Title: M.I.K.E. - Club Elite Sessions 512 (2017-05-04)
Genre: Trance, Progressive, Uplifting Trance
Year: 2017
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
M.I.K.E. is Mike Dierickx (Dirk Dierickx before changing his first name officially in the year 2000), a Belgian producer and DJ from the Antwerp area.
Although mostly known for his productions under the aliases M.I.K.E., Push and Plastic Boy, Mike has released hundreds of records under more than eighty aliases and collaborations since 1992 in a wide variety of styles ranging from rave, hardcore, techno, progressive house, trance, electro to even R&B, from accessible commercial anthems to minimalist underground sounds. He also produced tracks for George Vagas, Yves DeRuyter, Marco Bailey, Pascal Quatretemps (Freebase & Crash Guard), Ian Van Dahl and Diabokua.
Although mostly known for his productions under the aliases M.I.K.E., Push and Plastic Boy, Mike has released hundreds of records under more than eighty aliases and collaborations since 1992 in a wide variety of styles ranging from rave, hardcore, techno, progressive house, trance, electro to even R&B, from accessible commercial anthems to minimalist underground sounds. He also produced tracks for George Vagas, Yves DeRuyter, Marco Bailey, Pascal Quatretemps (Freebase & Crash Guard), Ian Van Dahl and Diabokua.
01.Dehasse - Dorian Gray [XTRAVAGANZA]
02.Jason Ross - Onyx [ANJUNABEATS]
03.Dim3nsion - Astronauts [FLASHOVER]
04.UDM - Land Of Dream [MONSTER PURE]
05.Manuel Rocca & Illitheas - Enchanted [ABORA]
06.Abide - Disappear (Fredge Emotional Mix) [ABORA]
07.M.I.K.E. Push & Robert Nickson - Tachyon [FSOE]
08.Ferry Tayle & Dan Stone - Vona [FSOE FABLES] {Track Of The Week}
09.Luke Terry - Aerobe [MPS}
10.Cold Rush vs F.G. Noise - Raven [WAO138!?]
Download M.I.K.E. - Club Elite Sessions 512 (2017-05-04)