the USA went to shit when we started making laws that ppl cant be offended by one thing or another. it wasnt enough that it was illegal to act on it, but now we cant even have the thoughts.
too much or too little homework.
white and black america not understanding each other.
""god bless""
your kid is too stupid to move up a grade
catering to everyone(democrats) vs telling them tough shit(repub)
we cannot hate a certain group of ppl or we are wrong.
many many more
we live in a place where we cant sell cigarettes to minors(i agree here) but we let fat ppl go to mcdonalds. where rather than changing the station, we write letters to the networks to remove programming. (i find it offensive that ray romano thinks he is funny, he lasted 9 years) when groups dont like something about the actions of another that have no direct effect on them, they sue (shiavo, bible in courts, cursing on cable, fucking microsoft) .....
much much more to come.
(trust me, you will all be offended)
too much or too little homework.
white and black america not understanding each other.
""god bless""
your kid is too stupid to move up a grade
catering to everyone(democrats) vs telling them tough shit(repub)
we cannot hate a certain group of ppl or we are wrong.
many many more
we live in a place where we cant sell cigarettes to minors(i agree here) but we let fat ppl go to mcdonalds. where rather than changing the station, we write letters to the networks to remove programming. (i find it offensive that ray romano thinks he is funny, he lasted 9 years) when groups dont like something about the actions of another that have no direct effect on them, they sue (shiavo, bible in courts, cursing on cable, fucking microsoft) .....
much much more to come.
