Hurricane Katrina Damage

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  • pretence
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 228

    Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

    A lot of the problem is that so many of the troops are out fighting "wars" in different counturies. Resources are spread too thin to react in time to a crisis of this size in a timely fashion. 2 billion has already been spent on the "war" in Iraq. Bush needs a reality check stop thinking about his greed and start thinking about the people.


    • DreamGirlie
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 2137

      Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

      Get set up with a new domain name right away. Affordable payment plans to fit any budget. Friendly customer support.
      "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


      • pretence
        Getting Somewhere
        • Jun 2004
        • 228

        Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

        Originally posted by DreamGirlie
        Have you offered your home?


        • EvenSteven
          Getting Somewhere
          • Sep 2004
          • 104

          Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

          ^Have you stopped drinking Guiness long enough to form an intelligent thought?


          • pretence
            Getting Somewhere
            • Jun 2004
            • 228

            Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

            Originally posted by EvenSteven
            ^Have you stopped drinking Guiness long enough to form an intelligent thought?
            Whats Guiness? We only have Guinness here.

            Care to clarify Steve?


            • TomTom
              Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
              • May 2002
              • 16206

              Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

              I wouldn't blame Bush for doing nothing. From the outsider perspective I have by watching TV and reading newspaper, it looks to me like it is all a bit unorganized and I don't know if you guys in America are aware of this but the World asks itself why it takes so long to help people and why they do it on their own only. We had a (not comparable to the Hurricane because it was way smaller and didn?t result in such a horrible amount of Destruction) flood here in Germany last month and Soldiers from France and Belgium came to our aid and helped German Soldiers in the crisis center. Aid organisations like the Red Cross and others did their best in rescuing people and saving anything that can be saved...I see no shame in that but an opportunity for countries for a closer relationship as a positive side effect. What Politics can achieve speaking of tolerating and welcoming other nations in 10 years can be done from people who work together for 2 weeks in a crisis IMO. I just read that the European Union has offered help as well and it is known to the US government for Civil Security (don't know if this bureau is called like that, I translated it from the News) but so far they did not even bother to answer.


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

                Seeing a lot of, "I heard this" "I heard that"...

                anyone care to quote actual sources from print or news media? or is all this information/misinformation coming via carrier pigeon?


                • TomTom
                  Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                  • May 2002
                  • 16206

                  What would you do with a link to a German newspaper?

                  here you can read two articles if Google is any help in translating. These are from official and serious news sites and not from yellow press should know me better, Bryan. :wink:


                  • skahound
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 11411

                    Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

                    Originally posted by Jenks
                    or is all this information/misinformation coming via carrier pigeon?
                    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                    • Kinetic
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2227

                      Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage


                      Actually TomTom, that reminds me...when I went home about two hours ago, they were talking on the news with a guy from a Portuguese organization who specializes in these situations (A.M.I.), and he was saying something along the lines of :

                      - I?ve worked with American emergency relief teams in various parts of the world, namely Bosnia, Congo, and Indonesia, they have the best knowledge, the best equipment, the best expertise, I can?t understand what?s happening, when the most powerful country in the world, the country with the largest ammount of resources fails to deal with this situation so completely. I know how they work, so I am utterly dumbfounded by what?s happening...

                      Then there was this UN guy being interviewed on CNN, the reporter kept dogging him "why aren?t you helping more? What are the other countries doing, what are they offering?", and all the guy kept saying was "well, we have everything ready, we just haven?t been asked for help yet, we can?t just force our way into a country like that".

                      As a side note, which is somewhat related, it was also in the news yesterday that there was a massive earthquake drill in Japan involving 1 million people. They say they?re preparing for the "Big One"
                      "I play music at people" - Surgeon



                      • DreamGirlie
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2137

                        Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

                        Originally posted by pretence
                        Originally posted by DreamGirlie

                        Have you offered your home?
                        I dont have any room so why would I
                        "Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."


                        • FM
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5361

                          The Mayor is getting pissed...and rightfully so...

                          About time someone started to speak up...

                          Now there's fires breaking out...boy if things can't get any worse...

                          "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                          What record did you loose your virginity to?
                          "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                          Download/Listen To My Mixes
                          A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                          Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


                          • evangelion
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1999

                            Re: Hurricane Katrina Damage

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            Seeing a lot of, "I heard this" "I heard that"...

                            anyone care to quote actual sources from print or news media? or is all this information/misinformation coming via carrier pigeon?
                            I'm my own news service. What do you want to know???


                            • toasty
                              Sir Toastiness
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6585

                              Originally posted by FM
                              That's a spectacular rant. I don't know that I've ever heard a politician speak so bluntly.


                              • picklemonkey
                                Double hoodie beer monster
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 15373

                                Originally posted by FM
                                And one of the things people -- nobody's talked about this. Drugs flowed in and out of New Orleans and the surrounding metropolitan area so freely it was scary to me, and that's why we were having the escalation in murders. People don't want to talk about this, but I'm going to talk about it.

                                You have drug addicts that are now walking around this city looking for a fix, and that's the reason why they were breaking in hospitals and drugstores. They're looking for something to take the edge off of their jones, if you will.

                                And right now, they don't have anything to take the edge off. And they've probably found guns. So what you're seeing is drug-starving crazy addicts, drug addicts, that are wrecking havoc. And we don't have the manpower to adequately deal with it. We can only target certain sections of the city and form a perimeter around them and hope to God that we're not overrun.
                                I'm surprised he said that.

