you read it right....
this months MercuryRising guest is our very own [ms] member mikeTpoto.

Mike Sieben lives in New York City, and often in a world all his own simultaneously. Begun in Albuquerque NM, put through childhood and then some in Princeton NJ, a summer spent living in Germany while in High School, and the good fortune of having a mother that showed him as many parts of the world as she could... in all those places it would be Berlin 1993, the purchase of a CD by the artists U96, and 5 of the longest years ever that followed (back in the US in High School living in the horrible fear that perhaps La Bouche would be the closest thing to this "techno music" that he would ever hear again).
After moving to NYC for school, a few traumatizing attempts at finding a niche in the club scene (Limelight Michael Alig style, Tunnel too crowded to breath let alone dance, and some place called the China Club ) that fateful night in 98 a co-worker took him to a little place called Twilo........
Having seen and the light and narrowly escaping being blinded by it, Mike was in love all over again and this time it was for good, In the year 2000 he buys a mixer, some budget quality CD decks (vinyl never interested him), and when the evil corporation he slaved at allowed him enough time he would slowly figure out this whole mixing/beat matching thing. Skip forward to late 2004, some better equipment, Mike throws in the towel... the evil corporate coffee towel that is.
These days Mike works at MTV where the M originally stood for music... but hey, would you want an all Electronica TV channel anyway?
Mike began using Ableton Live in May of 2005 and he seriously loves the way it's format and versatility compliment his way of thinking about and working with music in a visual format... He learns something (10 things even) new every mix he does. Mike loves music, Mike has fun with music, Mike is quite excited and somewhat curious to see where the beat will take him. Mike gets a nice warm fuzzy feeling when others enjoy listening,.. Mike wants everybody to have a good time, and of course to dance!
and since i just moved i had to get my new neighbors acquainted with my monthly bizzniss
so get ready for a new mix from your host with the toast.
click the yellow stuff below
Steve James - MercuryRising part 2 (2005-10-12)
this months MercuryRising guest is our very own [ms] member mikeTpoto.

Mike Sieben lives in New York City, and often in a world all his own simultaneously. Begun in Albuquerque NM, put through childhood and then some in Princeton NJ, a summer spent living in Germany while in High School, and the good fortune of having a mother that showed him as many parts of the world as she could... in all those places it would be Berlin 1993, the purchase of a CD by the artists U96, and 5 of the longest years ever that followed (back in the US in High School living in the horrible fear that perhaps La Bouche would be the closest thing to this "techno music" that he would ever hear again).
After moving to NYC for school, a few traumatizing attempts at finding a niche in the club scene (Limelight Michael Alig style, Tunnel too crowded to breath let alone dance, and some place called the China Club ) that fateful night in 98 a co-worker took him to a little place called Twilo........
Having seen and the light and narrowly escaping being blinded by it, Mike was in love all over again and this time it was for good, In the year 2000 he buys a mixer, some budget quality CD decks (vinyl never interested him), and when the evil corporation he slaved at allowed him enough time he would slowly figure out this whole mixing/beat matching thing. Skip forward to late 2004, some better equipment, Mike throws in the towel... the evil corporate coffee towel that is.
These days Mike works at MTV where the M originally stood for music... but hey, would you want an all Electronica TV channel anyway?
and since i just moved i had to get my new neighbors acquainted with my monthly bizzniss

so get ready for a new mix from your host with the toast.

click the yellow stuff below
Steve James - MercuryRising part 2 (2005-10-12)
