President Bush can't win..

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Originally posted by Jenks
    yes, everyone makes mistakes.

    my point exactly. give Bush some slack, he's only had to deal with one of the most tragic events in American History (which being a republican, i'll blame on Clinton's inactivity for EIGHT years :P ).
    I do not fault Bush for 9/11, and I think the leadership he showed immediately following 9/11 (not including the 7 minutes he sat, looking scared and confused, while flipping though "My Pet Goat") was admirable. The country was as united as it has been in my lifetime -- trouble is, rather than taking advantage of and building upon that unity, Bush used it to ramrod draconian legislation like the Patriot Act down our throats. Post-9/11, Bush has been as divisive as any administration, ever...

    Originally posted by Jenks
    If you want our defense and military policy to be in the hands of socialists, and at the mercy of the UN...Vote Kerry.
    I've never understood this criticism of Kerry. He's not soft militarily, and actually advocates sending more troops into Iraq, if I'm not mistaken. Besides, from a military standpoint, I'd rather have a guy there calling the shots that has actually seen some military action, rather than a guy who was too much of a pussy to show up for National Guard duty.

    Originally posted by Jenks
    If you don't know what side you stand on with issues, Vote Kerry, because he agrees with all sides.
    Bush and Kerry could learn a thing or two from one another in this regard. Kerry waffles to the point that he doesn't give straight answers, while W is so pigheaded, stubborn and inflexible that he will continue on the wrong path indefinitely out of spite to avoid having to acknowledge weakness.

    Originally posted by Jenks
    If you want to pay more taxes, Vote Kerry.
    Bush advocates an environment that severely limits my ability to make money, period, so I'd rather be taxed a lot on a lot than taxed a little on a little. It is a net gain from my standpoint.

    Originally posted by Jenks
    I honestly couldn't give a fuck less about this administration's reasons for going to Iraq, the world is better off without Saddam in any cost. There is no argument.
    I can see this, to a point, but doesn't it bother you to think that the leader of the free world misled us into war, in the abstract? When is he going to get a wild hair and mislead us into something that you disagree with? If Bush had said from the outset, "We're going into Iraq because Saddam is a dangerous man, period, and we need to be rid of him," I would have been OK with that. The fact that he felt the need to concoct this whole WMD, then the Al Qaida ties, to justify it scares me on a fundamental level. The guy is a loose cannon.

    Originally posted by Jenks
    ...I'm rambling because beer is good dammit.
    This looks like more of a wine-fueled rant to me. You'll get no disagreement from me on this point, though, regardless...


    • neur0t0xin64
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 248

      Re:: President Bush can't win..

      Thank god for people like Rich Lowry aka cosmo who still have some sense. What an articulate memoir that hits the nail exactly on the head. 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! BUSH-CHENEY 2004!!!!
      "In case of doubt, attack." --- Gen. George Patton

