Yes I know Provocative was supposed to be retired and I realize it was a hella short one at that. This time around, Provocative is at a new home courtesy of Digitally Imported with a new date and time. For this broadcast, my guest for the new Provocative will be Clubbervision of Noctumbula, Qool and Private Reality. These guys hail from Spain and have been putting out tracks and remixes that's been getting notice in the past year. This mix will contain some stashies as well as a sneak peek into their upcoming works. I'll be opening things up with choons from Baggage Handlers, Space Manoeuvers and more.
For more info on Clubbervision, check out
My new time will be the 4th Tuesday of the month at 11-1PM PST | 2-4PM EST | 5-7PM GMT at on their progressive channel.
For more info on Clubbervision, check out

My new time will be the 4th Tuesday of the month at 11-1PM PST | 2-4PM EST | 5-7PM GMT at on their progressive channel.