aussie Pest
              • Nov 2004
              • 16845

              Re: taking some time out

              ^^^The problem is at that age you probably wouldn't have believed them
              Originally posted by TheVrk
              it IS incredible isn't it??
              STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
              Simply does not get any better than Hernan
              The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


              • GarryX
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Apr 2006
                • 5407

                Re: taking some time out

                Originally posted by thebanned1
                i,ve been out walking round my town the past couple of days and twice i,ve been approached my the same young lass, first time she asked me to go into the shop for her, i refused because it was probably to get her either drink or cigarettes, yesterday i was walking along the same street and the same girl asked me if i had a lighter, it reminded me of when i was young and we used to ask adults to go into the shops for us to get either drink or "fags" ( as we call them in scotland ), it's depressing as fuck, seriously, history repeating itself, they kids are out on the street with nothing to do and no where to go and you just know it's going to be a life time of exposure to drugs dealers and alcohol, it's like no one has learned from the mistakes of our generation and hasn't put anything in place to try to teach these people about what could potentially happen and look at what they are spending trying to fix the health problems in us in later life, i think i found a blood clot and had to go to the doctors about it and i now have to go for a scan or something and this was probably due to the drugs i was taking, it wasn't until i was in a mental ward for the second time that i found out the drugs i was taking could do this to your body, i was in my 30's by then, it was far far too late by then, we were never told anything about what drugs could do to our system when we were younger so we never even considered the dangers when we were taking them, they should of taught us this in school years ago and been brutally graphic about it

                Thats just life mate, life in Scotland probably hasn't changed much in the last 50 years other than more drugs on the streets.

                Nothing that im proud of, but I've taken an obscene amount over the years and as yet, not any worse for it other than missing a few braincells.

                Sounds like youre one of the unlucky ones.

                Hope you get better soon!


                • Huggie Smiles
                  Anyone have Styx livesets?
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11836

                  Re: taking some time out

                  thebanned1 - you know where i am.

                  and what ya gotta do.

                  hit me up.
                  ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: taking some time out

                    Good for you for getting out and taking a walk. Going on walks are therapeutic, keep taking small steps in the direction towards physical and mental wellness, you would be surprised how resilient we humans can be. Keep fighting!

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5031

                      Re: taking some time out

                      Originally posted by Huggie Smiles
                      thebanned1 - you know where i am.

                      and what ya gotta do.

                      hit me up.
                      i,m fine m8 honestly, just sitting trying to read a couple of books on diet and stuff, finding it hard, never been able to read properly in my life so i have to keep going over and over paragraphs and sentences, can't even spell properly, if it wasn't for spell checking on my browser i would of looked a right idiot every where, i think that is part of the problem with my reading, i,ve always hated the english subject since school, bores me to death, i got through a bachelor in science without ever reading a book and got through a subject in english in college when i just about every word in my essays was misspelled can't even remember if i used word or hand wrote them now if i,m honest but if i used word i was using spell checker for just about every second word, kind of scary if you think about it
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                      • thebanned1
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • May 2009
                        • 5031

                        Re: taking some time out

                        Originally posted by GarryX
                        Thats just life mate, life in Scotland probably hasn't changed much in the last 50 years other than more drugs on the streets.

                        Nothing that im proud of, but I've taken an obscene amount over the years and as yet, not any worse for it other than missing a few braincells.

                        Sounds like youre one of the unlucky ones.

                        Hope you get better soon!
                        the place is depressing m8, diet is poor and every where you go to for entertainment is all alcoholic beverages, same dj's playing the same music over and over, i never go out in this place at all, the only bars in this town depress the shit out of me, still playing 70's pop hits and other music i hate, when i used to go into the town for a night out it was costing me just about half of my weeks wages just for one night out, in fact probably more than half, the taxi home was a killer and that was the only way to get home at that time of night and even those guys were putting on the same people all the time, i,ll be honest here, if it wasn't for drugs i think that would of died a long time ago but it's the same thing with alcohol, how many people do you see sitting in a bar drinking cola's in a group of friends who are drinking beer, drugs are pretty cheap and make you feel good and last longer than the effects of alcohol, walking into the arches and the first thing that happens is a guy comes up to you and asks you if you want any drugs, if you ask him how much usually it's something like 5 e's for a tenner ( dodgy pills and dangerous yes ) but if you think about it you're never going to enjoy your night in the same way spending the same amount of money on alcohol, drinks in clubs are expensive and everybody needs to save money for living so people try and spend as little as they can while enjoying themselves,£20 on the door, £40 on drinks and £40 on the taxi home and that was years ago, god knows what it's like now or £20 on the door £10 for 5 dodgy drugs and £40 on the taxi home, 30 quid is 30 quid m8
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                        • thebanned1
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • May 2009
                          • 5031

                          Re: taking some time out

                          it's the same on the streets, a bottle of wine and a couple of cans ( cigs as well ) or cheap ( poor quality and dangerous ) drugs that keep you going all night ( you don't smoke as much on drugs ), it's damaging to health but it feels so good and like i,ve said previously people are not taught about what it does to their body so they don't really consider the consequences in later life, drugs are getting pretty dangerous, it's why legal highs were banned, i swear i fell for this one big time, drugs were so dirty on the street that people were taking shit loads of those thinking they were getting safer drugs, the most potent drug i,ve ever had in my life was legal and i ended up in hospital after going on a binge on that once, stuff was scary, it took the doctor all day to figure out what was in my blood and they took my blood twice, it's a hard cycle to break drugs, once you have experienced the feel good factor of them it's hard to break away, i still miss a smoke to this day and i,ve only smoked it a few time in about a decade now, even though i went through the mental health system that should of stopped me taking drugs for good but the stuff they were treating me for the problem made me feel so bad that i just wanted to get high again as much as i could to forget, honestly a mental ward breaks you hard, it's a trap, you either react a certain way or another way and the doctors are looking out for the signs of each reaction and read your body language, they either drive you to breaking point and you snap ( then they sedate you ) or they look for the signs that you're hiding something, it's hard to explain but you notice everything right away and you're scared to react either way in case they think you're going mad, there is no way out of it, you're cracked either way, if everyone that goes through it reacts to it in the same way i did then it more or less makes you become a hermit because you see the techniques they use in every day life in public all the time and every time you see something it just reminds you of it, i still remember every single thing from my first experience and that was 13 years ago, it feels like it was yesterday, the second time i just took my ipod and tried to block it out as much as i could, i knew what was coming, 8 weeks at a time in a mental ward and then a good £500 at the end of it curtacy of the tax payer for being in hospital, that is just crazy money not to even mention how much money they spent on treating me with anti psychotics pills, the depot, an injection they give you every 2 weeks instead of giving you pills is so degrading, drop you're trousers i want to stick this big needle into your arse and god it's big, hurts like fuck, god that is nasty, that system is just fucked
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                          • jay813
                            Platinum Poster
                            • May 2005
                            • 1344

                            Re: taking some time out

                            as having a close family member diagnosed with schizophrenic bi-polar disorder, i hope you listen to the doctors who understand your sickness and are only acting in your best interest for a normal healthy life for you.

                            I will say what you had described is almost exactly what was told to me by this person so if it helps any at all, you are not the only person with these thoughts. This is is why it is so quick to be diagnosed because these doctors hear the same story over and over.

                            also remember, many people have gone through this and have been able to live healthy lifestyles with the proper treatment, so it's not impossible to fix things.

                            best of luck to you and i hope you find the peace you are looking for.


                            • thebanned1
                              DUDERZ get a life!!!
                              • May 2009
                              • 5031

                              Re: taking some time out

                              i swear i,ve just realized i,m eating myself into an early grave, no omega 3 or 6 for years which means i can't absorb fat soluble vitamins, toes and fingers all affected by this, all the fruit i stopped eat long ago was because it was all soggy, old and rotten with no vitamin content ( cheap and nasty and from all around the world ), drinking heavily for years which was fucking up my digestive system, kebabs, chip shop food and mcdonalds/kfc ( all stuff i couldn't chew properly or digest ), my nails are all ridges and lines ( b3 deficiency i think, you're supposed to get that from bread but flour bleaching probably kills the shit out of that ), dodgy yogurts with sugary sides to go along with it and other nasty cheap dairy produce probably full of all sorts of shit, fried food ( lards and other oils ), drinking too much tap water which probably means i,m taking in too much fluoride, sugary drinks, sweetened drinks, microwave foods that are full of carcinogenic from the plastic they are cooked in the microwave heated up so much that all the nutrients are killed off and meat so hard and chewy that you're never going to digest it... this is all leading to cancer, obesity, diabetes and all sorts of diseases that is killing millions right across the country because it all they can afford to feed themselves with, the cost of living in scotland is even lower than places down south and scotland is suffering hard so god knows what is happening down south, during the brexit debate people were complaining they couldn't get into a hospital or dentist for weeks and they were blaming it on migrants clogging up the system but if you could look at hospital records ( and you can't ) then you would probably see that there is more people from britain going through the system than anyone else because the cost of living is fucking up the country badly and causing all sort of health problems that need sustained expensive treatments and then if those people can't get into work because they are suffering from health problems then they are costing the government/tax payer huge bills in benefits, it's crazy, i was making £20 less a week on benefits than i was making in a full week in work at one point and i was sitting on my arse all day doing nothing, depressed and making myself even more sick that i supposedly was in the first place, the money i,ve cost the system throughout this would frighten you and if this is anything to go by then the future is not very bright for this country at all... people always talk about things like the shortage of affordable housing but if you look at what health is costing the system then you will see why they can't afford to build things like this and that has a knock on affect on people's health as well because they are paying landlords huge sums in rent for houses to live in ( look at house prices in london as an example ) overworking themselves to pay of mortgages and killing themselves in the process because they can't afford decent nutritional food at the same time

                              some of the houses i have worked in doing jobs were quite expensive housing for this area and the build quality was just shocking, joinery so shocking you would of been lucky it lasted a few years never mind a lifetime, people were paying a fortune in mortgages for these homes only to get into more debt to move to another place because the one they just bought was falling to bits already, the new hospital in this town was built less than 10-15 years ago and when i was in it the place was already falling to bits, windows all broken, sockets coming off the walls,i remember being in the first time and the ward was seriously hot due to the heating on but every time i,ve been in since then it was freezing probably because they couldn't afford to heat the place any more because the repair bill was costing so much, they couldn't even afford to give us more than one blanket which was making it impossible for everyone to sleep and they were having to hand out sleeping pills to every one, this all costs the tax payer so much fucking money, it's getting out of hand and everyone is looking at blaming the easy scapegoats ( i.e. immigration,they were an easy target )... if anything it's business that is killing the country more than anything else because it has become so profit based, every one is trying to make a quick buck as quickly as they can and it's killing people left right and center
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                              • thebanned1
                                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                                • May 2009
                                • 5031

                                Re: taking some time out

                                Originally posted by jay813
                                as having a close family member diagnosed with schizophrenic bi-polar disorder, i hope you listen to the doctors who understand your sickness and are only acting in your best interest for a normal healthy life for you.
                                it's more common than ever now, so is depression and other illnesses, it's easy to blame it on substance abuse all too easily but i,ve seen people who have never touched drugs in their lives go through the system and end up in a cycle of substance abuse due to this, a lot of it can be sorted well with diet but there are other dangers in that as well because you never know just what is in the food you're eating and no one is sure 100% how certain chemicals react with other chemicals, it's probably why cancer is growing at an alarming rate, just look at the shit that is in cigarette's as an example, plastics ? wtf, who in their right mind would want to smoke plastic but once you go down that road it's so addictive and it's hard to stop, most people don't even know half the chemicals that are in things like this and don't even think about what it is doing to their body, when the toxins enter the blood stream and then are mixed with other toxins from god knows where else who knows what that is doing to the body, were surrounded by so much chemicals these days and exposed to so much it's just getting more dangerous

                                I will say what you had described is almost exactly what was told to me by this person so if it helps any at all, you are not the only person with these thoughts. This is is why it is so quick to be diagnosed because these doctors hear the same story over and over.
                                i was diagnosed years ago, i,m seeing my doctor soon

                                also remember, many people have gone through this and have been able to live healthy lifestyles with the proper treatment, so it's not impossible to fix things.

                                best of luck to you and i hope you find the peace you are looking for.
                                not impossible to fix things ? you're madder than me lol... you have no idea what you're talking about, people who have never been through it will never understand it.. the drugs are useless and cause all sort of other problems and they don't even fix half the problems at all, they just numb you to a point where you don't care any more, it completely ruins lives more than it helps lives, i first took my first anti psychotic drug in the 90's ( one course of treatment, didn't even go back for more ) and the side effects were still the same some 10-15 years later, patients would of been reporting the same side effects to their doctors for years and no one bother to change the formula or anything, sometimes i think it's deliberate, i saw someone i was in a ward with at one point the other day, guy was only a young guy and he's basically killing himself hard ( smoking cigarette's right to the filter etc ), he didn't even remember me, i had to remind him who i was, the poor guy just looked so fucked up, he couldn't even get a sentence out or nothing
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