Tracks that blend the progressive and electro house sounds together?

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  • Galapidate
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 366

    Tracks that blend the progressive and electro house sounds together?

    Often times when I'm buying vinyl I find myself buying either straight up progressive house or completely electro house tunes (stuff like Sasha's been playing lately). I want to find some tracks that sort of combine the main elements of each style so that I can incorporate both styles into my mixes easier. Anyone have any recommendations? All I could think of at the moment is Ahmet Ertenu - Why (Derek Howell Remix) just to give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about.
  • krelm
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 437

    Re: Tracks that blend the progressive and electro house sounds together?

    Maybe try some of the Cologne proggy-tech labels & artists...I hear a definite electro influence in a lot of the releases out of this area.

    D-Nox & Beckers (or either of them solo)
    Oliver Klein
    Klein & Zenker
    Chriss Source
    Sprout Music (definitely check out spt010 - Minilogue - Little Sisters)

    Also some great stuff out of Sweden in that style lately...
    Martin H
    John Dahlbäck
    Jesper Dahlbäck
    Minilogue (their latest stuff is more a cross between prog & Holden-esque minimal)

    I'll also plug some releases on Hadshot (out of Munich) - look out for the upcoming singles from Martin H & Jay Fever as well as some of the recent and upcoming CD compilations (Chosen 2 & 3 and Floorfiller:Restless). More on the electro side, but these also will work with proggy sounds for sure.
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    "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
    - Stimutacs

