god vs. god MMV

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  • lucasvickers
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 345

    Re: miketpoto

    I wrote this last night when my internet went down so now it is a little off subject, but I think I'll post it anyway:

    I tend to avoid religious debates because I find it to be rather - shall we say, pointless? Neither side ever really budges.

    However, out of respect for Mike, I will join this one:

    So let’s see. I think you need to seriously respect the strength it requires to be an outwardly gay male such as Mike. A lot of this society does not understand homosexuality, particularly the religious / conservative part. Knowing that it will come with a consequence, to present the world with the person that you really are takes a lot of strength, and I give mike as well as his friends / my friends a lot of respect for this. The fact that our government does not give equal rights to someone who is gay, despite the fact that all humans are guaranteed equal rights in our constitution, is obviously going to upset a lot of individuals – I’m one of them. The fact that our government uses religion, for the most part, to justify this, is even more upsetting. I have no problem with personal faith of any kind, but when a social religion is used to gather the masses together so that they may team up on a minority, it is rather upsetting.

    So let’s see. Our government / our society are influenced by the Bible, and by God. God is the holy creator of our world and of man, and the Bible his words. Well let’s see, the creator made all of us did he not? Did he not make Mike as well? Why did he make Mike gay? Our government, interpreting the Bible / religious faith, says that gays do not have equal rights – so why would god create someone who is not quite human? Either God or the government is at fault here.

    So cowardly, you have studied the Bible, and you understand the word of God and what God stands for? Well you are mortal are you not? God is divine and immortal; you (and all of us) are neither immortal nor divine. So lets for a second ignore the fact that the Bible was not even written by god (it was written by immortal un-divine humans). You think, cowardly, that you as a mortal human can fully interpret the ideas of an immortal and holy being, that you can fully understand God’s wishes and thoughts and plans? Even if the divine and holy words of God were written in the Bible by the stroke of his pen (which they were not), how could you, as an immortal being truly understand what God meant? And to top it off you say you will teach us about the Bible and about God? You’re immortal, you’re a human, and you’re not a god. Even if God exists there is no way for you to truly understand him, and definitely no way for you to teach what he is.

    See here’s the thing about communication. It has a degree of separation. If I speak a sentence to you – you have to interpret the sentence and assign an internal meaning to it. There is really no way that I can ever fully express my thought to you. So how is it that you fully understand what God is saying? Unless you are God, then the only way you are going to understand what God is saying is through interpretation, which takes anything holy and brings it down into the dirty world of mortals.
    War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.
    - Ambrose Bierce


    • asdf_admin
      i use to be important
      • Jun 2004
      • 12798

      Re: miketpoto

      ^^^ your point will end very quickly if you understand that the "Christian" faith believes homosexuality is not a birth issue, but rather a life choice. It is in that choice they have issues with. "You are not born gay"

      i frankly could care less where, who and what you fuck. i have had tons of gay friends and find them very fucking funny. they all want to be stand up comics. it is just another outlook on life, and there are plenty. i have decided what i like and what i want to do. i do not want to hear otherwise.

      i would never post a picture of lynched n*gger. and have a quote "hanging tuff", i would expect others to have same resonable common sense.

      yao you are very wrong in your words. for my understanding my above statement would be justified under you own words? is that not correct?
      dead, yet alive.


      • bart_smastard
        Gold Gabber
        • May 2005
        • 980

        Re: miketpoto

        cough gay gene cough

        it has been found and proven same as left handed gene


        • Kamal
          • May 2002
          • 28835

          Re: miketpoto

          Originally posted by asdf_admin
          i would never post a picture of lynched n*gger. and have a quote "hanging tuff", i would expect others to have same resonable common sense.
          pretty much sums up what I implied..... well put keyboard.... very very well put

          Jib says:
          he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
          Originally posted by ace_dl
          Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
          I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


          • asdf_admin
            i use to be important
            • Jun 2004
            • 12798

            Re: miketpoto

            i am stating the facts what "they" believe .

            there are always two sides bart. always. you just have to make a choice.
            dead, yet alive.


            • asdf_admin
              i use to be important
              • Jun 2004
              • 12798

              Re: miketpoto

              -e- ... i was worried that was going to come over the wrong way. i actually thought that would be the best way to convey our point. r e s p e c t.
              dead, yet alive.


              • Kamal
                • May 2002
                • 28835

                Re: miketpoto

                yes, and empathy for something that means something to others. Even if it was printed on a T-Shirt doesnt mean

                A) It was right
                B) Makes it any better if you relay it

                How can you even show your belief in God let alone respect towards him by conveying that.... fuck I look at that and it still bugs me

                Jib says:
                he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                Originally posted by ace_dl
                Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                • asdf_admin
                  i use to be important
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 12798

                  Re: miketpoto

                  you are more in touch with the world and culture. i feel the same things -e-.

                  gplur. global peace love unity respect.
                  dead, yet alive.


                  • bart_smastard
                    Gold Gabber
                    • May 2005
                    • 980

                    Re: miketpoto

                    I was going to type this out last night but i didn't want to go making a anti/pro religous thread out of this .This thread all started because CDJ likes to shout about his religion and also use it as a stick to beat others with . I make no appologies or explanations for my loathing of religion i have them but i ain't gonna use them . Howeva i have no problems what so eva with religous people we all gotta share this little planet so we gotta get try to get along. Relgion is a personal matter a private matter and and when it is kept as such i realy do think it is a good thing for it gives those people a good sense of well being and purpose .but i'll repeat BUT when someone shouts about it and brings it into debate like any subject matter it had better stand up to scrutinity for otherwise it will get torn to pieces and all flaws exposed . Just like mike has made a lifestyle choice about his sexuality you have made a lifestyle choice in following your faith . If mike came on here everyday saying how each and everyone of us was inferior for liking boobs and that obviously all it would take is a higher I.Q. to see his side of the argument he would be shot down and ridiculed everyday .. he dosn't so we don't .


                    • Kamal
                      • May 2002
                      • 28835

                      Re: miketpoto

                      no matter what all you have to say about CDJ and his beliefs, he doesn't ridicule anyone or make such a degradation of your beliefs, he just conveys his own in a fashion most people find unacceptable,

                      all in all, my point here is NOT about religion, or about your beliefs, its about conveying such a cheap meaning for something thats so damn important to the entire christian population on the planet.

                      You dont like CDJ's beliefs, fuck him for it, why go 2 steps beyond just to prove him wrong

                      Jib says:
                      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                      Originally posted by ace_dl
                      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                      • bart_smastard
                        Gold Gabber
                        • May 2005
                        • 980

                        Re: miketpoto

                        religion gets you through life E, humour gets me through the day . and good humour/bad humour is worth defending , i admit it was in poor taste i said that earlier howeva this t-shirt was aimed at the christian faith . turn the other cheek . lest you not judge or you will be judged ureself ect.ect. if your a true believer in that faith and follow those words then why get all arsey and not simply ignore it


                        • Kamal
                          • May 2002
                          • 28835

                          Re: miketpoto

                          I dont follow what you are saying, are you trying to justify that the image has its place in humor ? you need humor, rent a video of "mind your language" mate, not chuckle at a naked jesus with a dumb ass tagline

                          Jib says:
                          he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                          Originally posted by ace_dl
                          Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                          I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                          • bart_smastard
                            Gold Gabber
                            • May 2005
                            • 980

                            Re: miketpoto

                            a fair few people did find it funny .. everyone has different opinions on what is funny and what is not . same as some have strong aversions to the use of such things to be put into the public domain . people have the right to say what they want so long as they are not trying to incite hatred towards a group/minority . there have been numerous postings of fat people on the nonsense board . some large ppl could be hugely offended by such a thing . but ure not fat so u don't give a fuck and have a chuckle . we don't give a fuck about religion and have a chuckle . see how it all works now E


                            • Kamal
                              • May 2002
                              • 28835

                              Re: miketpoto

                              I am not christian either bart, but you dont see me chuckling here mate.... there's a line you've gotta draw and know what is within the realms of fair humor and one that's crossing limits. If you read my earlier posts, I dont bash joking around, I'm one fucking clown short of a red nose, all I'm saying is you have to realize what limits are.... else we might as well be walking around naked dragging our women back to our caves by their hair.

                              Its the knowledge of being able to use our best judgements towards whats right and wrong that differentiates us from every other thing that walks with its back to the sun. Yes end of the day there's no right or wrong and its all human opinion, but only in mr. philosophers world bro.

                              Jib says:
                              he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                              Originally posted by ace_dl
                              Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                              I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


                              • bart_smastard
                                Gold Gabber
                                • May 2005
                                • 980

                                Re: miketpoto

                                if i spoke like i do and aired the views the way i do on the net in the fleshy world i would constantly have two black eyes and would be missing most of my teeth. i spend my working life dancing round other peoples sensibilities. this was a religous jokes thread cowardly's jokes were in good taste mikes wasn't but my point is he had everyright to put it into this forum in my opinion. i know your a hindu and to be honnest out of all religions it is my favourite you seem to have more fun and occasions are big celebrations and there isn't all the dowdyness of other religions . also there is alot of humour in your coulture and an ability to laugh at yourselves . this has ment your coulture out of all those from the east has settled into the western world the best and of all major immigrant nations you are the least resented and most accepted . humour even near the knuckle stuff brings ppl together the ability to have a laugh is what seperates us " from every other thing that walks with its back to the sun " . arguments are forgotten when you can look back and laugh

