Title: Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 450 (2017-05-27)
Genre: Trance, Progressive, Uplifting Trance
Year: 2017
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
Beaming out around the world through the number 1 online station ‘Digitally Imported’, Russia Goes Clubbing is Bobina’s once-a-week, every-week snapshot of what is making the country’s cities boom. RGC also has a massively popular podcast edition: around 40-50k plays every week via various platforms & downloaded by Bobina fans in all four corners of the globe.
1. Jean-Michel Jarre & Armin van Buuren - Stardust (Rising Star remix) [SONY]
2. Paul van Dyk & Ummet Ozcan - Come With Me (We Are One) (Paul van Dyk Festival mix) [ULTRA]
3. Bobina - Winter (Simon O'Shine remix) [MAGIK MUZIK]
4. RAM & Susana - RAMelia (Tribute To Amelia) [FSOE]
5. Aly & Fila meets Roger Shah & Susana - Unbreakable [FSOE]
6. Jorn van Deynhoven - Neo Paradise [ASOT]
7. Bobina - Flying Kitten [MAGIK MUZIK]
8. Bobina & Natalie Gioia - My Everything (UCast remix) [MAGIK MUZIK]
9. Matt Darey feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Dan Stone rework) [FSOE]
10. Dash Berlin feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter (Photographer remix) [ARMIND]
11. Standerwick & Jennifer Rene - All Of Us [FSOE]
12. Abstract Vision - Comeback! [INFRASONIC PURE]
13. Solarstone & JES - Like A Waterfall (Solarstone Pure mix) [MAGIK MUZIK]
14. Gareth Emery feat. Gavrielle - Far From Home (Craig Connelly remix) [GARUDA]
Download Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 450 (2017-05-27)