Title: Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 456 (2017-07-0
Genre: Trance, Progressive, Uplifting Trance
Year: 2017
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
Beaming out around the world through the number 1 online station ‘Digitally Imported’, Russia Goes Clubbing is Bobina’s once-a-week, every-week snapshot of what is making the country’s cities boom. RGC also has a massively popular podcast edition: around 40-50k plays every week via various platforms & downloaded by Bobina fans in all four corners of the globe.
01. Arzuk - Dionys (Persya remix) [MAJESTIC FAMILY]
02. Protoculture - Never Seen Love [STATEMENT!]
03. ilan Bluestone feat. Giuseppe De Luca - Frozen Ground (Spencer Brown remix) [ANJUNABEATS]
04. Max Freegrant feat. Brando Hills - War Goes On (Jagin remix) [FREEGRANT]
05. Omnia feat. Danyka Nadeau - Hold On To You [ARMIND]
06. Max Millian - You Are The One [INFRASONIC PROGRESSIVE]
07. Fatum - Justice [ARMIND]
08. Cyril Ryaz - A Small World [MONDO]
09. {CLUBBERS CHOICE} Bobina feat. Cam Melnyk - Conquerors (Bobina Megadrive remix) [MAGIK MUZIK]
10. Daniel Wanrooy - Beautiful World [HIGH CONTRAST]
11. {EXCLUSIVE FROM RUSSIA} Alexander Popov - People [ARMIND]
12. Vertical State - Angels Hospital [KILL THE LIGHTS]
13. Solarstone vs. Scott Bond - 3rd Earth (Scott Bond & Charlie Walker REBOOTED mix) [WHO'S AFRAID OF 138?!]
14. {CLASSIQUE} Cosmic Gate - London Rain (Stoneface & Terminal remix) [BLACK HOLE]
Download Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 456 (2017-07-0