Excellent set!
After party by @909uk @Invisiblewindfactory in Liverpool, after 5 hours of Henry's epic set on the terrace.
I hope you like it and can relive the moment if you were there
Thank you @henrysaiz for your continued confidence in me.
I hope you like it and can relive the moment if you were there

Thank you @henrysaiz for your continued confidence in me.
- [00:00:00] Solomun - Home (Club Mix) [NINL]
- [00:06:15] James Zabiela - The Healing (Matt Lange Secret Booty)
- [00:11:00] Franky Wah - Da Capo (Extended Mix) [Shen]
- [00:14:30] Jeremy Olander - Murphy [Vivrant]
- [00:20:45] Meera - Grevling [VOD]
- [00:26:45] Fairplay - Latlal (Spada Remix) [Zatar Music]
- [00:32:45] Eze Ramirez - Highland [Radikon]
- [00:37:00] Delerium - Silence (Stereo Express Remix) [OFF WORLD]
- [00:42:45] Metal Master - Spectrum (Bart Skils & Weska Reinterpretation) [Cocoon Recordings]
- [00:48:00] Christoph - Swoon [Consequence Of Society Recordings]
- [00:54:30] BLOND:ISH & KeeQ feat. Tamara Blessa - Remember Me [Abracadabra]
- [01:00:45] Richie Blacker - Unified [Of Unsound Mind]
- [01:05:45] Adriatique, Eynka - Beyond Us (Hatshepsut Version) [Cercle Records]
- [01:09:30] Stereo Express - Rise of the 2nd Sun [OFF WORLD]
- 01:14:30] Coeus - Mars Express [Radikon]
- [01:19:30] Franky Wah - Deep Dive In My Soul [Shen]
- [01:24:45] Christoph - Tha Music [Consequence Of Society Recordings]
- [01:30:30] Sebjak - Nobody Lives There [Bibliotheque Records]
- [01:35:30] Garsi- LDN [JEAHMON! Records]
- [01:39:45] Paride Saraceni - Crystal Way [Eklektisch]
- [01:45:45] Nils Hoffmann, Panama - Far Behind (Jeremy Olander Remix) [Anjunadeep]
- [01:51:30] Alfonso Muchacho - We Never Met [Above The Storm]
- [01:58:30] Sub Focus - Vibration (One More Time) [EMI]