Re: Absinthe?
Absinthe in the dogs doo da's. Been trollied on it many times! Although you can get varying qualities of the stuff, ranging from 50% - 75% ABV. Tried some really good stuff from the Czech Republic once, boy i knew about it (or not as the case was!)
Got a bottle of Fruko Schulz at the minute (which is also from CZR) @ 60% booze, pretty good stuff. Always nice if you prepare it correctly with the caramelized sugar
Absinthe in the dogs doo da's. Been trollied on it many times! Although you can get varying qualities of the stuff, ranging from 50% - 75% ABV. Tried some really good stuff from the Czech Republic once, boy i knew about it (or not as the case was!)
Got a bottle of Fruko Schulz at the minute (which is also from CZR) @ 60% booze, pretty good stuff. Always nice if you prepare it correctly with the caramelized sugar