President Bush can't win..

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  • cosmo
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 583

    President Bush can't win..

    July 20, 2004, 9:00 a.m.
    Rich Lowry
    W.?s Double Binds
    He can?t win ? even if he does!

    Sometimes a political figure becomes so hated that he can't do anything right in the eyes of his enemies. President Bush has achieved this rare and exalted status. His critics are so blinded by animus that the internal consistency of their attacks on him no longer matters. For them, Bush is the double-bind president.

    If he stumbles over his words, he is an embarrassing idiot. If he manages to cut taxes or wage a war against Saddam Hussein with bipartisan support, he is a manipulative genius.

    If he hasn't been able to capture Osama bin Laden, he is endangering U.S. security. If he catches bin Laden, it is only a ploy to influence the elections.

    If he ignores U.N. resolutions, he is a dangerous unilateralist. If he takes U.N. resolutions on Iraq seriously, he is a dangerous unilateralist. If he doesn't get France to agree to his Iraq policy, he is ignoring important international actors. If he supports multiparty talks on North Korea, he is not doing enough to ignore important international actors.

    If he bombed Iraq, he should have bombed Saudi Arabia instead, and if he had bombed Saudi Arabia, he should have bombed Iran, and if he had bombed all three, he shouldn't have bombed anyone at all. If he imposes a U.S. occupation on Iraq, he is fomenting Iraqi resistance by making the United States seem an imperial power. If he ends the U.S. occupation, he is cutting and running.

    If he warns of a terror attack, he is playing alarmist politics. If he doesn't warn of a terror attack, he is dangerously asleep at the switch. If he says we're safer, he's lying, and if he doesn't say we're safer, he's implicitly admitting that he has failed in his core duty as commander in chief.

    If he adopts a doctrine of preemption, he is unacceptably remaking American national-security policy. If the United States suffers a terror attack on his watch, he should have preempted it. If he signs a far-reaching antiterror law, he is abridging civil liberties. If the United States suffers another terror attack on his watch, he should have had a more vigorous anti-terror law.

    Bush's economy hasn't created new jobs. If it has created new jobs, they aren't well-paying jobs. If they are well-paying jobs, there is still income inequality in America.

    If Bush opposes a prescription-drug benefit for the elderly, he's miserly. If he supports a prescription-drug benefit for the elderly, he's lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. If he restrains government spending, he's heartless. If he supports government spending, he's bankrupting the nation and robbing from future generations.

    If he opposes campaign-finance reform, he's a tool of corporate interests. If he signs campaign-finance reform, he's abridging the First Amendment rights of Michael Moore (whose ads for Fahrenheit 9/11 might run afoul of the law).

    If he accuses John Kerry of flip-flopping, he is merely highlighting one of the Massachusetts senator's strengths ? his nuance and thoughtfulness. If he flip-flops on nation-building or testifying before the 9/11 commission, he proves his own ill-intentions, cluelessness, or both.

    If he doesn't admit a mistake, he is bullheaded and detached from reality. If he admits a mistake, he is damning his own governance in shocking fashion.

    If he sticks with Dick Cheney, he is saddling himself with an unpopular vice president, giving Democrats who can't wait to run against Cheney a political advantage. If he drops Cheney, he is admitting that the Democratic attacks against his vice president have hit home, thus giving Democrats who have made those charges a political advantage.

    If he loses in November, the voice of the American people has spoken a devastating verdict on his presidency. If he wins, he stole the election.
  • Civic_Zen
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1116

    Tell me about it, go read the Bobby Fischer thread in GYY for yet another example.

    Seems Japan has detained Bobby because it will help American's keep their minds off of the war in Iraq. Like I could give a fu<k less about Bobby Frickin Fischer.

    In light of new evidence, it seems that when Digweed was taken off the air at the beginning of the year, it was to help all us Prog junkies get our minds off the war in Iraq. That way we had more important things to worry about.

    Oh and just yesterday, when the Governator called the dems "Girlie Men" that was also because Arnold wanted to get some of the heat off of Bush.

    In fact, I can tie Bush to anything that happens in the world today or at any time during his administration.

    Even the Great Depression was Dubya's fault, the fact that he hadn't been born yet is merely a technicality..
    "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
    "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
    - Thomas Jefferson


    • cosmo
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 583


      Aint that the truth.


      • toasty
        Sir Toastiness
        • Jun 2004
        • 6585

        Welcome to the wonderful world of election year politics.


        • delirious
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 288

          No. NOTHING is Bush's fault. The buck NEVER stops with him.

          Q Thank you, Mr. President. In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake you'd made in your life, and you used to like to joke that it was trading Sammy Sosa. You've looked back before 9/11 for what mistakes might have been made. After 9/11, what would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned from it?

          THE PRESIDENT: I wish you would have given me this written question ahead of time, so I could plan for it. (Laughter.) John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way, or that way. You know, I just -- I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet.

          I would have gone into Afghanistan the way we went into Afghanistan. Even knowing what I know today about the stockpiles of weapons, I still would have called upon the world to deal with Saddam Hussein. See, I happen to believe that we'll find out the truth on the weapons. That's why we've sent up the independent commission. I look forward to hearing the truth, exactly where they are. They could still be there. They could be hidden, like the 50 tons of mustard gas in a turkey farm.

          One of the things that Charlie Duelfer talked about was that he was surprised at the level of intimidation he found amongst people who should know about weapons, and their fear of talking about them because they don't want to be killed. There's a terror still in the soul of some of the people in Iraq; they're worried about getting killed, and, therefore, they're not going to talk.

          But it will all settle out, John. We'll find out the truth about the weapons at some point in time. However, the fact that he had the capacity to make them bothers me today, just like it would have bothered me then. He's a dangerous man. He's a man who actually -- not only had weapons of mass destruction -- the reason I can say that with certainty is because he used them. And I have no doubt in my mind that he would like to have inflicted harm, or paid people to inflict harm, or trained people to inflict harm on America, because he hated us.

          I hope I -- I don't want to sound like I've made no mistakes. I'm confident I have. I just haven't -- you just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one.
          The latest news and information from the Biden-Harris administration.

          See, even Bush can't point out A SINGLE mistake he's made.


          • Jenks
            I'm kind of a big deal.
            • Jun 2004
            • 10250

            ^because he hasn't made any.


            • davetlv
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1205

              Originally posted by Jenks
              ^because he hasn't made any.
              Come now Jenks, surely you must realise that every human being makes mistakes, politicians (although some are clearly sub human) on the whole fall into this category.

              I wont bash Bush, or for that matter any other politician in a country where i cant vote, but i do realise that we all screw up at one time or another.


              • Jenks
                I'm kind of a big deal.
                • Jun 2004
                • 10250

                yes, everyone makes mistakes.

                my point exactly. give Bush some slack, he's only had to deal with one of the most tragic events in American History (which being a republican, i'll blame on Clinton's inactivity for EIGHT years :P )

                Bush needs to win...because Kerry is so much worse for the working American. For fucks sake, how do you any of you libs know what he actually believes in???? FUCK! The man has no spine...pick a fucking side!

                If you want entitlements, and you want to pay out the ass for them, (programs for people who can't help themselves,) Vote Kerry.

                If you want our defense and military policy to be in the hands of socialists, and at the mercy of the UN...Vote Kerry.

                If you don't know what side you stand on with issues, Vote Kerry, because he agrees with all sides.

                If you want to pay more taxes, Vote Kerry.

                If you believe that corporate prosperity isn't the future of this economy and country, (thereby improving the global economy) Vote kerry ( while his wife's family sends 80 percent of the American work for Heinze to China.)

                I honestly couldn't give a fuck less about this administration's reasons for going to Iraq, the world is better off without Saddam in any cost. There is no argument.

                I just can't see ANY logic behind voting for Kerry, other than you're scared of the radical change this doomed planet has needed for centuries anyway.

                I honestly don't know if what the Bush administration is doing globally is the 100% right thing, but i'm willing to take the chance because Finally...someone took a stand, and i'm willing to gamble it out at any expense, even my life, fuck it.

                I hate the fact that much of the Bush administration is strong Christian right, ugh, how weak.

                I hate the fact that i'm sacrificing civil liberties to the republican party. (patriot act, for one of a thousand)

                I hate the fact that the John Ashcroft even exists as a human being.

                I hate Dick Cheney.

                I Love Condeleza Rice.

                I like Colon Powell.

                ...I'm rambling because beer is good dammit.

                I'd rather dance with the devil i know, than dance with the devil i don't.


                • FlashLight
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 477

                  Re:: President Bush can't win..

                  on some thing up here listed i totally agree, and of course it is better to dance with a known devil, but how can you be assured that the other one isnt angel disquised as devil.

                  Maybe he has some strange paths to the real liberty of workers,
                  with other things too. You can allways try later, if Kerry shows up as bad president, cant you vote for new ellections, or getting back the old president.
                  I take Viagra and Prozac together. If I can't get it up, I don't care.


                  • krelm
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 437

                    Awwww...poor Mr. Bush. Nobody wuvs him. I'll be on the veranda since Mr. Bush is already on the cross.

                    (yet another family guy ref. - those seem appropriate in this section )

                    Seriously - this shit happens to *every* president. Clinton had the same situation. The republicans were so much after him that no matter what he did, it was going to be wrong. It's called politics. These guys make a living from the ability to put a negative spin on *anything* that the other side does.

                    If Kerry wins, you will see the same shit 4 years from now.

                    Deal with it and quit whining.
                    Broken Symmetry on

           - archives & mixes
           - general tomfoolery

                    "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
                    - Stimutacs


                    • devon
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 362

                      Re:: President Bush can't win..

                      This shit goes both ways, Clinton was crucified if he sneezed wrong.
                      i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                      • brakada
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 622

                        Oh, poor Bush. This article sure made me see things a lot clearer...

                        I'll vote for him now... oh, wait, I can't, I'm not a US citizen...

                        As it's been said... This is politics. The opposition will always criticize the government with all available means. It's just the way things are. I mostly judged Bush upon "facts" and not by ranting of the "other side".
                        We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                        • superdave
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 1366

                          Re:: President Bush can't win..

                          I think Bush can win, but it'll be close. Probably come down to Florida or a couple of other key "battleground" states.

                          Remember that he doesn't need to win the popular vote. The biggest states are pretty much won already. For example, California and New York will go to Kerry and Texas will go to Bush.

                          As for Kerry, imo, I don't think average Americans really know much about him and people are just anti-Bush. I think you'll see Kerry's numbers come down once the debates and Conventions start.
                          Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                          • neoee
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1266

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            yes, everyone makes mistakes.

                            my point exactly. give Bush some slack, he's only had to deal with one of the most tragic events in American History (which being a republican, i'll blame on Clinton's inactivity for EIGHT years :P )
                            Yes but real adults fess up to their mistakes (at least to themselves) and learn from them, Bush comes across as he has made none. Secondly Clinton's term did have to do with 9/11... but if your company hires a new CEO isn't it now his responsibility to take over and run things? Bush was given infomation on potential terrorist activities which he chose to ignore.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            If you don't know what side you stand on with issues, Vote Kerry, because he agrees with all sides.
                            Honestly I'd rather have someone face the issues when the time arises. It would be nice to know initially but I'd much rather have someone in office that can look at both sides of the issue and make an informed decision... even if that means he will change his mind at a later time because he now sees things a different way. After all haven't you ever changed your mind about an issue? We are all human and if you want us to remember that when we look at Bush maybe you should do the same when you look at other canditates.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            If you want to pay more taxes, Vote Kerry.
                            This might be a valid argument if Bush hadn't spent the countless BILLIONS on the war in Iraq. We are going to have to pay more in taxes but thats because someone's already maxed out the credit card and now its time to start paying it off. To add Bush's last round of tax cuts did me no good (I don't have kids), I had to see people who paid less in taxes get money back, while me who uses less resources and pays more into the system didn't get jack shit. Also that was meant to stir the economy up. If you want to do just that do you put the money in the hands of the people who are likely blow it on unneeded services and goods or the people who are not likely to do so (generally people with kids)?

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            If you believe that corporate prosperity isn't the future of this economy and country, (thereby improving the global economy) Vote kerry ( while his wife's family sends 80 percent of the American work for Heinze to China.)
                            I just bought this house and the interior walls are painted a color I don't like. I'm planning to repaint them white. My girlfriend thinks I shouldn't; her views are obviously not mine. And in the scenerio you described above we are talking about his wife's family. I hope you don't let your wife's family make decisions for you... do you?
                            Secondly we are also talking about a business. While I don't fully agree with sending jobs overseas, from a business standpoint the is the smartest thing to do. How can you blame them for trying to make their [likely American] investors money? This in itself would be anti-american.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            I honestly couldn't give a fuck less about this administration's reasons for going to Iraq, the world is better off without Saddam in any cost. There is no argument.
                            Dangerous words there! This war is already costing the average house hold ~3000, thats more than I'm willing to spend. Care to send me 3000 since your ok with it "at any cost"?

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            I just can't see ANY logic behind voting for Kerry, other than you're scared of the radical change this doomed planet has needed for centuries anyway.
                            I can... Bush has had his chance, and while I do think things are starting to get better I do think Kerry will do a better job, but maybe not why you think. Bush cannot think on his feet. It shows when he sits with a blank look on his face when he is told we are under attack... for 7 minutes. This is not the kind of person I want in charge of my country or company. Secondly Bush instills no confidence in people. As a matter of fact I would say he puts fear in us. The US economy is driven primarily by consumer confidence. When you tell people after an event like 9/11 not to fly for a few days you start a massive chain of events. The backbone of the US economy is the airline industry. Bush later realized this and tried to promote people flying, saying something like take your kids to disneyland or some such comment. All politicians lie, but its the good liars that make for a good economy (Clinton). Bush can barely compose sentences, not good when 90% of your job is about telling good lies.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            I honestly don't know if what the Bush administration is doing globally is the 100% right thing, but i'm willing to take the chance because Finally...someone took a stand, and i'm willing to gamble it out at any expense, even my life, fuck it.
                            Well its your life... I just don't want his ill mistakes to affect mine.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            I hate the fact that much of the Bush administration is strong Christian right, ugh, how weak.
                            I'm with you here.

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            I hate the fact that i'm sacrificing civil liberties to the republican party. (patriot act, for one of a thousand)
                            Amen brother!

                            Originally posted by Jenks
                            beer is good dammit.
                            Even opposing parties should be able to agree on that.
                            "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                            • Balanc3
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1278

                              Re:: President Bush can't win..

                              You just wait till all those wonderful tax cuts expire in 2005 and then ask Kerry where he's gonna get the $$$ for all his wonderful new programs. No matter what President is in office around this time, he will have a lot of questions to answer. Yes the war has increased the defecit, however this is another challenge yet to face the Presidency and tax payers.

                              As far as the campaign goes, I've been canvassing the entire summer here in FLA and have found most voters in the state to are still split. Many people still haven't decided who to vote for because they can't stomache Bush or Kerry. And there are more independents forming as well as people who'd still like to see a third party grow this election. In most wealthy neighborhoods I've found an equal number of people voting for Bush and Kerry. Many poor whites feeling the backlash of affirmative action are still strong supporting bush. The African American vote is still leaning democrat, however the spanish population is also evenly split between bush and kerry. And of course fifty-percent or more of the population could give a hoot about politics and problably won't vote unless faced with a major issue that makes their stomaches curl.

                              Its still going to be a close election in Florida and the rest of the Nation. The only party with a strong grassroots establishment in every state are the Dems with, ACT, and the League of Conservation voters, and a few other 527's. The Republicans have just recently began to mobilize their grassroots campaign and are less likely to be knocking on your door while your eating supper anytime soon.

                              Yet there are still an even number of strong left wing liberals opposing Kerry and Many neo-cons against Bush. Frankly, I wish it were easier for a third party to grow in the states, with free airtime in the media and stronger support of the electoral college. Each candidate should have to work harder and write their own speeches so we REALLY know where they stand on the issues. Either way with Bush or Kerry we are still bowing to the elite and capitalism goes to the highest bidder.
                              JourneyDeep .into the sound

