It is with great pleasure we welcome you back to the board. As you can see we have a shiny new vBulletin board and we have completely redesigned the forum index for your ease of navigation and access.
Just to give you a few pointers around the site before you guys get posting at full speed.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to post in this thread so they can be addressed appropriately
All in all, we sincerely hope this is the last of our worries.
On behalf of the team, I welcome you back to MS V 1.0
- Team [ms]
Just to give you a few pointers around the site before you guys get posting at full speed.
- Be sure to update your avatars since the migration was getting excessively delayed while importing "offsite" avatars
- Update your time zones cause I'm not sure they survived the import.
- Your private messages have been imported so no worries on that front
- The downloads are still being setup, we just let you guys in to start yapping away.
- Smileys have been imported.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to post in this thread so they can be addressed appropriately
All in all, we sincerely hope this is the last of our worries.
On behalf of the team, I welcome you back to MS V 1.0
- Team [ms]