Lifes directions

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  • MJ
    Here since 2002
    • Jun 2004
    • 6560

    Lifes directions

    Morning All, for those that know me, and those that don't, I hope all is well.

    It's funny how life throws us in many unexpected directions and, at times, when you least expect it. If you'd asked me four years ago where I'd be now, never in my wildest dreams would I have said I'd quit my business to start building things in my garden. Especially when you consider my history with anything DIY, yet, that is precisely where I am.

    Four years ago, I started to notice that I was not happy with what I was doing. My job as a director was grinding me down. But I, like probably many others, bottled it up and didn't tell anyone. I did that for two years before I came clean, and we started the process of getting me out of business. Then covid hit, and all that had to go on the back burner.

    For two more years, I worked from home and during that time, my mental health took a severe nosedive. I hit rock bottom. There weren't, as it seemed at the time, many options for me. I'm glad I took the seek help option because I dread to think where the other options would have taken me.

    We're now here, in a better place. And with the help of family, friends and a very good shrink, I now see the light at the end of the tunnel, a faint one, but it's there. Talking has helped greatly, as has writing like I am now.

    What has helped me the most is the decision to completely take myself away from anything to do with work and concentrate on myself. For that reason, I decided to build something in my garden, document it all, and put it on YouTube. The last seven months I've been doing it have been extremely therapeutic, and I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. If you have the chance, have a look at my successes and my inevitable failures.

    Mike Diamond DIY

    Long live the Jibster
    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

    Silentium est aureum
  • floridaorange
    I'm merely a humble butler
    • Dec 2005
    • 29116

    Re: Lifes directions

    Super awesome work - good for you on many levels - nobody can take care of us as well as we can. Mercury Server is walking along with you through this journey - we have all hit bottom at one time or another. Bottom is a very strong foundation to build upon .

    Very happy for you!
    Last edited by floridaorange; November 26, 2022, 08:57:44 AM.

    It was fun while it lasted...


    • ♫♫♫♫♫♫
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Nov 2013
      • 3729

      Re: Lifes directions

      Kinda funny now. I was made redundant last year after 25 years. Fortunately due to my settlement I structured my finances in a way that I no longer have to work. It does make me more relaxed in anything that I do. just by having no financial burden. My son has excelled the last few years since we put him into a private school. I’m working in a trade now that I enjoy and find it a lot easier to perform and and be honest with clients when you don’t have to worry about losing your job. It’s great when you are able to do what you want instead of chasing the money. The bizarre thing is I started a new job three weeks ago and got promoted yesterday.


      • diegoff
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jun 2004
        • 3866

        Re: Lifes directions

        nice to read you, man. We all need to take care of ourselves and know where to put a stop to the social/society business.
        I´ve been watching your vidoes in youtube, nice ones! and btw, you look fine on cammera I mean, I use to watch DIY video tutorials, and most times I can´t stand the guy performing.
        It´s a spiritual thing!

        feb 2021
        Sept 26th
        May 1st 2020


        • MJ
          Here since 2002
          • Jun 2004
          • 6560

          Re: Lifes directions

          I appreciate the replies, chaps. Thank you.

          At first, it was a bit strange talking to a little camera every day, but I seem to be getting used to it now. Having said that, I still forget what I'm talking about halfway through something I'm trying to describe. I put that down to not having a script or really having any experience with the products I'm using. Oh, and my age!

          Good luck in the new job ♫♫♫♫♫♫, I wish you well.,
          mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

          Silentium est aureum


          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5031

            Re: Lifes directions

            Originally posted by MJ
            Morning All, for those that know me, and those that don't, I hope all is well.

            It's funny how life throws us in many unexpected directions and, at times, when you least expect it. If you'd asked me four years ago where I'd be now, never in my wildest dreams would I have said I'd quit my business to start building things in my garden. Especially when you consider my history with anything DIY, yet, that is precisely where I am.

            Four years ago, I started to notice that I was not happy with what I was doing. My job as a director was grinding me down. But I, like probably many others, bottled it up and didn't tell anyone. I did that for two years before I came clean, and we started the process of getting me out of business. Then covid hit, and all that had to go on the back burner.

            For two more years, I worked from home and during that time, my mental health took a severe nosedive. I hit rock bottom. There weren't, as it seemed at the time, many options for me. I'm glad I took the seek help option because I dread to think where the other options would have taken me.

            We're now here, in a better place. And with the help of family, friends and a very good shrink, I now see the light at the end of the tunnel, a faint one, but it's there. Talking has helped greatly, as has writing like I am now.

            What has helped me the most is the decision to completely take myself away from anything to do with work and concentrate on myself. For that reason, I decided to build something in my garden, document it all, and put it on YouTube. The last seven months I've been doing it have been extremely therapeutic, and I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. If you have the chance, have a look at my successes and my inevitable failures.

            Mike Diamond DIY

            Long live the Jibster
            Wishing you all the best of luck MJ.

            I don't even know where to begin here as it's probably going to sound like I'm blowing smoke up my own arse, I'm not. As you all know I've been in some bad places over the years mentally and I was basically hammering drugs all throughout that time, I stop and start in cycles but have now made a life choice to not do that any more.

            Things have been going exceptionally well for me at the moment, for one I'm staying sane, well relatively sane, got my foot in the door in music, stopped drinking and keeping my fat arse out of mental hospital wards lol.

            If you'd asked me ten years ago if I'd be sitting where I am right now I probably would've laughed in your face if you even suggested it especially because the bad times I've had has kind of shaped me to believe that life is always going to be like that for me. The challenge for me was finally getting off my arse and doing something that I believe in (in the same manor as you MJ), invested my time and money in it and right now things are going good with it. Even if it goes no further I'm seriously happy with what I've achieved atm.

            Mental health is a funny ole bastard, most of you will never really understand what it's like to live with mental illness and I'm glad for all of you because of that because I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's not to say you can't turn it around. You never really know what you had until it's gone.
            How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


            • ♫♫♫♫♫♫
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Nov 2013
              • 3729

              Re: Lifes directions

              Originally posted by thebanned1
              Wishing you all the best of luck MJ.

              I don't even know where to begin here as it's probably going to sound like I'm blowing smoke up my own arse, I'm not. As you all know I've been in some bad places over the years mentally and I was basically hammering drugs all throughout that time, I stop and start in cycles but have now made a life choice to not do that any more.

              Things have been going exceptionally well for me at the moment, for one I'm staying sane, well relatively sane, got my foot in the door in music, stopped drinking and keeping my fat arse out of mental hospital wards lol.

              If you'd asked me ten years ago if I'd be sitting where I am right now I probably would've laughed in your face if you even suggested it especially because the bad times I've had has kind of shaped me to believe that life is always going to be like that for me. The challenge for me was finally getting off my arse and doing something that I believe in (in the same manor as you MJ), invested my time and money in it and right now things are going good with it. Even if it goes no further I'm seriously happy with what I've achieved atm.

              Mental health is a funny ole bastard, most of you will never really understand what it's like to live with mental illness and I'm glad for all of you because of that because I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's not to say you can't turn it around. You never really know what you had until it's gone.
              I'm beginning to think that being mentally is actually being normal. There are very few people who can go through life remaining completely composed at all times, or not have some sort of mental issue.

              There are behavior issues that I see in myself now that have happened to me through out my life. For me it was like that scene in a Beautiful Mind when Russel Crowe realizes that the girl that he had known for years had never grown up and then the penny drops, some things that he thought were going on in real life were actually all in his mind. I've also seen it in other people over the years. All you ever end up doing is destroying every relationship you have.

              Stay strong Bannedone, and keep holding them speakers up.


              • ddr
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 7006

                Re: Lifes directions

                Very good MJ. Glad to see you are doing well and are in a good place! Your health is #1 and certainly no worldly goods should come above that.

                I had a similar realization in 2020. Covid certainly was/is bad but also has its beneficial side effects I guess. Similarly, I was in a sour position.. pay was decent but no appreciation and hours of work was up the ass. Health tumbled, marriage stressed, depression grasping hold. Having to work 21 hours on my 4th wedding anniversary in order to meet a filing deadline was more or less the last straw lol. I pretty much rage quit on the spot, no 2 weeks notice, just an email powered down, done. It took a lot for me to do that as I am very very proper at all times but it was needed. Many mental trips to the beach, a nice but stressful break made me realize a lot of things. 2 years later I am in a lower titled position but being paid 20% more, better benefits, better team, unlimited PTO, and the appreciation is great. More time with the family, not having to think about work in the off hours, it's just all been a huge benefit to my and our health as a whole.

                It is very easy to keep things going the same as the day before, it's comfortable, but change is sometimes what we need to get to a better place. Keep on keepin' on; Life is what is important, nothing else.
                "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                • Micko
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • Oct 2004
                  • 8123

                  Re: Lifes directions

                  Hi there MJ

                  Your story resonates with me for different reasons and I am glad to hear life has turned a corner in more ways than one..

                  I have worked in the area of mental health for the last 20 years - partly supporting adults with enduring mental health challenges live as independently in the community, I am also a practicing therapist and see clients and find it very worthwhile and meaningful - I am heartened to hear of your journey and how you say reaching out for support was ultimately beneficial but as John earlier pointed out, it starts with us, our choices and decisions to invest in ourselves, to be courageous to begin making changes...

                  I also started a bit of gardening during covid and I have to say, it brings me much joy

                  Very impressive Youtube btw

                  Well done

                  Best wishes


                  • MJ
                    Here since 2002
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6560

                    Re: Lifes directions

                    Originally posted by thebanned1
                    Wishing you all the best of luck MJ.

                    I don't even know where to begin here as it's probably going to sound like I'm blowing smoke up my own arse, I'm not. As you all know I've been in some bad places over the years mentally and I was basically hammering drugs all throughout that time, I stop and start in cycles but have now made a life choice to not do that any more.

                    Things have been going exceptionally well for me at the moment, for one I'm staying sane, well relatively sane, got my foot in the door in music, stopped drinking and keeping my fat arse out of mental hospital wards lol.

                    If you'd asked me ten years ago if I'd be sitting where I am right now I probably would've laughed in your face if you even suggested it especially because the bad times I've had has kind of shaped me to believe that life is always going to be like that for me. The challenge for me was finally getting off my arse and doing something that I believe in (in the same manor as you MJ), invested my time and money in it and right now things are going good with it. Even if it goes no further I'm seriously happy with what I've achieved atm.

                    Mental health is a funny ole bastard, most of you will never really understand what it's like to live with mental illness and I'm glad for all of you because of that because I wouldn't wish it on anyone but it's not to say you can't turn it around. You never really know what you had until it's gone.
                    It's good to hear you are on the right track. Obviously, I know it's not easy getting there but willpower and the help of others are key, for me at least. Stay strong brother.

                    All, I appreciate your replies, thank you. I will get there.
                    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                    Silentium est aureum


                    • MJ
                      Here since 2002
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 6560

                      Re: Lifes directions

                      Originally posted by Micko
                      Hi there MJ

                      Your story resonates with me for different reasons and I am glad to hear life has turned a corner in more ways than one..

                      I have worked in the area of mental health for the last 20 years - partly supporting adults with enduring mental health challenges live as independently in the community, I am also a practicing therapist and see clients and find it very worthwhile and meaningful - I am heartened to hear of your journey and how you say reaching out for support was ultimately beneficial but as John earlier pointed out, it starts with us, our choices and decisions to invest in ourselves, to be courageous to begin making changes...

                      I also started a bit of gardening during covid and I have to say, it brings me much joy

                      Very impressive Youtube btw

                      Well done

                      Best wishes
                      Good for you for looking after folk like me, without you, I don't know where I'd be.

                      (That almost sounds poetic)
                      mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                      Silentium est aureum


                      • fumanchu182
                        Angantyr The Ruthless
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 962

                        Re: Lifes directions

                        Doing my once a year check in and saw this thread... I'm glad you have been finding some peace on this earth. I'm trying to find mine. I've been through hell after leaving the service. It's amazing that during my outprocessing the Navy magically lost all of my medical records. I'm now going deaf (can't even enjoy music that loud anymore) and my knees are pretty much destroyed.I wake up in pain every day and the VA... yeah.... Lets just say I've been down some dark paths the last two months. I'm getting better but hey I subscribed to your youtube, look forward to more content.
                        The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.


                        • MusicJatt
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 1371

                          Re: Lifes directions

                          I am your subscriber. My feedback is ... loved the oven you made. I go to this Peruvian chicken restaurant that has a very nice oven that smells like my grandparent's kitchen that I haven't seen in over 23 years. So it means a lot to me and this reminded me of that. Thank you for this heartfelt share and giving me the chance to tell you about a meaningful oven.

                          My creative feedback is that you may get more likes if there is more footage of you bending over, that's when I hit the like button immediately. Keep it up !!

                          Hopefully I can reach out to you when I make such an oven.


                          • MJ
                            Here since 2002
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6560

                            Re: Lifes directions

                            Originally posted by ddr
                            Very good MJ. Glad to see you are doing well and are in a good place! Your health is #1 and certainly no worldly goods should come above that.

                            I had a similar realization in 2020. Covid certainly was/is bad but also has its beneficial side effects I guess. Similarly, I was in a sour position.. pay was decent but no appreciation and hours of work was up the ass. Health tumbled, marriage stressed, depression grasping hold. Having to work 21 hours on my 4th wedding anniversary in order to meet a filing deadline was more or less the last straw lol. I pretty much rage quit on the spot, no 2 weeks notice, just an email powered down, done. It took a lot for me to do that as I am very very proper at all times but it was needed. Many mental trips to the beach, a nice but stressful break made me realize a lot of things. 2 years later I am in a lower titled position but being paid 20% more, better benefits, better team, unlimited PTO, and the appreciation is great. More time with the family, not having to think about work in the off hours, it's just all been a huge benefit to my and our health as a whole.

                            It is very easy to keep things going the same as the day before, it's comfortable, but change is sometimes what we need to get to a better place. Keep on keepin' on; Life is what is important, nothing else.
                            Cheers dd. It's quite remarkable how many people have had similar issues to what I have experienced over these last few years. Initially, I found it very surprising just how many but then realised it's not the sort of thing most people tell anyone about, me included. It's great to get it out.

                            Good for you for changing what needed to be changed. You obviously did the right thing.
                            mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                            Silentium est aureum


                            • MJ
                              Here since 2002
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6560

                              Re: Lifes directions

                              Originally posted by fumanchu182
                              Doing my once a year check in and saw this thread... I'm glad you have been finding some peace on this earth. I'm trying to find mine. I've been through hell after leaving the service. It's amazing that during my outprocessing the Navy magically lost all of my medical records. I'm now going deaf (can't even enjoy music that loud anymore) and my knees are pretty much destroyed.I wake up in pain every day and the VA... yeah.... Lets just say I've been down some dark paths the last two months. I'm getting better but hey I subscribed to your youtube, look forward to more content.
                              Sorry to hear that. I dealt with it by analysing what I really like doing. Even though that was watching people who are good at doing things, do their thing, I decided I was going to give that 'something' a go. I'm so glad I have. Thanks for the sub by the way

                              I talked to my shrink about this whole build something and post it on youtube phase I'm going through. It's never been about gaining as many subs as I can, it's more a way of release for me, a bit of therapy. So far so good. Plus, I can look back when I get older and see how I achieved it.

                              Best of luck to you.
                              mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                              Silentium est aureum

