Thoughts? I think of the 3, this is my favourite Quattro release. I wasn't interested on the Breaks mix, but after listening through, loved it.
Quattro III
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Re: Quattro III
I was going to pass on it but given what I'm hearing maybe I'll reconsider. I haven't gone back to listen to either Quattro 1 or 2 since I got them, and I went and did the whole vinyl pack for both. While I like having a vinyl collection, as I get older I wonder "what the fuck are you doing spending so much on these releases that really, you don't buy to play buy to have them?" I never even opened the vinyl packs...I think I'd rather sell them or something because I know I won't miss them.
That said, the Stelios Vassiloudis remix of Forge was really really something...beautiful arrangement and intricate build into the recognizable hook.Comment
Re: Quattro III
As I posted in GYY I was eagerly awaiting this release and always pre-order the CD+Vinyl package.
I love the Quattro concept all around and found this to (possibly recency bias) be my favorite in the series. I might not love every track, but the sum of the parts make for a lovely listen.Comment
Re: Quattro III
Standout tracks for me:
Disc 1 - Soundscape
Not many standout tracks for me on disc 1 but I did enjoy this as a continuous mix
Quivver - Nothing New To Feel (Lexer Stripped Version)
Disc 2 - Tempo
Love this disc of the compilation!
DNA Presents - Ecstasy (Dimitri Nakov & Limara Remix)
Evans - Norse
Hermanez - Radius
Dino Lenny - Rocking To The Rhythm
Disc 3 - Breaks
Also loved this as a continuous mix.
Quivver - Nothing New To Feel (Lexer Breaks Mix)
Circulation - Fruju
The Morning Factory - Unicron
Disc 4 - Redux
No standout tracks and my least favorite disc on the compilation
Disc 5 - Miles Atmospheric - Ancestral Communication
Didn't care for this album much, but two tracks stood out on their own
Miles Atmospheric - Axiom
Miles Atmospheric - TranquilityLast edited by Weizy; December 15, 2022, 12:16:58 PM.Comment
Re: Quattro III
Not that I can find. The continuous mixes are bundled with the singles for each disc on both Bandcamp and Beatport for what it is worth...Comment
Re: Quattro III
There's the "mixed" version being sold on iTunes but it's not the 5's the individual tracks, all 51 of them, in the mixed format. So if you put them all in a playlist, they'll play seamelessly but you've also got 51 tracks that by themselves are probably useless.Comment
Re: Quattro III
There's the "mixed" version being sold on iTunes but it's not the 5's the individual tracks, all 51 of them, in the mixed format. So if you put them all in a playlist, they'll play seamelessly but you've also got 51 tracks that by themselves are probably useless.
Re: Quattro III
I'll glady take the vinyl pack for quatro 1 off you. I regret not picking that one upmotherloverComment
Re: Quattro III
Tempo is a great set. Lovely deep vibe in places, Radius is a lovely track. Dino Lenny's well placed, and picks up quite a bit by the end. I would've preferred another 10mins of deep dubby tech house than the ambient intro stuff.
That damn charlie may redub of bass melody owns me.Comment
Re: Quattro III
Also, the break set is softer than i expected, and makes some average tracks sound better.Comment
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