Free puppies?

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  • bart_smastard
    Gold Gabber
    • May 2005
    • 980

    Re: Free puppies?

    there are exceptions to what i say here so don't go presuming i mean every breeder but i feel it encourages ppl to see animals as property when they charge for dogs they breed . also pedigrees are known for short lifespans and poor resistence to infections because of limited gene pooling (rednecks take note). if u want a dog to become one of the family and not just a show dog to display to ppl or a tool to gaurd ure property it's lineage should be of no consequence. get ureself a dog from a rescue centre and u'll also be glad u saved it from joining the big kennel in the sky before it's time


    • peloquin
      Till I Come!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8643

      Re: Free puppies?

      you should just steal one, thats what id do. go a few blocks away, and steal the first dog you see wandering around in a yard


      • ubiqe
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1731

        Re: Free puppies?

        Originally posted by bart_smastard
        if u want a dog to become one of the family and not just a show dog to display to ppl or a tool to gaurd ure property it's lineage should be of no consequence. get ureself a dog from a rescue centre and u'll also be glad u saved it from joining the big kennel in the sky before it's time
        That's not necessarily true. If you take a dog from the rescue, you have to take into account that it might have had a very bad past behind and might never become an emotionally stable friend for life. I never advice peeps a dog from the rescue as their first dog. 9 times per 10 you need some experience to make a normal relationship with such animal. And probably you'll never have such a good contact with them as with an animal you own from a puppy. Pickle, 1 year is a bit too old to become truly your dog. It may be less crazy at that age but might also have some habits that you wont like. Choose a pup from 4 to 6 months old if you must have an older one.

        Originally posted by bart_smastard
        there are exceptions to what i say here so don't go presuming i mean every breeder but i feel it encourages ppl to see animals as property when they charge for dogs they breed .
        You surely have never brought up a litter. If you had you wouldn't talk like that. Bringing up 10 pups costs a fortune + 3 months out of your life. If the price is big (reasonably big that is) it only means the breeder invested a lot in the puppies and simply doesn't want them to end up in a house where nobody cares for them. A proper price ensures both him and the new owner that the puppies were and will be well cared for.


        • bart_smastard
          Gold Gabber
          • May 2005
          • 980

          Re: Free puppies?

          grown up with dogs and although raised a litter of kittens twice. we lost a dog when i was kid because he got the scent of a bitch in heat and got clipped by a car so always had them neuterd since . and on property and raising issue . u say u say u reared a litter so u don't treat them as property but there are some who have 10 or more bitches locked up in a pound day and night solely to create litters this is the practice that turns my stomach as a dog lover ureself u must agree with that .dogs crave comfort they arn't battery chickens solely there for what comes out at their rear ends.

          srry if this offends ppl who keep chickens as pets ..or lovers..


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            Re: Free puppies?

            When I got a dog a year and a half ago, I got a purebred, but there are plenty of perfectly good dogs at the pound or at PetsMart on pet adoption days (as opposed to going to a regalar pet store and buying a dog -- which I would not recommend).

            Here's the deal. The primary thing that purebreds offer over mutts is predictability. When you buy a lab, or a dobie, or a border collie, or (as in my case) a boston terrier, you know what you're getting into to a certain extent in terms of personality, energy level, anticipated health issues (so you know what to be alert for), ease of training, etc., so it's easier to find a dog that matches your personality. Of course, you have to pay for that predictability.

            Mutts on the other hand are probably more durable, but there is a bit more of a wildcard component to them, esp. if you can't view the parents. Some mixed breeds are really, really beautiful dogs, so it isn't like when you get a mixed breed, you automatically get a second-class dog as some dog breeders would have you believe.

            Most any dog will be a great companion that will love you in a way only a dog can, so you just can't go wrong.

            If you want a purebred but don't want to pay through the nose, consider getting in touch with a local rescue organization. They often ask for or require donations, but at least then you know it is going to a good cause and not just someone that is going to use it to churn out more puppies. Also, you get to help a dog in need.

            Best of luck!


            • bart_smastard
              Gold Gabber
              • May 2005
              • 980

              Re: Free puppies?

              Originally posted by toasty

              If you want a purebred but don't want to pay through the nose, consider getting in touch with a local rescue organization. They often ask for or require donations, but at least then you know it is going to a good cause and not just someone that is going to use it to churn out more puppies. Also, you get to help a dog in need.

              Best of luck!
              u put it in a better way than i could


              • shan
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1187

                Re: Free puppies?

                Originally posted by picklemonkey
                Originally posted by hashhead
                ^golden retriever

                BEAUTIFUL DOGS

                I use to have one but sadly that was a few years ago and now she is in the big kennel in the sky
                same. hip problems made us let her go at 14yrs :?

                sorry to hear that guys


                • DreamGirlie
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2137

                  Re: Free puppies?

                  I bought my purebred jack russell for $550.

                  We got our half pure pug, half pure jack russell from family.

                  Well worth it imo. We did try to adopt first BUT few agencies want to adopt into a house in which you already have a dog not spayed/neutured.

                  heres a pic of my two...

                  "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


                  • palmer
                    Retired or Simply Important
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5383

                    I've had dogs my entire life. Help raise 4 of them from 3 months old, I totally agree with ubiqe, shelter dogs are damaged goods for the most part. I think you have some success stories but for the most part they are pretty wrecked.

                    On more than one occassion I've had friends that picked up dogs from the humane society or some type of shelter. The dogs are always nut cases. Most recently... about 3 weeks ago actually, I had a buddy that ended up taking the dog back because it was out of control once he had it for a few days.

                    Its worth the money to purchase a decent dog. As dreamers just stated... 550 for hers, and I bet that dog is the shit. 300-1800 for mans best friend is a steal buddy. I think gambler our shepherd now was over ten grand, and even he is worth every penny. I'd do an internet search about breeders in the region. We always went to breeders pretty far away. If you are going to get a dog gotta do it right.
                    art direction | design | animation


                    • muggeh
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 218

                      Re: Free puppies?

                      I grew up with dogs and when the last one died my folks wouldnt get a new one, i was quite pissed at that

                      And the frustrating thing is now that i got my own place i neither got the time nor money for one which is just plain fucked up

