Title: Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 465 (2017-09-09)
Genre: Trance, Progressive, Uplifting Trance
Year: 2017
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
Beaming out around the world through the number 1 online station ‘Digitally Imported’, Russia Goes Clubbing is Bobina’s once-a-week, every-week snapshot of what is making the country’s cities boom. RGC also has a massively popular podcast edition: around 40-50k plays every week via various platforms & downloaded by Bobina fans in all four corners of the globe.
1. LTN & Aelyn - Just Be Free [STATEMENT!]
2. Elypsis - Poison [SILK]
3. Orkidea - Epicentre [PURE PROGRESSIVE]
4. Rodg - Miami [STAMENT!]
5. {EXCLUSIVE FROM RUSSIA} Aurosonic & Katty Heath - My Good Place (Progressive mix) [AUROSONIC MUSIC]
6. Luke Anders - Saga [AVA]
7. Tenishia - Alba [ARMIND]
8. {CLUBBERS CHOICE} Andrew Rayel feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Home (Vigel remix) [ARMIND]
9. {EXCLUSIVE FROM RUSSIA} Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Renewal [INTERPLAY]
10. Sean & Xander - Reach Out [FLASHOVER]
11. Maria Healy - Maktub [ALWAYS ALIVE]
12. James Cottle - Delphic [VANDIT]
13. Andy Norling feat. Rita Raga - Letting You Go (Dan Schneider remix) [MARAPHOBIA]
14. {CLASSIQUE} Rank 1 - Symfo [HIGH CONTRAST]
Download Bobina - Russia Goes Clubbing 465 (2017-09-09)