Detroit native Sam Consiglio, aka Stallone The Reducer, sent us this mixtape of weird music made ahead of his appearance in the Come Down Room at Interdimensional Transmissons Presents: 15 Years of The Bunker at Tangent Gallery on Monday, May 28, 2018 (full info and tickets here: The Bunker). Sam has been involved in many Detroit bands and projects over the years including Tamion 12 Inch and Adult. He's been back in the studio recently with several releases out on Aaron FIT Siegel's Est. 83' imprint, most recently the "Always Late" EP available on bandcamp here: list of the artists on this mix appear below
ennis DuckCharles WuorinenGundellaBushidoGenetic FactorFashion FleshDie FormAnne GillisLa Voix Qui RitPink IndustryIsabelle AdjaniThe Brothers FuckSteve FiskMartial CanterelMutant Beat DanceMike RatledgeConPerspectsPhrancRed CrayolaInhalants23 SkidooDesmond Simmons
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