i should imagine this question has been asked many times but i'm new so indulge me.
in england yesterday they successfully brought another 20 prosecutions against music sharers and because they won em all and took a shedload in fines . the counterfiet squad said they will be stepping up operations to try and get more and more ppl . what i want to know ( techies please respond)
what type of peer to peer is safe or which progs can't they get ure i.s.p. from . srry for reposting this topic if it's been up a 100 times b4
if we got any legal eagles or ppl in the know what kinda music is it safe to share
in england yesterday they successfully brought another 20 prosecutions against music sharers and because they won em all and took a shedload in fines . the counterfiet squad said they will be stepping up operations to try and get more and more ppl . what i want to know ( techies please respond)
what type of peer to peer is safe or which progs can't they get ure i.s.p. from . srry for reposting this topic if it's been up a 100 times b4
if we got any legal eagles or ppl in the know what kinda music is it safe to share