Re: Stocks Thread
imo, 2022 will be a year for massive corrections.
Stocks Thread
Re: Stocks Thread
Buy the dipLast edited by floridaorange; February 23, 2022, 07:11:48 AM.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
Bill Gates On Investing In Bitcoin: 'If You Have Less Money Than Elon, You Should Probably Watch Out'
All this stuff looks really like an epiphany of Wolf of Street "Fugazi" sceneLeave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
This is big: a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
All I know, is a good friend of mine had a friend go to China 5 yrs ago to buy miners for Crypto, anyway long story short, his $10k investment soon went to $100k, then Bitcoin crashed, he was left with $10k. I think that was obviously a different time, there is much more widespread adoption of crypto and infrastructure around it continues to grow. Anyway had a stock pop 40% yesterday AMS .
Crypto is on fire right now, very bullish on ETH and DOGE, I'm amazed they haven't dropped this week, usually if the market is decent, crypto doesn't do well on Monday, and rarely does it continue it's momentum into Tues, if the other markets are not dropping.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
This is a larger discussion about what money actually is, it's nothing more than an accounting ledger, who owes what to who. The green folded thing in your pocket is a representation of that, which is just as virtual as a digital ledger. Governments literally turn on a machine and print more of it. Sound familiar? The more widely adopted digital currency becomes, the harder it will be for it to disappear, it's an asset like anything else, but you also have to separate the currency aspect of crypto from blockchain technology which has a much wider application, and that's what all these businesses are adopting- take a look at smart contracts for example.
Since this is an investment thread, regardless of what you or Bill Mahr thinks about the future of blockchain, 20k invested in ETH 3 months ago is 42k today. Investing money is about making a profit right? It's the literal definition of investing, and the entire purpose of markets. I disagree with you that blockchain ends up like AOL, but even if it did, it's not happening overnight, set calculated stop losses so you can sleep well at night and there is money to be made along the way.
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Re: Stocks Thread
I'm aware, Walmart, Target, all these big retailers are jumping in on it. This is all virtual money, none of it exists. When the market caps tank and people stop buying into Crypto, it's all going to disappear like AOL did.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
The number of companies using Ethereum blockchain is astounding and continuing to grow. You're already using it and don't even know it. Did you get the Pfizer vaccine? Do you have a Visa credit card? Have you been to WalMart? Bought gas at Shell? Flown on Delta? I could go on with your insurance company, real estate company, government, supply chain, banking, etc... ETH isn't some silly alt-coin with a dog on it, but btw that silly dog coin has a market cap over 50billion. lol.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
Be careful with Crypto - you should watch Bill Mahr sequence on it this past weekend. It's literally a guessing game to earn virtual coins that cost a presumed value between those hunting the numbers.
It is so convoluted how it's mined and the Global Warming resulting from the power consumption of these super computers paying a guessing game is wild. If I remember right, the Super Computers running Bitcoin consume more power than NY State and even more than Apple, Google, Netflix, and Microsoft COMBINED.
And then dip shit Elon Musk is trying to create a sustainable planet on the one hand with Tesla and sinking all of the sustainability by being one of the biggest investors in crypto. It's mind numbing.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
I'm considering bailing on day/swing trading and just going ape into Etherium as I don't think anything I do will outperform ETH over the next 5 years.Leave a comment:
Re: Stocks Thread
We should totally start a trading thread. What is everyone using? I'm on Robinhood and Acorns.Leave a comment:
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