I only wish that more people could have been witness to the amazing talent of Zabiela. Ive seen him before, for some reason Friday night here in Mexico City this guy put on a freaking show!!! No doubt that he can entertain. Props Z for the show!
James Zabiela this Past Friday...
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
What amazes me over and above his undeniable talent is that despite the fact that people (fans, DJs, etc) constantly praise him, he remains so humble and grounded. Thank god he hasn't gone the way of so many others that put on a decent show, get props for it, and then act like they're god's gift.A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.Comment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
saw him weds. such a badass. i was completely blown away by his control over all his equipment (a little crowded for dancing, sadly, so i got next to the decks and watched). he was smiling, grinning, and almost seemed embarrassed of all the cheering and attention lavished on him. that and he clearly enjoyed his work.
freakin' breath of fresh air when it comes to international stars imoComment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
Basically everbody in the industry makes him out to be this phenominal dj with unbelievale skills and talent. Personally, I just never really liked his taste in music...His dj skills (mixing/effects/ ect ect) are undeniably great but his taste in music I can do without...he is just overhyped by industry people....there are hundreds of unknown djs that deserve respect/praise that dont get it....zabilia gets way to much.Comment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
Originally posted by stencil_cpfreakin' breath of fresh air when it comes to international stars imoA good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.Comment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
Originally posted by skahoundIf you don't like the sounds he puts out, that's one thing. But NO ONE can deny the fact that he possesses superior control and gives off an amazing vibe. He could spin a set full of Spice Girls tracks and I'd still have a good time because he's so fun to watch and he almost forces you to enjoy yourself.Comment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
i think that his sound has gotten better lately. the skills have always been there no doubt, but i dig his tracks more now then several years ago... anyone else agree?i reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
I preferred his sound like 3 years ago, then went off him.. but i dig his new four.2 mixes muchlyComment
Re: James Zabiela this Past Friday...
I'll have to start off by saying that I really haven't been into this type of music for very long, it was about a year ago when I first got stuck in this miserable little town when a fellow stuckee and coworker turned my fixation from acidy, what I now view as crap, and onto a new, wide world of EDM. I'm still learning and still exploring all the new sounds I can, I still lean on JZ's talents. and yeah, I keep hearing everyone agree that the man has superb talent but the taste of music isn't there, his taste in music and the way he spins it is his character and is what makes him what he is... it's like writing a story with sound. not all authors write the same way, if they did all books would be boringComment