I'm looking through the Kansas City Star's online ads for a pup, and it seems like half of the 700+ entries are charging for the fucking things! And not only are they charging, but most prices range between $300 to $1800! $1800 FOR A FUCKING DOG?!
I hate people. Not that I want that dog, but anybody that's selfish enough to ask for $1800 to get rid of a dog thats most likely a pain in their ass to begin with needs to be shot. Seriously, who the fuck do they think they are? Greedy motherfuckers
I hate people. Not that I want that dog, but anybody that's selfish enough to ask for $1800 to get rid of a dog thats most likely a pain in their ass to begin with needs to be shot. Seriously, who the fuck do they think they are? Greedy motherfuckers
