MJ jnr in the house. *WITH VID*

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  • MJ
    Here since 2002
    • Jun 2004
    • 6560

    MJ jnr in the house. *WITH VID*

    On Wednesday the 9th of November my mrs gave berth by c-section to the bouncing 8lb 8oz little ball of fun which is my son. I have to this day never witnessed anything quite like it before in my whole life.

    At 9.30am we were taken down to the delivery theater where at least 10 people were waiting, I had to put on some silly gown and hat for obvious reasons and was told to sit in a chair in the corner while they got her ready.

    At 9.59 (yes I was clock watching) they made the first incision in her tummy. A curtain was put up so the mrs couldn`t see anything and I was supposed to sit there with her and hold her hand. No way! I wanted to see the little chap ener our world. I took a position just so I could see what was going on. They made more incisions as they cut deeper into her. Then they did something that completely took me by supprise and shocked the shit out of me. There was a doc stood at each side of her and both put there hands into the hole they had cut and pulled in opposit directions! I looked at the mrs in total disbelief to which she said "ffs stop doing that will you" I just couldn`t believe it, they were litteraly taring her open.... This I found out later was the best way to do it in order for the hole to repair itself naturaly. Freaky or what!

    At 10.04am one of the docs produced what I can only describe as a giant pair of bbq tongs. He inserted them into her belly and started tugging on them quite agressively. I nearly slapped him and told him to be a little more carefull as this was my son he was dealing with but bit my lip as I thought he should know what he wa doing.

    At 10.05am Connor Harlan Storey was presented to me... I was completely blown away. This little kid had almost a full head of hair and was the cutiest thing I`ve ever seen. Mother and baby are doing brilliant.

    My camera is still at the hospital so she can take pics when I`m not there so be patient and I`ll get some up as soon as I can.

    This has been the reason you guys haven`t seen much of me lately and I apologise to all who have been trying to MSN me and not getting much feedback, I`m sorry guys, but as you can imagine... my shit has been elswhere.

    MJ is a fucking dad !
    Last edited by MJ; November 11, 2005, 06:24:29 PM.
    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

    Silentium est aureum
  • shosh
    • Jun 2004
    • 4668

    Re: MJ jnr in the house.

    congrats mj... whats his user name, ill send him a pm


    • Corven
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 4080

      Re: MJ jnr in the house.

      congrats on the bouncing ball of joy MJ

      now lets pop the champagne
      I broke my spoon on the viagra sundae.


      • peloquin
        Till I Come!
        • Jun 2004
        • 8643

        Re: MJ jnr in the house.

        congrats man!!! and good luck!!


        • 3d_1200
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1127

          Re: MJ jnr in the house.



          • Steve Graham
            DJ Jelly
            • Jun 2004
            • 12887

            Re: MJ jnr in the house.

            awwww. mike thats great! congrats. we will have a stogie together at WMC!

            give the missus my best.


            • Hos
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 4286

              Re: MJ jnr in the house.

              thinking of the three you mike
              black is the new black www.mercuryserver.com


              • ZendoBro
                Mr. Roboto
                • Dec 2004
                • 864

                Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                Congrats! Let the late nights begin!
                I am no cyberwhore...


                • phazon
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 750

                  Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                  Many congrats man, must be amazing for you. Enjoy.


                  • daveman
                    I love the colors!!!
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 1221

                    Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                    congratulations to you and yours. looks like we have a new junior member to the boards. i can't wait to see his first post.
                    once upon a time, machines were mice, and men were lions. now that its the opposite, it's twice upon a time


                    • davetlv
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1205

                      Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                      Congrat MJ - hope Mrs is doing well


                      • Kobe
                        I wish I had an interesting User title
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2589

                        Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                        Congratulations man!!!

                        All the best to the Mrs., MJjr, and yourself.
                        Beats are my crack.


                        • WilDFire
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 481

                          Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                          Yeah Buddy! Congrats MJ! Go daddies!
                          Music makes the soul strong.


                          • Weizy
                            MCast Resident DJ
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 3229

                            Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                            congratulations man! i can't wait to see pictures of him. that must have been quite an experience.

                            again CONGRATS


                            • Jibgolly
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 20773

                              Re: MJ jnr in the house.

                              you know how the [ms] team feels already MJ. but here's some more joy for ya..
                              Congratulations!!! on a successful birth and a healthy baby boy.
                              we're all certainly glad the mrs. made it through without any problems other than her stomach being torn open.
                              pics and vids asahfp plz!

