Out of date pic but saw Hernan And Guy Manzur on Friday night. It was a great night with great music from both. !!

The Antelope - Mikial /
Domenic Cappello - Rain /
Doyeq - Damp Thoughts (Love Over Entropy's M is for Moody Remix) /
Portamentum - In Feras /
Moshic - Love express /
Jorgio Kioris - Linda (Kastis Torrau Remix) /
Eco Driftmoon - Trust In The Wind (Mir Omar Remix) /
Christ Malvin & Ivan Sandhas - Same Day (Priya Sen & Aman Anand Remix) /
Juan Sapia - Sea Of Desolation /
Raxon - Juvia /
Congratulations Mikail !!

Sorry this is so late but Hernan was in Aus and I travelled to see him !!

I really needed that dance

Resident / Episode 353 / Feb 10 2018