Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?

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  • mixu
    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
    • Jun 2004
    • 1115

    Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?

    Discuss in no more than 100 words...
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  • krelm
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 437

    Naturally - the US is the largest political, financial & military influence in the world, so most discussion will revolve around their actions.

    (I still have 78 words left )
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    • davetlv
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1205

      Originally posted by krelm
      Naturally - the US is the largest political, financial & military influence in the world, so most discussion will revolve around their actions.

      (I still have 78 words left )
      True, also obviously alot of members on this board are from the US, and they, thankfully, have no problem expressing themselves!


      • maxman
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 290

        to davetlv: well spoken my friend!

        Funny though how 'they' can feel really personally involved (and sometimes attacked) when somebody else has another opinion... Seems like Americans feel more 'part of the system' and closer to politics than in Europe. In generaL I can appreciate their contributionsto this forum.

        (still got words left?):wink:
        My life is full of dark times and times when the sun breaks through and makes everything okay again.
        People don't know how uplifting music is, until they have been through the dark.

        Markus Schulz


        • Civic_Zen
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1116

          Originally posted by maxman
          Funny though how 'they' can feel really personally involved (and sometimes attacked) when somebody else has another opinion... Seems like Americans feel more 'part of the system' and closer to politics than in Europe. In generaL I can appreciate their contributionsto this forum.
          Thats because America was built on a certain political infrastructure, that has since been emulated by every other "free" nation on the planet.

          I'm not speaking for everyone, just myself. But when I hear about how America's health plan sucks even when its the best in the world, by far. Or that we shouldn't police the world and so on, even though we are the only ones capable of doing so. And another time WILL INEVITABLY come when America is the only hope for the entire world, as it was in WW II, and IMO, is becoming exactly that right now. Or when our president is compared to a ravenous, murderous, and insane savage of a dictator. Or when any of our system's structure's is questioned only to be emulated, it doesn't make me mad so much as it makes me laugh.

          Everything we do in America is emulated worldwide by other democratic nations. Using healthcare as an example, other nation's will take our stance on it, modify it to fit their own "specs" if you will, and implement it into their system.

          Usually, the rest of the world knows that our system is the best (proven many times throughout history) but those nations also don't want to completely follow us. Its human nature to want to be different. They are thinking, well sure its good, but we can make it better. And understandably so. But as we will soon see in Canada and the aforementioned example, they will soon need to modify it to even further emulate our own system, while badmouthing ours throughout the entire process.

          That my friends, is what makes me laugh. America is the only super power in the world, we will be talked about because there is nothing else to talk about. Everyone is always badmouthing the big guy because thats human nature. When at the same time, people will either emulate us later, or implement their own system based on the emulation.

          I don't know if it was 100 words, or less, or more or whatever. And I could care less. How stupid is that limit any way. Why would anyone sit around counting how many words they typed. Rediculous.
          "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
          "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
          - Thomas Jefferson


          • mylexicon
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 339

            Originally posted by maxman
            to davetlv: well spoken my friend!

            Funny though how 'they' can feel really personally involved (and sometimes attacked) when somebody else has another opinion... Seems like Americans feel more 'part of the system' and closer to politics than in Europe. In generaL I can appreciate their contributionsto this forum.

            (still got words left?):wink:
            Yeah we are pretty involved because those of us who are educated about American
            government know the central conflict of democracy: How do you create a government
            to control and organize the people while at the same time obliging it to control and organize itself.

            People in both parties are trying to get the government under control but they
            have VASTLY different ideas of how it should be done. Debates always
            get heated because of fear. Conservatives are afraid the government is
            going to get bigger and bigger and therfore get progressively worse. Liberals
            believe if the government gets smaller corporations and facists will control them.
            Between corporations and government, only one can write legislation and
            enforce it with cops and army. When i came to that revelation at about 13,
            i knew who i had to vote for.

            I have been warding off big governmet liberals since that day, and i still have
            about 50 years worth of fight left in me!
            Be a freedom fries..


            • mixu
              Travel Guru Extraordinaire
              • Jun 2004
              • 1115

              Originally posted by Civic_Zen
              Originally posted by maxman
              Funny though how 'they' can feel really personally involved (and sometimes attacked) when somebody else has another opinion... Seems like Americans feel more 'part of the system' and closer to politics than in Europe. In generaL I can appreciate their contributionsto this forum.
              Thats because America was built on a certain political infrastructure, that has since been emulated by every other "free" nation on the planet.

              I'm not speaking for everyone, just myself. But when I hear about how America's health plan sucks even when its the best in the world, by far. Or that we shouldn't police the world and so on, even though we are the only ones capable of doing so. And another time WILL INEVITABLY come when America is the only hope for the entire world, as it was in WW II, and IMO, is becoming exactly that right now. Or when our president is compared to a ravenous, murderous, and insane savage of a dictator. Or when any of our system's structure's is questioned only to be emulated, it doesn't make me mad so much as it makes me laugh.

              Everything we do in America is emulated worldwide by other democratic nations. Using healthcare as an example, other nation's will take our stance on it, modify it to fit their own "specs" if you will, and implement it into their system.

              Usually, the rest of the world knows that our system is the best (proven many times throughout history) but those nations also don't want to completely follow us. Its human nature to want to be different. They are thinking, well sure its good, but we can make it better. And understandably so. But as we will soon see in Canada and the aforementioned example, they will soon need to modify it to even further emulate our own system, while badmouthing ours throughout the entire process.

              That my friends, is what makes me laugh. America is the only super power in the world, we will be talked about because there is nothing else to talk about. Everyone is always badmouthing the big guy because thats human nature. When at the same time, people will either emulate us later, or implement their own system based on the emulation.

              I don't know if it was 100 words, or less, or more or whatever. And I could care less. How stupid is that limit any way. Why would anyone sit around counting how many words they typed. Rediculous.

              Come on Civic... this is the kind of arrogance that's gets people's backs up - "We are the best, etc."

              And the 100 words thing was a joke.
              Ask me a question...


              • mylexicon
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 339

                double post when the server was crashin
                Be a freedom fries..


                • mylexicon
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 339

                  Originally posted by mixu
                  Come on Civic... this is the kind of arrogance that's gets people's backs up - "We are the best, etc.
                  Who cares. The only reason it gets on their nerves is because they think we
                  are not the best. Who cares if a man has pride in where he lives and
                  convictions for the things his country stands for...........just because we think
                  we're the best doesn't mean we don't think youre a close 2nd
                  Be a freedom fries..


                  • mixu
                    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1115

                    Originally posted by mylexicon
                    Originally posted by mixu
                    Come on Civic... this is the kind of arrogance that's gets people's backs up - "We are the best, etc.
                    Who cares. The only reason it gets on their nerves is because they think we
                    are not the best. Who cares if a man has pride in where he lives and
                    convictions for the things his country stands for...........just because we think
                    we're the best doesn't mean we don't think youre a close 2nd

                    Hey, I've got no problems with people thinking they're the best - it's human nature. Have pride, have conviction...

                    Just don't assume anything
                    Ask me a question...


                    • brakada
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 622

                      Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                      America is the only super power in the world
                      Try telling that to China.

                      Originally posted by mylexicon
                      Who cares. The only reason it gets on their nerves is because they think we
                      are not the best. Who cares if a man has pride in where he lives and
                      convictions for the things his country stands for...........just because we think
                      we're the best doesn't mean we don't think youre a close 2nd
                      Well, talking about the best is very hard. You definitely have the best (Strongest) military, you have one of the best / strongest economies, but still everything is still not the best in America (according to an article link posted on MS by mylexicon, Americans are one of the worst workers on the planet :wink: ). I personally think Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland) are "better" than the USA and should be the raw-model for the rest of the world. But as I said in the beginning, it is hard to argue what is best, because nothing is perfect, and to each of us some things are more important than others, so it's actually a matter of opinion and not a fact.
                      We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                      • thespian
                        Fresh Peossy
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 30

                        Re:: Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?


                        A question for u Civic...

                        Do u know which nation had the exact ideas with the ones u have
                        (we are the super power, we are the best, everybody emulates us etc. etc.)?

                        The fucking Nazis.


                        Your political an emulation of democracy.Which is something that most countries had b4 the existance of the US.

                        And last...
                        You just proved u don't know shit about the rest of the world.

                        Surely America is the super power, and changed the world dramatically over the years....but man a little modesty would not harm u.

                        Really...r u an ethnicist?


                        • mylexicon
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 339

                          Re:: Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?

                          Originally posted by redrum-er
                          Do u know which nation had the exact ideas with the ones u have
                          (we are the super power, we are the best, everybody emulates us etc. etc.)?

                          The fucking Nazis.
                          Yeah we are the one's filled with bitter contempt.
                          If we believed the same things as the Nazis we would have conquered France
                          a long time ago. We have no abitions for new territory......we aren't rounding
                          people up into death camps......the military has not overthrown the
                          government. These types of baseless accusation could be dispensed with
                          a half-way decent education know.....the one Europe claims it

                          Honestly, if we are as bad as Nazi Germany and our military is as out-of-control
                          as everyone claims, why doesn't Europe have a single standing military
                          force that is bigger than the U.S. marine corp. If you really believed the shit
                          you spout you would be building up a huge military to make sure we sure we
                          don't get too imperialistic.

                          There is no initiative anywhere in Europe to increase the size of your military,
                          indicating to us and the rest of the world that your leaders and your people are full
                          of shit, or they are just as lazy and just as insolent as before WWII.
                          Be a freedom fries..


                          • Yao
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 8167

                            Re:: Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?

                            Originally posted by mylexicon
                            There is no initiative anywhere in Europe to increase the size of your military,
                            indicating to us and the rest of the world that your leaders and your people are full
                            of shit, or they are just as lazy and just as insolent as before WWII.
                            Ehm, they actually are building that, but you know politics huh? Slow, slow slow...

                            The problem with Europe is that it's gradually moving to become one, but a lot of people around here are very afraid of losing their own identity and becoming subject to some unpersonal 'government' far far away. And people don't have much trust in such a government, especially after the corruption scandals revealed in the European parliament.

                            Please, don't make the mistake of comparing Europe to the US in the sense of being one political or cultural entity. It's not, not by a long shot. What you have here is a big group different nations, cultures, trying to make an idea of unity work. But it'll take time, I don't expect to see it become one real political unity in my lifetime.
                            The US is a federal system, but on the whole people over the have the same general idea of being part of the same identity. Europe is different, these are countries we're talking about, not states. Creating that "we-feeling" will take some time. And to give just one example: how are you going to deal with all those different judicial systems? They may seem pretty alike in the beginning, but if you take a closer look, you may notice that a lot of laws are based on a concensus which is not present in all the countries. For instance, in my country abortion is legal, posession of marihuana is legal, doctors are (under strict regulations) permitted to assist in Euthanasia. Not every country will accept those laws if Europe were to become one judicial entity. And we will not give up those rights for which we fought so hard. Problem.
                            And there's lots more like this one.
                            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                            • Civic_Zen
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1116

                              Re:: Is it me or this becoming a US politics forum?

                              Originally posted by redrum-er
                              Your political an emulation of democracy.Which is something that most countries had b4 the existance of the US.

                              And last...
                              You just proved u don't know shit about the rest of the world.
                              Oh really. What country had a democracy before the existance of the US? Ya, I wonder which of us it is that has no idea what their talking about.

                              And how many countries have you been to outside of Europe exactly? Go ahead and list all the countries you've visited, since that seems to be the basis of understanding a "country" and their culture on this board. Have you ever been to the US?
                              "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                              "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                              - Thomas Jefferson

