Honestly, any regrets?

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  • el presidente Highsteppa
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1332

    Re: Honestly, any regrets?

    That his golden showers video hasn't dropped yet.
    Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.

    More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.

    His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫


    • sakio pod
      • Jun 2004
      • 6034

      Re: Honestly, any regrets?

      We now that DT attacked Syria.......fuck him he is a puppet

      all these have been proven a false flage...............fuck him


      • sakio pod
        • Jun 2004
        • 6034

        Re: Honestly, any regrets?

        yes there was a general back in 2000 that talks of over throwing 7 countries in 5 years we... they have over thrown 4 so far......this war it crap, they have no right to bomb syrian

        lets bomb israel


        • sakio pod
          SALAD TOSSER
          • Jun 2004
          • 6034

          Re: Honestly, any regrets?


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: Honestly, any regrets?

            Trump so far is doing an excellent job. He has positioned himself nicely with everyone. The economy is doing great. Jobs are growing like crazy in Michigan & my hometown Windsor (auto sector).

            Putting tariffs on Canadian lumber is not the best for my economy but it doesn't really matter because China has been dying to get their hands on more of our lumber.

            If countries feel like they got a bad deal they should be allowed to renegotiate.


            • sakio pod
              SALAD TOSSER
              • Jun 2004
              • 6034

              Re: Honestly, any regrets?

              yep just worried he's gonna switch over.....


              • el presidente Highsteppa
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1332

                Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                Amazing how the supporters have gone silent.

                No regrets about increasing evidence of colluding with the Russians?
                Obstructing justice by telling the FBI to drop an investigation involving him?
                General incompetence?

                And what a surprise that Runningman thinks he's done an excellent job. Must be looking amazing for a failure like yourself that went living in an armpit of a town (London), downgraded to living in a chode of a city (windsor). LOL.
                Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.

                More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.

                His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫


                • el presidente Highsteppa
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1332

                  Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                  Really? No takers? LOL
                  Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.

                  More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.

                  His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫


                  • clintlove
                    Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 3264

                    Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                    Originally posted by el presidente Highsteppa
                    Really? No takers? LOL
                    What's the point? Is there anything anyone could say that would make you change your opinion?

                    Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                    • ddr
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 7006

                      Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                      Originally posted by clintlove
                      What's the point? Is there anything anyone could say that would make you change your opinion?
                      funny, we say the same thing about the Trump supporters
                      "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                      • clintlove
                        Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3264

                        Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                        Originally posted by ddr
                        funny, we say the same thing about the Trump supporters

                        Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                        • DIDI
                          Aussie Pest
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 16845

                          Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                          Originally posted by ddr
                          funny, we say the same thing about the Trump supporters
                          Sure do
                          Originally posted by TheVrk
                          it IS incredible isn't it??
                          STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                          Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                          The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                          • thebanned1
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • May 2009
                            • 5031

                            Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                            holy shit, did i just actually read something in support of trump ?
                            How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                            • el presidente Highsteppa
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1332

                              Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                              Originally posted by clintlove
                              What's the point? Is there anything anyone could say that would make you change your opinion?
                              I don't know - did your country really think a figurehead on a reality TV show was a good choice for a leader? Let's make that the starting point of "maybe it wasn't such a good idea".
                              Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.

                              More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.

                              His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫


                              • sakio pod
                                SALAD TOSSER
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 6034

                                Re: Honestly, any regrets?

                                now that we are backing out of the stupid paris climate BS I'm a little more happier.....all these sheeps are so pissed off, withdrawal doesn't even began until 2019 and full withdrawal is suppose to be around 2020, so save your BS emotional madness for the biggest hoax ever!!!

                                it funny how they push the climate change agenda shoving it down our throats...but they don't talk about the poison in our food and water supply GMO's and fluoride....there is a reason that they push these agendas and not the other ones.....think about that!!!!

