Hillary vs. Trump

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  • DIDI
    Aussie Pest
    • Nov 2004
    • 16845

    Re: Hillary vs. Trump

    FBI director: new Hillary Clinton emails show no criminal wrongdoing | US news | The Guardian
    Originally posted by TheVrk
    it IS incredible isn't it??
    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


    • AchtungBaby!
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Feb 2009
      • 7326

      Re: Hillary vs. Trump

      Originally posted by vinnie97

      The enabling media is the only reason this election can possibly remain close.
      Oh the media.. I've listened (and still do) that story over and over again here in the third world, that even considering all the power they have, the whole thing gets down on one thing and one thing only.. what most of the people truly want and think, the real power.

      A weird combination of nasty populism mixed with poor and probably corrupted speach of democracy will manage to rule the most powerful country in the world. Good stuff.

      "vision over visibility" Paul Hewson


      • DIDI
        Aussie Pest
        • Nov 2004
        • 16845

        Re: Hillary vs. Trump

        Originally posted by vinnie97
        There's a whole world that exists outside your authoritarian collectivist perspective, DIDI. Leftwits loved Wikileaks before the apparatus turned against them showing the dirty underbelly. Now Wikileaks is suddenly in league with the Russians.

        This lawless president is the one who speaks the most impeachable garbage:

        (before anybody starts with the predictable mouth-breathing quips, the woman who recorded this clip was using a breathing machine at the time)

        Of course the answer given is worded vaguely because of the compound structure of the question, so this slick wordsmith can skate again as he encourages criminality.
        I think you just see everything through your own strange prism . He is pointing out the bloody obvious, that if you can vote you are a citizen. It was really stupid uninformed question
        Originally posted by TheVrk
        it IS incredible isn't it??
        STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
        Simply does not get any better than Hernan
        The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


        • vinnie97
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jul 2007
          • 3454

          Re: Hillary vs. Trump

          Yes, well, he conveniently skirts that part of the question is the best you can say for that answer...many have learned to not give him the benefit of the doubt.

          Bill Clinton in a rare admittance of truth (again confirmed from Wikileaks):

          WikiLeaks: Bill Clinton Says White Working Class Hopeless | The Daily Caller


          • vinnie97
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jul 2007
            • 3454

            Re: Hillary vs. Trump

            Bernie roasted by Brazile multiple times (this is just the latest expose') after submitting primary debate questions in advance: Brazile Sent More Debate Questions To Clinton | The Daily Caller

            A pox on anyone who votes for her.


            • vinnie97
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jul 2007
              • 3454

              Re: Hillary vs. Trump

              "Open borders" Hillary, who is gunning for a massive influx of immigrants in order to further destabilize the US, coupled with her desire to confiscate firearms promises a utopia beyond imagination:

              Illegal Alien Minor Influx Spurs Gang Crime in NY Suburb | MRCTV

              El Salvadorean gangs flooding and propagating in certain New York communities and wreaking terror with their hatchet attacks. Blaming guns won't work. Just continue voting for this for a better Amerika. *snicker*


              • vinnie97
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jul 2007
                • 3454

                Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                Overthrowing our electoral and voting integrity, I present to you the real-life bogeyman masquerading as a philanthropist and progressive darling, George Soros: Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections | PJ Media

                (a damning and documented expose' of the billions he's poured into ensuring a permanent "progressive" class of slaves er voters, accelerating our demise)

                Evil is real, and it presents itself as lofty, feel-good goals promoting justice but ultimately leads to an end game with the only winners being those who would seek to wield total control.

                I do realize the Kochs are the other side of that coin, though I'm not sure their designs on the world compare as insidiously to the former.


                • vinnie97
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 3454

                  Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                  It really belies belief that they've already thoroughly investigated these 650k emails in merely 9 days since it took 9 months to investigate the other 33k.

                  Here's an attempt at an explanation, but out of over 2500 techies commenting, very few are buying it:


                  • vinnie97
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 3454

                    Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                    Any state results that are too close to call should be discarded when this is happening:

                    Some Trump Voters Reporting Ballots Switching To Clinton CBS Pittsburgh

                    I am waiting to hear just one report where the opposite happened (Clinton automatically switched to Trump). No voter fraud my ass. Rigged is right. With this kind of thing happening, don't expect any kind of peace after the election.


                    • salami
                      Platinum Poster
                      • May 2008
                      • 1245

                      Re: Hillary vs. Trump


                      • DIDI
                        Aussie Pest
                        • Nov 2004
                        • 16845

                        Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                        ^^ Very good
                        Originally posted by TheVrk
                        it IS incredible isn't it??
                        STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                        Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                        The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                        • vinnie97
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 3454

                          Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                          Brexit Part Deuce.

                          Katy Perry, Bill Maher, Lena Dunham, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Joy Behar, and so many others who spread their leftist vitriol leading up to the election, please exit stage left.

                          I have been preaching about the toxicity of the "A"CA for YEARS, and finally the rest have caught up to see the sham of a law that it is with premiums and deductibles that are anything BUT affordable. Gut that law and send it where the fishes lie.


                          • DIDI
                            Aussie Pest
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 16845

                            Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                            Originally posted by TheVrk
                            it IS incredible isn't it??
                            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                            • el presidente Highsteppa
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1332

                              Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                              It's so amusing to see how validated Vinnie feels. Any bets he's typing it one handed? Anyone?
                              Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.

                              More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.

                              His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫


                              • REDROCK
                                Gold Gabber
                                • Feb 2015
                                • 789

                                Re: Hillary vs. Trump

                                Below is an open letter to America that Moby shared with Billboard about his feelings on Trump's victory:


 why are you so afraid of evidence?

you smoke cigarettes,naively believing they won't kill you. you eat garbage, believing it won't make you sick and obese.
 and now you've elected donald trump.
'christians' and family-values voters have en masse helped elect a twice divorced man who openly brags about infidelity and committing sexual assault. 
30% of latinos have helped elect a man who has routinely maligned latinos and called mexicans 'rapists'.
 45% of women have helped elect a man who brags about 'grabbing women by the pussy' and has called women 'pigs' & 'slobs'.
 business-minded middle america has en masse helped elect a man who has led roughly half of his businesses to bankruptcy and lost
close to a billion dollars in 1995 alone.
 and blue collar middle america has en masse helped elect a trust-fund baby who has, over-time, inherited over $600,000,000.00 from his father.

                                and in the process you've denied the presidency to an experienced and erudite woman whose only shortcoming is being on the receiving end
of a 30 year right-wing smear campaign. 
as a life long progressive i'm supposed to be diplomatic and understanding, but america, what the fuck is wrong with you?
 but then i ask myself, very sadly, why am i surprised?
 this is the same america that eats at burger king and is baffled as to why it ends up obese and cancerous and dying
this is the same america who thinks that granting health care to 20,000,000 people is somehow treasonous.

                                and this is the america who has now elected a dim-witted, racist, misogynist.
 a dim-witted, racist, misogynist who has ruined businesses and has no policy proposals other than 'build a wall'. 
i guess there will be some cold, bitter schadenfreude in spending the next 4 years watching middle america wake up to the fact
that donald trump is an incompetent con-man.

                                the rust belt jobs won't come back. the wall won't get built. and hillary won't get locked up.

                                donald trump will be impeached, or end his presidency with single digit approval ratings.
and hopefully, somehow, america will finally wake up the fact that republicans are, simply, terrible. 
reagan and bush sr. and the republicans ruined the economy, bill clinton and the democrats fixed it. 
george w. bush and the republicans ruined the economy all over again, obama and the democrats fixed it. 
in some baffling, habitual masochism americans keep going back to what's bad for them, whether it's food or political parties.

                                and the climate will suffer. the inner cities will suffer. children will suffer. animals will suffer. gun deaths will continue to skyrocket.
 we will suffer. all because americans live in this delusional, upside down world wherein they're unwilling to look at evidence.
but here are the facts: 
junk food makes you fat and kills you.
 cigarettes give you cancer.
and donald trump is a racist and a misogynist who has ruined countless businesses and will be the worst president our country has ever, ever seen.

                                Back when a club was a club full of dancers and dove's.

