Renaissance Engage.

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  • DIDI
    Aussie Pest
    • Nov 2004
    • 16845

    Renaissance Engage.

    Engage Renaissance

    If you are not in Australia you may be able to watch this . They don't have a time for us So a big fat fuck you Renaissance !!!

    Every time I try to come up with a time for us I get a different time.
    Originally posted by TheVrk
    it IS incredible isn't it??
    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies
  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5032

    Re: Renaissance Engage.

    Will watch if not busy
    How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


    • AchtungBaby!
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Feb 2009
      • 7331

      Re: Renaissance Engage.

      It was ok, more like a class rather than a Dj set. (and a few great memories as well)

      Good (new) concept, would be great to hear the same from Digweed, Warren, Howells just to name a few.... Next sunday goes Danny Tenaglia and then Sasha, should be interesting.

      "vision over visibility" Paul Hewson


      • Denied51
        Platinum Poster
        • Dec 2016
        • 1428

        Re: Renaissance Engage.

        stream rip - 128 kbps


        • salami
          Platinum Poster
          • May 2008
          • 1245

          Re: Renaissance Engage.

          Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio


          • DIDI
            Aussie Pest
            • Nov 2004
            • 16845

            Re: Renaissance Engage.

            Originally posted by AchtungBaby!
            It was ok, more like a class rather than a Dj set. (and a few great memories as well)

            Good (new) concept, would be great to hear the same from Digweed, Warren, Howells just to name a few.... Next sunday goes Danny Tenaglia and then Sasha, should be interesting.
            I did manage to watch and this is exactly right. !! It wasn't supposed to be a DJ set.
            Originally posted by TheVrk
            it IS incredible isn't it??
            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


            • Hoff
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Aug 2009
              • 4727

              Re: Renaissance Engage.

              1 _ Intro - Atmos - Raumwelt Signal
              2 _ Intro - Peter Keen - Musicians (Words by Christhian Gaser & Gottfriend Schlaug)
              3 _ 02.27 Pink Floyd - Speak To Me / Breathe
              4 _ 05.13 Jim Morrison & The Doors - Latino Chrome
              5 _ 06.55 The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds (Cumulo Nimbus Mix By Pal Joey)
              6 _ 12.48 Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
              7 _ 15.17 David Bowie - Loving The Alien (Extended Dub Mix)
              8 _ 22.26 Zero 7 - Destiny
              9 _ 28.00 Slacker - See The World
              10 _ 28. 27 Deep Dish - Stranded
              11 _ 35.09 Moby - Love of Strings
              12 _ 41.13 HVOB - Bloom (Fink Remix)
              13 _ 45.08 Depeche Mode - Only When I Loose Myself (Lexicon Ave Intro)
              14 _ 46.30 Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express
              15 _ 53.00 Soul Mekanik - The Hacienda Must Be Rebuilt (Cosmic Me Mix)
              16 _ 59.56 Art of Noise - Art of Love (Youth & Orb Mix)
              17 _ 64.02 Bjork - Isobel
              18 _ 69.39 The Cure - Lullaby
              19 _ 73.45 Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy (Paul Oakenfold Mix)
              20 _ 79.20 New Order - Thieves Like Us
              21 _ 83.10 Pet Shop Boys - Left To My Own Devices (Frankie Knuckles Royal Piano Version)
              22 _ 91.41 WhoMadeWho - Every Minute Alone (Michael Mayer Remix)
              23 _ 98.55 Superpitcher - In My Head (feat. Fantastic Twins)
              24 _ 105.50 Drewxhill - Bullets
              25 _ 110.08 Francesco Tristano - The Melody (Carl Craig Beatless Remix)
              26 _ 116.22 Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity (Danny Tenaglia Padapella)

              The Story Behind Renaissance Engage.+ Tracklist.

              Hello everybody - thank you for coming

              Geoff Oakes from Renaissance asked me the impossible task to choose two hours of music that influenced my life and DJing.

              In the same way that happened to me when I did those Masters Series albums for his legendary label, the most difficult part is always
              to cut short those lists full of songs you love to fit the 120 minutes available, and trust me, for any music fanatic, that’s a very painful job
              because you want to include them ALL- You would want to choose no less than 100 tracks for something like this

              I tried my best to find a balance featuring the sounds that better represent my musical identity and personality
              and the result is this mix, including stuff I began hearing as a child in Buenos Aires, played for me by my older sisters, that made a big impact on my future as a DJ,
              plus some other gems that I rate really high as all-time favourites of mine.

              I always wanted to do a night time radio show where I spend endless hours just playing randomly, tracks I like,
              in the same way I used to do when I was inviting friends to my house and playing them music.
              Way before I was a DJ, my first passion was to share songs with others and its very likely this will become my main hobby
              the day I stop traveling around the world every weekend - Maybe this is a good test in the meantime!

              This is not a DJ mix, I’m not beat-matching here , just a selection of some all-time favourite records from my collection.

              So In these strange days of isolation, today I will be more like a music selector to entertain you at home
              For me, its like time travel, playing songs that take me places and really work my mind.
              I hope they will do the same to you… and remember , the more we stay home now, the sooner we will be able to go back to our normal life !!


              Hola a todos! gracias por venir

              Geoff Oakes de Renaissance me pidió la tarea imposible de elegir dos horas de musica que haya influido en mi vida y en mi carrera de dj

              De la misma forma que me paso cuando hice los álbumes Masters Series para su legendario sello, siempre la parte mas difícil
              es acortar esas listas llenas de canciones que uno ama para que entren en los 120 minutos disponibles y creanme que para cualquier fanático de la musica es un trabajo muy doloroso
              porque querria incluirlos a TODOS !
              Uno podría elegir no menos de 100 tracks para hacer algo así

              Hice lo posible para encontrar un balance que incluya los sonidos que mejor representan mi identidad y personalidad musical y el resultado esta es este mix
              conteniendo musica que empece a escuchar de chico en mi casa en BA de la mano de mis hermanas mayores y genero un alto impacto en mi futuro como DJ, y tambien agregue algunas
              otras gemas mas actuales que están entre mis favoritos de todos los tiempos.

              Siempre quise hacer un programa de radio nocturno adonde pasaria horas interminables poniendo todo tipo de musica de la misma forma que lo hacia
              cuando invitaba a mi casa a mis amigos y les ponía mis discos mas preciados.

              Antes aun de ser dj, mi primer pasion siempre fue compartir musica con los demás y es muy posible que también vaya a ser mi principal hobby el dia que decida dejar de viajar tanto alrededor del mundo cada semana.
              Mientras tanto , tal vez esta sea un buen test : )

              Esto no es un Dj set, no estaré haciendo mezclas , esto es solo una selección de algunos de los discos favoritos de mi colección

              Asi que en estos días de aislamiento, hoy sere mas que nada un seleccionador musical para entretenerlos en casa.
              Para mi es como viajar en el tiempo poniendo canciones que me llevan a lugares mentalmente y espero que a ustedes les pase lo mismo

              Y recuerden, cuanto mas estemos ahora en casa , mas rapido volverá la normalidad

              TRACKS E INFO

              Intro - Atmos -Raumwelt Signal / Peter Keen - Musicians (Christhian Gaser & Gottfriend Schlaug)
              Long ago, we did a remix with John Tonks for swedish producer Atmos - it was a very energetic prog track, but of all the parts we got to work with, this section of the original breakdown is really special and always makes a great start for a set on any kind.
              The vocal on top is actually my father in law reading a neurology study by Christhian Gaser & Gottfriend Schlaug about the brain of musicians
              Its a really interesting discovery and it was also the opener of my last Renaissance Masters Series compilation.

              Intro - Atmos -Raumwelt Signal / Peter Keen - Musicians (Christhian Gaser & Gottfriend Schlaug)
              Hace muchos años hicimos junto a John Tonks un remix para el productor sueco Atmos - Era un track bien progressive con mucha energía y de todas las partes que nos dio para trabajar, esta sección de la bajada siempre me encanto y la he usado muchas veces para comenzar un set
              El vocal es en realidad mi suegro leyendo un estudio neurológico de Christhian Gaser & Gottfriend Schlaug sobre el cerebro de los músicos.
              Es un descubrimiento interesantísimo y lo sabia usado de intro en mi ultimo Renaissance Masters Series -

              Pink Floyd - Speak to me / Breathe
              Pink Floyd is my first big influence in music and Dark Side of the moon , my favourite album of all time.
              These two together are the start of that mind-blowing journey and a must-feature in this mix

              Pink Floyd - Speak to me / Breathe
              Pink Floyd es mi primer gran influencia musical y el album Dark Side of the Moon es mi favorito de todos los tiempos.
              Estos dos tracks abren ese viaje increíble y no podían faltar en este mix

              Jim Morrison & The Doors- Latino Chrome-
              Part of American Prayer , an album including Jims poetry on top of The Doors music
              Those hypnotic and magnetic vocals from Morrison fit so good on top of a great latino groove by the band.

              Jim Morrison & The Doors- Latino Chrome-
              Esto es parte del album American Prayer que incluye las poesías de Jim sobre música de los Doors
              La voz hipnótica y magnética de Morrison calza perfecto sobre unos grooves latinos de la banda.

              The Orb-Little Fluffy Clouds (Cumulo Nimbus Mix By Pal Joey)
              Dr Alex Paterson and The Orb, the masters of atmospheric chill and so many more musical landscapes at their very best, remixed by Pal Joey.
              Those dreamy vocals from an old Ricky Lee Jones interview are out of this world.
              We did a symphonic live mix of this song last year at the Teatro Colon Opera House in Argentina, hopefully coming out some day!

              The Orb-Little Fluffy Clouds (Cumulo Nimbus Mix By Pal Joey)
              El Dr Alex Patersion & The Orb , maestros del atmospheric chill y muchos otros paisajes musicales en uno de sus momentos mas altos remixeados por Pal Joey adonde los vocales soñados de una vieja entrevista a Ricky Lee Jones son realmente de otro mundo
              Hicimos una version sinfónica en vivo de esta canción en el Teatro Colon y seguramente saldrá algún dia

              Augustus Pablo-King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown-
              My favourite dub record of all times - Jamaica´s essential listening if you dig reggae of any kind.

              Augustus Pablo-King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown-
              Mi canción favorita de Dub de todos los tiempos - Un disco fundamental para quien guste del reggae y los sonidos de Jamaica

              David Bowie - Loving the Alien (Extended Dub Mix)
              The opener of Tonight´s album and probably one of the best songs from David in such a cool remix by 80´s popular production duo Steve Thompson & Michael Barbiero
              Those classic strings are timeless and a special part of my record collection

              David Bowie - Loving the Alien (Extended Dub Mix)
              Este tema abre el album Tonight y es probablemente una de las mejores canciones de Bowie en un super cool remix de un duo de produccion clave en los 80´s, Steve Thompson & Michael Barbiero
              Esas cuerdas clásicas son totalmente atemporales y un parte especial de mi colección de discos

              Zero 7- Destiny-
              in 2001 I moved from Argentina to England to work with Renaissance & Cream who were ruling the club scene all over Europe
              I spent that summer between the UK & Ibiza and this beauty from Zero 7 remixed by Photek was everywhere.
              For this mix here is the more laidback original mix,

              Zero 7- Destiny-
              En 2001 me mude de Argentina a Inglaterra para trabajar con Renaissance & Cream que eran los clubes que movían la escena en Europa.
              Me pase todo el verano entre UK e Ibiza y esta belleza de Zero 7 sonaba en todos lados remiendo por Photek.
              Para este mix preferi el mix original que es mucho mas tranquilo

              Slacker - See the world
              Just a small section of the vocals from one of Slacker´s late works , also used it on one of my Renaissance albums

              Slacker - See the world
              Slacker era un productor ingles que me gustaba mucho y este es un pequeño vocal de uno de sus tracks que use en uno de mis albums con Renaissance

              Deep Dish- Stranded -
              Ali & Sharam made a great album called Junk Science including many amazing tracks like Staygold , Mohamed is Jesus
              and this one. Still miss these kind of records from such a talented duo.

              Deep Dish- Stranded -
              Ali & Sharam hicieron un gran album llamado Junk science que incluía muchos tracks buenísimos como Staygold , Mohamed is Jesus y este.
              Veinte años despues todavia extraño este tipo de canciones que hacían.

              Moby- Love of strings
              Beautiful instrumental song, part of the 18 B sides album, really great musical landscapes, this are so nice to hear time and time again.

              Moby- Love of strings
              Hermoso track instrumental parte del album 18 b sides
              Un gran viaje musical que siempre es agradable escuchar una y otra vez

              HVOB-Bloom (Fink Remix)
              Fast forward to 2019 and this is top stuff from one of the best European electronic bands of the last decade
              (in case you don’t know ) HVOB is Her Voice Over Boys-

              HVOB-Bloom (Fink Remix)
              Adelantamos a 2019 con este temas de una de las mejores bandas electrónicas europeas de la ultima década.
              En caso de que no lo sepan HVOB son las iniciales de Her Voice Over Boys-

              Depeche Mode - Only when i loose myself ( Lexicon Ave intro)
              DM is a big part of my musical life and always feature in my sets thanks to tons of really cool club remixes I’ve been collecting for many years
              For this mix i wanted to include this great tool made by my friends Lexicon Ave, a legendary production trio from Newcastle upon Tyne

              Depeche Mode - Only when i loose myself ( Lexicon Ave intro)
              Depeche Mode es una gran parte de mi vida musical y siempre aparece en mis sets gracias a una gran cantidad de remixes que he coleccionado durante mucho años.
              Para esta session quise incluir un Tool buenísimo que hicieron mis amigos Lexicon Ave, un legendario trio de produccion de Newcastle upon Tyne

              Kraftwerk-Trans-Europe Express
              I was 10 or 11 years old, at home in BA, when one of my sisters played me Kraftwerk for the first time… and what a shock it was!
              Not only the robotic music and those enigmatic synths + machines , but also that look they had on the album cover -
              A bit cold and mysterious but totally engaging - i was hooked instantly!

              Kraftwerk-Trans-Europe Express
              Cuando tenia 10 u 11 años estaba en mi casa en BA y una de mis hermanas puso un disco de Kraftwerk por primera vez . Fue un gran shock
              No solo por la música robótica y esos syntes enigmáticos sino también por la expresión de sus caras en la tapa del album.
              Una mezcla de frialdad y misterio pero a la vez totalmente atrapante . Quede enganchado al instante

              Soul Mekanik-The Hacienda Must Be Rebuilt (Cosmic Me Mix)
              Classic club music from the early 2000’s - The Soul Mekanik guys were always really good at creating grooves and dropping
              cool vocals - Here is a clip from a Prince interview they had used on another track, plus a slow mix of that monster Hacienda track -

              Soul Mekanik-The Hacienda Must Be Rebuilt (Cosmic Me Mix)
              A principios de los 2000, los Soul Mekanik sonaban en todos lados con unos llenos de grooves y vocales super cool
              Aca va un clip de una entrevista a Prince que usaron en un track y un mix downtempo de su gran hit en honor a club Hacienda de Manchester.

              Art of Noise - Art of Love (Youth & Orb Mix)
              Love this early 90´s mix from Youth & The Orb, combining all the elements we like from them, very mantric and cinematic.

              Art of Noise - Art of Love (Youth & Orb Mix)
              Amo este remix de Youth & The Orb de principios de los 90 adonde combinan esos sonidos mantricos y cinematicos que tanto nos encanta de ellos

              Bjork- Isobel
              So many great tunes to choose from Bjork , this one really fits the atmosphere of my Renaissance Engage mix
              Outstanding singer and as relevant as ever.

              Bjork- Isobel
              Hay tantos tracks para elegir de Bjork, pero este calza justo para la atmósfera de este Renaissance Engage
              Una cantante excepcional que sigue tan relevante como siempre

              The Cure - Lullaby-
              Always been a big fan of The Cure , and if for any reason I slowed down listening to them for a while, all that went back to normal
              after that massive Glastonbury closing of the Pyramid stage last year.

              The Cure - Lullaby-
              Siempre fui muy fan de The Cure y si por alguna razón los escuchaba un poco menos últimamente, todo volvió
              a la normalidad después de verlos cerrar Glastonbury en el Pyramid stage el año pasado

              Massive Attack-Unfinished Sympathy (Perfecto Mix)
              My fav remix from Paul , this record was one of the first works I heard from him.
              Who would have said at that time that ten years later Oakie was going to take me on global tour with him
              and change my life forever.

              Massive Attack-Unfinished Sympathy (Perfecto Mix)
              My remix favorito de Paul y uno de los primeros que escuche de el.
              Quien hubiera dicho en aquel momento que diez años despues Oakie me iba a llevar de gira por el mundo con el
              y mi vida iba a cambiar para siempre.

              New Order - Thieves like us
              Another massive influence, a band I would listen to all day long and play all night long!
              Went to see them play live last year in Argentina and danced like crazy all the show.

              New Order - Thieves like us
              Otra influencia enorme y una banda que podría escuchar todo el día y tocar toda la noche
              El año pasado los fuimos a ver en Argentina y bailamos como locos todo el show

              Pet Shop Boys - Left To My Own Devices (Frankie Knuckles Royal Piano Version)
              Always liked the PSB sound and in the hands of Frankie Knuckles things go way beyond greatness!
              I like any mix of this song, but the godfather delivers his classy touch like nobody else.

              Pet Shop Boys - Left To My Own Devices (Frankie Knuckles Royal Piano Version)
              Siempre me gusto el sonido de los PSB y en las manos de Frankie Knuckles las cosas van mucho mas allá de la grabeza.
              Me gustan todos los mixes que hay de esta cancion, pero el Godfather lo hace con un toque de clase inigualable

              WhomadeWho-Every Minute Alone - Michael Mayer Remix
              Really like WhomadeWho and this Michael Mayer mix is one that I still play every now and then.
              Amazing vocals and a great synth riff - no-one can resist it.

              WhomadeWho-Every Minute Alone - Michael Mayer Remix
              Me gusta mucho WhomadeWho y este remix de Michael Mayer es uno que aun me gusta poner de vez en cuando
              Hermosos vocales y un gran riff de senté al que nadie de resiste

              Superpitcher - In My Head (feat. Fantastic Twins)
              A favoUrite german producer, always delivering great tracks songs or remixes
              Quality timeless club music - I play a lot of stuff from him.

              Superpitcher - In My Head (feat. Fantastic Twins)
              Uno de mis productores alemanes favoritos que siempre hace grandes tracks, canciones o remixes
              Musica de calidad atemporal - Pongo muchas cosas de el.

              Drewxhill- Bullets -
              Long ago James Zabiela passed me this song that was coming out later on his Born Electric label
              and loved it instantly, specially for those very emotional lyrics and smooth grooves

              Drewxhill- Bullets -
              Hace bastante tiempo James Zabiela me paso esta canción que iba a salir en su sello Born Electric
              y me encanto al instante , especialmente por esa voz tan emocional y y los grooves tan suaves que la acompañan.

              Francesco Tristano-The Melody (Carl Craig Beatless Remix)
              Not so long ago i found this beatless mix of a monster track i used to hammer in clubs around the world 10yrs ago.
              This atmospheric mix is beatless but full of music ! so, so good!!

              Francesco Tristano-The Melody (Carl Craig Beatless Remix)
              Poco tiempo atrás encontré este remix sin beats de un enorme track que solía poner muchísimo hace unos 10 años en todos lados
              Es una version atmosferica sin beats pero totalmente llena de música genial.

              Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity ( Danny Tenaglia Padapella)
              Another one of those records I used to hear with my sisters at a young age and steered me towards the electronic music world around 1977!!!
              Needless to say , Giorgio was one of the most important pioneer producers and made a huge impact that remains today.
              Final tracks are always very important for me and this “Padapella” from the legend Danny Tenaglia works so good to close any set.

              Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity ( Danny Tenaglia Padapella)
              Otro de esos discos que escuchaba con mis hermanas cuando era chico y me inclinaron hacia el mundo de la musica electrónica alla por 1977 !!!
              No hace falta decirlo, pero Giorgio Moroder fue uno de los mas importantes pioneros productores y su enorme impacto permanece al dia de hoy.
              Para mi los finales son siempre muy importantes y esta “Padapella” del legendario Danny Tenaglia es perfecta para cerrar cualquier set .


              Thank you for joining Engage today - I hope you had a good time watching and listening
              Would also like to thank the Renaissance team , Redpill VR team, and Julian Bongiovanni for putting this together.
              Next episodes with Danny Tenaglia and Sasha are highly recommended - Have a great sunday and stay home

              Muchas gracias por participar hoy de Engage , espero que hayan disfrutado lo que vieron y escucharon
              También quiero agradecer a todo el team de Renaissance, Redpill VR y Julian Bongiovanni por armar todo esta serie.
              Los próximos episodios con Danny Tenaglia y Sasha son super recomendados - Que tengan un buen domingo quédense en casa


              • Hoff
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Aug 2009
                • 4727

                Re: Renaissance Engage.

                Art of Noise · Art of Love (Youth & Orb Mix)

                its so divine & Far


                • ddr
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 7006

                  Re: Renaissance Engage.

                  mix was perfect for a Sunday morning, i really enjoyed it.
                  "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                  • DIDI
                    Aussie Pest
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 16845

                    Re: Renaissance Engage.

                    I was wondering why there was so much of his inspirational music that I hadn't connected with at all. Then remembered that was a bad time in my life when I just didn't have time , or money for music.
                    Originally posted by TheVrk
                    it IS incredible isn't it??
                    STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                    Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                    The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                    • DIDI
                      Aussie Pest
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 16845

                      Re: Renaissance Engage.

                      There are two downloads links here

                      Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
                      Originally posted by TheVrk
                      it IS incredible isn't it??
                      STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                      Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                      The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                      • Progressivey
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Nov 2021
                        • 105

                        Anyone still having the full, non-muted version? I came across again 001 and I noticed I didn't download it before the copyright shit..........


                        • Denied51
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Dec 2016
                          • 1428

                          Originally posted by Progressivey
                          Anyone still having the full, non-muted version? I came across again 001 and I noticed I didn't download it before the copyright shit..........
                          Was there an unmuted version? I still have 128 kbps rip where first 7 minutes are muted

