This pisses me off so bad. Never had this thought before, but right now I'm almost ready to declare war on all Islamists...
It's clearly another warning for Europe to pull back from Afhanistan and Iraq, but I feel we cannot do that. As much as I respect other beliefs and cultures, I simply cannot accept a group of people being in power that is out to actively expand their infuence and belief over other peoples, including me in the end.
I will never accept Bush and his clique, but I am however moving towards the stance to take the war to them now. Sad, but if there's no other option to stop those hidden terrorists...the day I become afraid to hit the streets is the day I pick up a gun to go fight them on their own ground. Fortunately my country hasn't been hit yet, but that's only a matter of time, with our PM being one of Bush's lapdogs....I'm curious to my reaction when it will finally happen.
Will I stay calm...or lose my temper and get involved with bashing muslims??