Title: Neil Moore, Space Motion - HeavensGate Deep 292 (2018-03-03)
Genre: House, Tech House, Deep House, Electronic, Progressive, Dance
Year: 2018
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 120 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 275 MB
HeavensGate Deep brings you the best in Minimal, Deep, Progressive, Tech House & Techno sounds, over two hours every week. With an array of residents and guest DJs. We have featured many guest mixes from some very notable names each week from across the deeper scene. Previous shows have included Josh Wink, Rui Da Silva, Martijn Ten Velden, Claudia Cazacu, Hernan Cattaneo plus many more. With more to come in 2017. Our residents are Neil Moore (Program Director), Max Porcelli, Alex Franchini, Sander & Block, Bodeto and Sounom & Sagou (Holland). Most of whom source guest DJ's from across the deeper spectrum. A brand new show is available every Saturday on Di.Fm
Download Neil Moore, Space Motion - HeavensGate Deep 292 (2018-03-03)