Go out and get a normal job like everyone else does when their industry goes though a lean phaze. And stop fuck whinging on Facebook. Clubs will return, there will be future opportunities for new promotors and new artists.If you can't weather the stom, start stacking shelves and come back later, you're not guaranteed a job for life. And stop predending that you give 2 shits about your staff, because you don't.
Facebook Post:
Next time there’s a lockdown, nobody is allowed to watch Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other platform.
You must NOT listen to music or read a book.
Free online concerts from the biggest stars in the world? Nope, they’re out too.
Learn an instrument? Banned
Dance Classes? No
Spotify? No
Entertainment at any event? Nope
Gaming? Unless it is in silence...no
How about listen to an audiobook? Not a chance!
The UK Government have ordained the Arts as unskilled and, therefore, of no value.
Now imagine life without us
#SupportTheArts #savethearts
Facebook Post:
Next time there’s a lockdown, nobody is allowed to watch Netflix, Amazon Prime or any other platform.
You must NOT listen to music or read a book.
Free online concerts from the biggest stars in the world? Nope, they’re out too.
Learn an instrument? Banned
Dance Classes? No
Spotify? No
Entertainment at any event? Nope
Gaming? Unless it is in silence...no
How about listen to an audiobook? Not a chance!
The UK Government have ordained the Arts as unskilled and, therefore, of no value.
Now imagine life without us
#SupportTheArts #savethearts