Title: Myon, Darude - Ride Radio 050 (2018-04-04)
Genre: Trance, Progressive
Year: 2018
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 120 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 274 MB
01. Willcox - Remember (Extended Mix) [Gold Records]
02. Diamn - Hypnotize (Original Club Mix) [Sirup]
03. Motocycle vs A.M.R - As The One Man Island Comes (Myon Mashup) [CDR]
04. Jaytech - Song Of Sky (Extended Mix) [Anjunabeats]
05. Gil Sanders & Sonny Noto - Tell Me (Original Mix) [STAAR TRAXX]
06. Tony Calrya & Erick T. - Marimba (Original Mix) [STAAR TRAXX]
07. Rino Esposito & Maria Nayler - For The Weekend (Extended Mix) [A.H.R]
08. Tony Hammer - Crypto Boom (Original Mix) [Excelsior]
09. Chris Giuliano - Anaerobic (Extended Mix) [Elliptical Sun Recordings]
10. Moby - This Wild Darkness (Maor Levi Remix) [CDR]
11. Above & Beyond feat. Justine Suissa - Cold Feet (Extended Mix) [Anjunabeats]
12. Track Of The Moment:Seven Lions feat RUNN - Calling You Home (Oliver Smith Remix) [Ophelia]
13. Maor Levi feat. Ashley Tomberlin - Just Listen (Extended Mix) [Armada Trice]
14. Max Meyer & Whiteout - Bonville (Extended Mix) [Statement!]
15. Signum feat. Scott Mac - Coming On Strong (Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge Mix)[Garuda]
16. Rodg - U Got U (Extended Mix) [Statement!]
17. Marcus Santoro - Whispers (Extended Mix) [Wake Your Mind]
18. Blast From The Past:Bluefish feat Anita Kelsey - Been Too Long (Kasey Taylor & Chris Meehan Mix) [Electric Music People]
Max Freegrant Guest Mix
19. ID - ID (Original Mix) [Freegrant Music]
20. Max Freegrant & Max Meyer - Alive (Extended Mix) [Freegrant Music]
21. Max Freegrant & Slow Fish - ID (Extended Mix)[Freegrant Music]
22. Max Freegrant - ID (Extended Mix)[Freegrant Music]
23. Max Freegrant & Francesco Sambero ft. Lina Fouro - Shooting Star (Andre Sobota Remix)[Freegrant Music]
24. Max Freegrant & Slow Fish - Sweet Lies (Extended Mix) [Freegrant Music]
Download Myon, Darude - Ride Radio 050 (2018-04-04)