Title: Solid Stone - Coldharbour Sessions 037 (2017-06-06)
Genre: Trance, Progressive
Year: 2017
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
In addition to his "Global DJ Broadcast" radio show, Markus Schulz's IDMA-nominated Coldharbour Recordings has been heralded by many worldwide, thanks to its family of artists who regularly contribute top-tiered productions. Now, Coldharbour enters a new era - celebrating the label with a radio show of its own!
Every 1st Monday of the month, one member of the Coldharbour family will showcase talents through a special 1-hour set featuring highlighted label releases, marquee moments of the mixer in charge, and a foray into the archives with a classic from yesteryear!
This month featuring Coldharbour Recordings & Schulz Music Group artist, Solid Stone.
Every 1st Monday of the month, one member of the Coldharbour family will showcase talents through a special 1-hour set featuring highlighted label releases, marquee moments of the mixer in charge, and a foray into the archives with a classic from yesteryear!
This month featuring Coldharbour Recordings & Schulz Music Group artist, Solid Stone.
Download Solid Stone - Coldharbour Sessions 037 (2017-06-06)