Hillary vs. Trump

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  • AchtungBaby!
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Feb 2009
    • 7326

    Re: Hillary vs. Trump

    Originally posted by DIDI
    The world will be a better place when we have equality.
    The world will be a better place when we have quality... ... Equality in the opportunities will be the natural result.. If you force equality just for the sake of the word there is a big chance to go against quality and that canīt be good.

    Agree with you saying women have a long way to go though ..

    "vision over visibility" Paul Hewson


    • DIDI
      Aussie Pest
      • Nov 2004
      • 16845

      Re: Hillary vs. Trump

      Originally posted by AchtungBaby!
      The world will be a better place when we have quality... ... Equality in the opportunities will be the natural result.. If you force equality just for the sake of the word there is a big chance to go against quality and that canīt be good.

      Agree with you saying women have a long way to go though ..
      We use the word merit here rather than quality, but they mean the same , both seem to be based on the premise that 1/2 the worlds population does not have the merit or quality needed. Actually one of our politicians did use the term "women of quality." The one that John Oliver mentioned in one of his shows. Quality has to be given a chance. It already well proven equality in opportunities is not a natural outcome. It really has to be worked hard for.

      We have women here on both sides of politics that are so much better , some much more intelligent than their current leaders. At one stage our government had one female minister in a cabinet of 23. That is unnatural .

      I did say we were bad here in Australia. We are racist as well

      Do you really believe we couldn't find a women of better quality than this guy??
      Originally posted by TheVrk
      it IS incredible isn't it??
      STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
      Simply does not get any better than Hernan
      The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


      • max420
        Addiction started
        • Jul 2007
        • 312

        Re: Hillary vs. Trump

        Didi agreed that guy is a Giant Douche but women in Australian politics on both sides haven't exactly covered themselves in glory either. Bishop by 2, Vanstone, Mirabella, Hanson, Cash etc. all to the ideological right of Genghis Khan. On the the other side Gillard, Roxon, Giddings, Palaszczuk etc. all Union Hack Lawyers from privileged backgrounds who couldn't cut it in the private sector who either made or acquiesced to some terrible policy decisions. The best Australian female politician by far beholden to no one, who is intellectually capable and temperamentally suitable is Tanya Plibersek. She will be our next female PM. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Quotas based on any criteria except talent and suitability for the position is never the answer.


        • DIDI
          Aussie Pest
          • Nov 2004
          • 16845

          Re: Hillary vs. Trump

          I agree with most of that . Particularly the right wing women I wholeheartedly agree with Tanya Plibersek !!

          I disagree with Gillard and Roxon , they definitely had some issues I didn't agree with but nobody is absolutely perfect and Gillard did an amazing job to actually get over 500 bills through with a hung parliament. Just a crying shame that some of her best work has been and is being dismantled. Quotas work not because they are quotas but because they force people to actually look at all the candidates . They have to see the talented , suitable women as well.

          Tanya for PM !! And you are right, the sooner the better.
          Originally posted by TheVrk
          it IS incredible isn't it??
          STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
          Simply does not get any better than Hernan
          The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


          • vinnie97
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jul 2007
            • 3454

            Re: Hillary vs. Trump

            Originally posted by runningman
            Trump will win by 5%. I think he will win easily.

            Once people get in that booth they are gonna go ''am i really gonna vote for this crooked bitch?'' And they will check mark TRUMP~
            Prescient post, though it's starting to push more towards a landslide. LA Times and Rasmussen both have him up by 5 already.

            Hillary is on the verge of indictment. Wikileaks, formerly a champion of the left but now their scourge, has exposed her and her team for the rotting underbelly of the political class that they are along with her disdain for the electorate, which is MUCH WORSE than Trump's proclamations. Barry's defense of the indefensible isn't helping matters. He's the worst president of my lifetime and will go down in history as such.

            The "A"CA is imploding as premiums skyrocket and choices dwindle, adding fuel to the fire of those demanding repeal.


            • vinnie97
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jul 2007
              • 3454

              Re: Hillary vs. Trump

              This woman's a flight risk: WikiLeaks: Podesta Warned Hillary to Stop Discussing Sensitive Info via Email | LifeZette

              Also, her email account's been hacked by at least 5 foreign actors according to the FBI. It's time to put the corrupt, conniving, incompetent Clintons out to pasture.


              • vinnie97
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jul 2007
                • 3454

                Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                Described as treasonous, and aided by Barry in the coverup:

                The enabling media is the only reason this election can possibly remain close.


                • vinnie97
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 3454

                  Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                  Mmm, crickets. In case someone wants to complain about my chosen source, there is corroboration:

                  FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton's State Department tenure - CBS News (on pedophile Weiner's laptop)
                  Hillary Clinton campaign chairman: "We are going to have to dump all those emails" - CBS News

                  Obama's DOJ is up to his eyeballs in all of this, with the stalling tactics and the frantic pandering attacks in NC and PA the last few days. These people have a special placed reserved in hell for their collusion and deception. Public servants my ass.


                  • vinnie97
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 3454

                    Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                    Podesta is a big fan of SpiritCooking: http://wearechange.org/spirit-cookin...aphic-content/

                    This involves mixing up some tasty bodily fluids in the form of cum, blood, and breast milk. Sounds appetizing, doesn't it? This crew has sold its soul to the devil.


                    • vinnie97
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 3454

                      Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                      Exchanges that make you go hmmm:

                      WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails


                      • ddr
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 7006

                        Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                        ^ if e-mails is all you got against a bigoted white supremacist who is in Putin's palm... who purchases Chinese steel (instead of American) for his debt-ridden buildings, who does anything he can to build cheaper (even at the expense of blue-collar workers and veterans) buildings, who lies and flip flops on every issue on a constant basis, a man who has put down every kind of person instead of the rich white male, who funnels donor money to his own companies, who still will not release his tax returns..... i just don't know what to say.

                        i know one thing, cant wait for this shit show of an election season to be over.
                        "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                        • vinnie97
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 3454

                          Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                          Julian Assange has a pretty good batting average, so go ahead and run with that narrative. If there were tax return problems, the politicized IRS would have been sure to expose it. There is no comparison to the corruption unveiled by Wikileaks and confirmed by other sources. The emails are the smoking guns, and the FBI with its multiple ongoing active investigations is working on bringing the evil witch down...her life of so-called public service is an illusion. She enriches herself on the backs of the public. Palin again? Leftists will rue the day they destroyed the USA, but I don't think they'll ever look inward.

                          Alex Jones must be feeling pretty vindicated right now.

                          Innocent Podesta's wall art:


                          • vinnie97
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 3454

                            Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                            Hilary, desperate for that thug vote:

                            Jay Z drops n-word, f-bomb during Hillary Clinton concert - Business Insider

                            Jay Z was entirely uncensored Friday night at a concert for Hillary Clinton.
                            The rapper repeatedly used the n-word and dropped the f-bomb as he performed “F—WithMeYouKnowIGotIt” and his hit “Dirt off Your Shoulder” song at a Cleveland rally.
                            "You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.
                            “If you feelin’ like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off,” Jay Z rapped. “Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."
                            Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"
                            The selective hypocrisy of the left is RANCID. Certain politicos need to start looking inward at the society they're feeding as they continue to fling all of their angst on the "obstructionists."

                            This evil witch needs to be indicted yesterday.


                            • DIDI
                              Aussie Pest
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 16845

                              Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                              @ Vinnie97 You speak an amazing amount of garbage.
                              Originally posted by TheVrk
                              it IS incredible isn't it??
                              STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                              Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                              The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                              • vinnie97
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jul 2007
                                • 3454

                                Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                                There's a whole world that exists outside your authoritarian collectivist perspective, DIDI. Leftwits loved Wikileaks before the apparatus turned against them showing the dirty underbelly. Now Wikileaks is suddenly in league with the Russians.

                                This lawless president is the one who speaks the most impeachable garbage:

                                (before anybody starts with the predictable mouth-breathing quips, the woman who recorded this clip was using a breathing machine at the time)

                                Of course the answer given is worded vaguely because of the compound structure of the question, so this slick wordsmith can skate again as he encourages criminality.

