Title: Alex Di Stefano - Grotesque 376 (2019-06-13)
Genre: Trance, Progressive, Uplifting Trance
Year: 2019
Tracks: 01 (no *.cue)
Time: 60 Min
Format: mp3, mixed
Quality: 320kbps | 44.1 kHz | Stereo
Size: 137 MB
1. BolsteR - Esoteric (Original Mix) [Respekt Recordings]
2. Victor Ruiz - Nimbus (Original Mix) [Drumcode]
3. Kaiserdisco - Callista (Original Mix) [Suara]
4. Kaiserdisco - Limea (Original Mix) [Suara]
5. OC & Verde - Mondoshawan (Original Mix) [Respekt Recordings]
6. T78 - Megator (Original Mix) [Autektone]
7. Alex Di Stefano - Into The Flames (Extended Mix) [Grotesque Fusion]
8. Arksun - Arisen (Sean Tyas Remix) [WAO138]
9. BiXX - Flight Of Life (Extended Mix) [Grotesque]
10. Kinetica - Lost In Thoughts (Extended Mix) [In Trance We Trust]
11. XiJaro & Pitch with LightControl - Whispers Of Time (Extended Mix) [WAO138]
12. Metta & Glyde - The Chances We Take (Extended Mix) [Regenerate Records]
13. UCast - Motive (Original Mix) [Skullduggery]
14. South Of The Stars & Perry O'Neil - Drift (Extended Mix) [In Trance We Trust]
Download Alex Di Stefano - Grotesque 376 (2019-06-13)