I bid you all farewell

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  • dtgunslinger
    Addiction started
    • Nov 2004
    • 352

    Re: I bid you all farewell

    Well, what can I say.... I never had the opportunity to discuss religion with you or any other topic I can think of. Tis a shame you do not feel this forum is a place willing to accept open discussions, perhaps a posting or two might reveal some interesting, enlightening thoughts, opinions or insights to other beliefs. The toughest thing to do is place your own beliefs "out there" for others to read and than belittle those "in front" of others.
    What I remember from my Sunday school classes and various readings is that not what Jesus did? Was he not killed for those words of influence and beliefs? It takes a brave man to stand for what he believes in while all others cast words of doubt upon him.
    So stick around, enjoy reading; take heart that there will always be someone not to agree with, for if the world consisted of persons with the same thoughts, beliefs and traditions what a boring place this would be.
    Not living my life to see if I get into heaven or hell, just how long I'll have to spend in purgatory.


    • Weizy
      MCast Resident DJ
      • Jun 2004
      • 3217

      Re: I bid you all farewell

      Originally posted by cowardly dj
      I see that the vast majority of the people who visit this forum lately are just interested in promoting themselves or their friends and good stories and fun threads are a thing in the past.
      no offense cowardly dj, but this is simply not true. do you really have to take this kind of high road approach with us? when we still had mercury promote I used to read your posts all of the time and got some great production knowledge from them, but c'mon man this board is a million times stronger than it was at its inception back in 2000. I was there and so were you. Change is inevitable my friend and those who resist will in that same fashion be left behind...

      happy trails, and best of luck to you in the future cowardly dj!


      • Kobe
        I wish I had an interesting User title
        • Jun 2004
        • 2589

        Re: I bid you all farewell

        So are we supposed to beg you to stay?

        I never understand these threads, if you really wanted to go, you would have done so and not wasted another second of your life. Instead you rant for 600+ words on the subject.

        So it's obvious that you really do want to stay, what then is the point?

        The good ol' days were better? Personally I think [ms] () is as good as ever. You go and blow a little smoke up -E-'s ass, is that supposed to make it okay that you're slagging off on our forum?

        Times change, people change. I have best friends I haven't talked to in years. I have favorite songs I don't listen to anymore. And there are even, *gasp* Internet BBs I used to frequent which I have now stopped visiting.

        As the world turns, blah blah blah, who cares, if you don't like it then leave.

        PS- Best wishes for your future!
        Beats are my crack.


        • stencil_cp
          Addiction started
          • Aug 2005
          • 408

          Re: I bid you all farewell

          maybe you want to build a livejournal community and put up friends-only posts. [ms] will get all types responses, curt posts, matter-of-fact toned opinions, and well-shaped arguments alike.

          what i read of the creation thread you opened the forum to debate, and then didn't welcome the slew of doubt your examples for creation brought. i hate to see any opinionated person go, but i'd rather you stood your ground on that, or any other subject, without feeling that the responses to your thread were personal insults and replying in kind.

          best wishes in any case.


          • Mr.Big
            Platinum Poster
            • Nov 2004
            • 1390

            Re: I bid you all farewell

            Originally posted by Kobe
            So are we supposed to beg you to stay?

            I never understand these threads, if you really wanted to go, you would have done so and not wasted another second of your life. Instead you rant for 600+ words on the subject.

            So it's obvious that you really do want to say, what then is the point?

            The good ol' days were better? Personally I think [ms] () is as good as ever. You go and blow a little smoke up -E-'s ass, is that supposed to make it okay that you're slagging off on our forum?

            Times change, people change. I have best friends I haven't talked to in years. I have favorite songs I don't listen to anymore. And there are even, *gasp* Internet BBs I used to frequent which I have now stopped visiting.

            As the world turns, blah blah blah, who cares, if you don't like it then leave.

            PS- Best wishes for your future!
            What he said!

            Never seen you here before so smell you later, smell you later forever.

            To be honest, maybe i dont know my progressive as much as alot of people in here.
            i know what i like, i like the promos and set recommendations plus the general chat is funny.

            one of the few boards on the net which the people arent complete nerds. thats why i keep coming back
            Pimps up Hoes down.


            • skahound
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • Jun 2004
              • 11411

              Re: I bid you all farewell

              Someone just did this exact same thing on a SoCal rave board recently. Good riddance imo. I hate to see anyone go..EVER..but if you're going to throw things out there like 'this board has gone mainstream' then I bid you a fond farewell.
              A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


              • Jibgolly
                • Jun 2004
                • 20773

                Re: I bid you all farewell

                will miss ya cowardly. im surprised you still play that 'until dawn' cd. my sound has evolved A LOT since then and imo, my music is 10x better these days.
                its a shame you dont feel connected to us any more.. could it be that in your absence so many new people arose that you dont know them and feel uncomfortable?
                in any case, i hope you find whet you're looking for. and remember if you dont, [ms] will always be here with open arms to embrace your return.


                • skahound
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 11411

                  Re: I bid you all farewell

                  Fuck this...I'm outta here too.
                  A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                  • Jibgolly
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 20773

                    Re: I bid you all farewell

                    not before you post every party for wmc you're not. or I'm telling!


                    • skahound
                      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 11411

                      Re: I bid you all farewell

                      Ok, you twisted my arm.
                      A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                      • miketpoto
                        Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                        • Jan 2005
                        • 4223

                        Re: I bid you all farewell

                        I would have argued with the Intelligent Design posting if it had been remotely provocative, and if it makes you feel any better cowardly, I printed it out and my friends and I laughed about it.

                        I'm offended that TomTom thinks my posts are wierd and off-topic.

                        I went to hear Holden/Lazarus Friday night, it was great, lemme know who wants pics/vids...!


                        • peloquin
                          Till I Come!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 8643

                          Re: I bid you all farewell

                          Originally posted by skahound
                          Fuck this...I'm outta here too.
                          dont let the door hit your ass on the way out


                          • skahound
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 11411

                            Re: I bid you all farewell

                            A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                            • picklemonkey
                              Double hoodie beer monster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 15373

                              Re: I bid you all farewell

                              Originally posted by skahound
                              looks damned good, eh?



                              • nicomax
                                Gold Gabber
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 667

                                Re: I bid you all farewell

                                I was enjoying the conversation on intelligent design, but you have to be prepared to read anything when proposing these topics.

                                I think there're still plenty of interesting discussions and intelligent people in MS, and they (we) shouldn't be threaten by a couple of teenagers that still are learning to engage in discussions.

                                All the best, come back with a thicker skin soon

