Democrats Grow Some Balls

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Democrats Grow Some Balls

    Deomcrats Close Senate Doors in Iraq Protest

    About friggin' time.
  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

    I suspect this is designed not just to be a show of protest, but also to provide a real-world example of what can happen if the nuclear option is invoked over Alito and the Dems shut down the Senate.


    • cosmo
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 583

      Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

      This headline would be more fitting:

      Democrats Have Completely Lost Their Minds


      They're using the Libby non-indictment as it relates to the Plame controversy, in which no one was indicted for conspiracy to out Valierie Plame, so they missed their opportunity to target Rove. They have nothing else to bring to the table but to act like a bunch of whiny desperate politico's that no difinitive plan, and no goals. They're hanging on this because it's all they have.

      Sad to say the least.


      • cosmo
        Gold Gabber
        • Jun 2004
        • 583

        Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

        Originally posted by toasty
        I suspect this is designed not just to be a show of protest, but also to provide a real-world example of what can happen if the nuclear option is invoked over Alito and the Dems shut down the Senate.

        The nuclear option isn't happening. First, the gang of 14 doesn't even have an explanation of what 'extraordinary circumstances' is supposed to mean, so they have to be within that frame of text to even do such a thing.

        Three words: Bring... It.... On!!


        • shosh
          • Jun 2004
          • 4668

          Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls


          • cosmo
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 583

            Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

            Originally posted by shosh

            Multiple explosions?

            Do the multiple explosions do away with the theory that planes actually flew into the buildings?


            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

              Originally posted by cosmo
              The nuclear option isn't happening. First, the gang of 14 doesn't even have an explanation of what 'extraordinary circumstances' is supposed to mean, so they have to be within that frame of text to even do such a thing.
              And you think that will stop it from happening? It might not happen, and I certainly hope that it doesn't, because cooler heads may hopefully prevail, or because the 6 or so pro-choice republicans may side with the democrats, defeating the nomination outright. The idea, however, that the dems can't fillibuster simply because no one bothered to define "extraordinary circumstances," is just wrong. Just as you and I can't agree upon what the hell the term "judicial activist" means, I seriously doubt that the senators will see eye to eye on what qualifies as "extraordinary circumstances." Indeed, it is that haze that will allow for the fillibuster -- and which may ultimately result in the nuclear option being deployed.

              Of course, he could just be defeated before the full Senate. That would be something...


              • shosh
                • Jun 2004
                • 4668

                Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                Originally posted by cosmo
                Multiple explosions?

                Do the multiple explosions do away with the theory that planes actually flew into the buildings?
                I'm not saying that i believe those theories/assumptions. At the same time I'm not saying I dont believe them either. But there are definitely some questions left unanswered. Such as, what hit the Pentagon.

                With the recent indictments and the latter Downing Street Memos, do you wonder to what extent the govt went to find a plausible cause to go to war against Iraq? Personally I believe anything is possible and that republicans and democrats are both corrupt. Just some points to ponder....


                • toasty
                  Sir Toastiness
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 6585

                  Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                  Originally posted by cosmo
                  They're using the Libby non-indictment ...
                  Libby's facing 30 years and up to a quarter million in fines. Wanna trade him places?

                  Don't think Rove is out of the woods yet, BTW. Remember, Libby is facing some serious charges with serious consequences -- he's got a pretty strong incentive to try to roll over on someone to cut a deal.


                  • superdave
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1366

                    Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                    Whether created or not by the Democrats, they seem to be on the offensive recently:

                    Here's some recent examples: Scooter indicted, Rove still under investigation, fighting Supreme Court nominees, Downing St Memo, attacking response to Hurricane Katrina, Cindy Sheehan protesting, Tom Delay indicted, and now closed door sessions on intelligence.
                    Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                    • krelm
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 437

                      Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                      Originally posted by toasty
                      Of course, he could just be defeated before the full Senate. That would be something...
                      Would the administration allow an embarassment like that to happen with such a high-profile nomination? If the nomination would be defeated in the full senate, obviously Bush & co would have a pretty damn good idea that his nomination was in serious trouble before the vote, and will likely know exactly how the votes will pan out in the senate. If he was going to lose the vote due to enough republicans voting against him, you might see another case of a nominee "voluntarily" stepping down for whatever reason.

                      But short of a complete collapse of the republican party in the next 6-8 weeks, I don't envision that happening.
                      Broken Symmetry on

             - archives & mixes
             - general tomfoolery

                      "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
                      - Stimutacs


                      • cosmo
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 583

                        Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                        Libby's facing 30 years and up to a quarter million in fines. Wanna trade him places?

                        Don't think Rove is out of the woods yet, BTW. Remember, Libby is facing some serious charges with serious consequences -- he's got a pretty strong incentive to try to roll over on someone to cut a deal.

                        By Libby 'non-indictment', I meant that he wasn't indicted for what the investigation was started for: The intentional leaking of a CIA covert op. Remember, they weren't able to indict anyone under the Identities Act and the Espionage Act. And Matt Cooper testified that he brought up the fact that she worked for the CIA, to which Libby responded by saying 'I heard that too'. Rove wasn't the 'leaker' either. If this goes any further, Cheney would be the person to look at, and perhaps put in front of the grand jury one more time.

                        I think he had more to do with this than Rove did.


                        • cosmo
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 583

                          Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                          Whether created or not by the Democrats, they seem to be on the offensive recently:

                          Here's some recent examples: Scooter indicted, Rove still under investigation, fighting Supreme Court nominees, Downing St Memo, attacking response to Hurricane Katrina, Cindy Sheehan protesting, Tom Delay indicted, and now closed door sessions on intelligence.

                          The only thing they are on the offense for are the first three examples. All of the others were used and have failed.

                          Tom Delay may be a POS, but I seriously doubt he will get charged with anything. The indictment didn't have any clear evidence that tied him to anything. And the prosecutor has a record of doing this to his enemies and working for the democratic party.

                          Cindy has proved herself to be out of her mind. It's an old story.

                          Closed door sessions is a lost cause because they weren't able to get Rove, or anyone for that matter under the two Acts mentioned earlier.

                          Hurricane Katrina lays soley on the doorstep of the Governor. She had full control under the Homeland Security clause. She fumbled from step 1. Due to Federalism, the state has to allow the Feds in, and she didn't do that until the Wednesday after the storm, which was on Monday


                          • cosmo
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 583

                            Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                            Originally posted by shosh
                            I'm not saying that i believe those theories/assumptions. At the same time I'm not saying I dont believe them either. But there are definitely some questions left unanswered. Such as, what hit the Pentagon.

                            With the recent indictments and the latter Downing Street Memos, do you wonder to what extent the govt went to find a plausible cause to go to war against Iraq? Personally I believe anything is possible and that republicans and democrats are both corrupt. Just some points to ponder....

                            The Pentagon was hit by a plane. Let's leave it at that. There were multiple witnesses, and there are photos available online that show plane parts inside the wreckage of the Pentagon.

                            And the DS Memos proved nothing. People latch onto the 'fixed' assertion, but that was taken out of context in order to accuse them of 'fixing' the intel, which wasn't the case.


                            • cosmo
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 583

                              Re: Democrats Grow Some Balls

                              And you think that will stop it from happening? It might not happen, and I certainly hope that it doesn't, because cooler heads may hopefully prevail, or because the 6 or so pro-choice republicans may side with the democrats, defeating the nomination outright. The idea, however, that the dems can't fillibuster simply because no one bothered to define "extraordinary circumstances," is just wrong. Just as you and I can't agree upon what the hell the term "judicial activist" means, I seriously doubt that the senators will see eye to eye on what qualifies as "extraordinary circumstances." Indeed, it is that haze that will allow for the fillibuster -- and which may ultimately result in the nuclear option being deployed.

                              Of course, he could just be defeated before the full Senate. That would be something...

                              There is a possibility of that happening, but I don't see it happening. The Republicans will stay on course with getting this confirmed in the Committee, so that he is approved in Congress. I don't see any flaws in his career, bad enough to place within the text of extraordinary circumstances. Just like John Roberts.

                              The democrats are just making a stink because they wanted the activist Miers.

