The Devil

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  • MJ
    Here since 2002
    • Jun 2004
    • 6560

    Re: The Devil

    ^^ fuck me.. look who it is.

    Yo my fellow Cleckhuddersfaxian, hows it hanging?
    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

    Silentium est aureum


    • neoee
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1266

      Re: The Devil

      The more I learn the more it starts to look like a mix of what Bsully (Hindu) and Jenks (energy) said.
      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


      • cowardly dj
        • Jun 2004
        • 645

        Re: The Devil

        do I dare enter this conversation?


        well Satan is an angel cast our of Heaven by God. He is the "prince of the world", "the great tempter", along with other names.

        One thing that people need to know about God (even if they do not beleive it is still good info) is that when he designed everything he designed it with free moral will. That means the He is not a dictator. When he made good he also made evil. If not then we would be like robots always doing what we are told with no choice in the matter.

        There is a heaven and a hell. the choice is up to each person to decide if they are going to follow what God tells them. It is a very basic concept of choices vs. consequences. Just like we tell our children-- if you pick that up I will spank you, or if you do not bring home passing grades you will be grounded. We tell them of the bad to hopefully encourage the good but it is ultimately their choice. God has done the same for us.

        The only reason people do not believe the Bible is because they do not want to see it, not because it is not true. Any person who studies the Bible like they studied in college (assuming they were studious) would understand the truth in it. After a while it becomes self-evident in truth.

        Fact: We are here.

        Fact: We were created, no scientific evidence says otherwise. I challenge anyone to show scientific evidence we came from a gelatinous blob.

        Fact: All cultures look for a supreme being. If man were the pinnacle of existence then explain the religious phenomenon that has existed for as long as man has. We are all looking for the greater good we know is out there. It is by design we feel that way.

        Fact: All forms of religious doctrine except Christianity have been proven false by breaking down the book/people that/who claim to be their guidance. The Bible is the only one that has stood the test of time. It has been proven true time after time after time even in the highest doubt.

        Just because most people do not understand the Bible does not make it not understandable. Imagine if your math prof in trig class gave you the book and said I will be back at the end of the year and there will be a test to see if you studied. Good luck and he left. You have 2 choices 1. Pass 2. Fail There is no in-between here. You can not almost pass or almost fail. The choice is yours. At the end of the year there will only be two types of people in the class, those who studied to pass and those who did not. It will be up to each person to decide to study or not. When the teacher comes back and gives the test it will be plain and clear who studied and who did not. The Bible is the same. IF people put as much effort into learning the absolute truth of the Bible as they did to pass college then there would not be so many false doctrines out there.

        The Bible is the absolute truth of everything, it is proven so through time (the ultimate test)
        Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


        • evangelion
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1999

          Re: The Devil

          I don't believe in either


          • Jenks
            I'm kind of a big deal.
            • Jun 2004
            • 10250

            Re: The Devil

            Originally posted by cowardly dj
            God.... He

            God... he



            ^the biggest flaw in christianity.

            The Bible is the absolute truth of everything,
            ^an opinion.

            Here's a fact for you to chew on: Christianity becomes less popular every day.


            • neoee
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1266

              Re: The Devil


              That's my biggest complaint of the Christian based religions. No offense to anyone in advance. But the whole your wrong for not living by one book as opposed to another, and your going to hell for eternity is just silly. I'm more inclined to believe that you'll be reincarnated to try again. Much like your math class example. You have lessons to learn while your here, if you learn them you move on to the next level. If not you fail and are forced to sit through the 10th grade and take another shot at it. You don't just fail and that's it. Remember God if forgiving.

              If God is all encompassing, wouldn't that include evil too? Secondly if the God your Bible speaks of is ego-less, why would he ask us to pray to him?

              Here's my take: I believe that God is the energy we were created from; a combined spirit. That being the case we are all God, only seperated temporarily while we live out this physical experience. When we die, we rejoin/become part of God again. Now when the Bible or any other holy text says we are to honor, pray, praise God, its really just saying be good to your fellow humans, creatures (yeah, I know the Bible believes animals don't have souls, but I think thats wrong), etc. since they are part of God too.
              "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


              • evangelion
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1999

                Re: The Devil

                Originally posted by Jenks
                The Bible is the absolute truth of everything,
                ^an opinion.
                Exactly...and exactly the reason I think all religion is bullshit. Why don't you try developing your own thoughts instead of letting some "sacred text" that was supposedly written years after the events it depicts think for you.

                Originally posted by neoee
                But the whole your wrong for not living by one book as opposed to another, and your going to hell for eternity is just silly
                See above

                Originally posted by cowardly dj
                Fact: We were created, no scientific evidence says otherwise. I challenge anyone to show scientific evidence we came from a gelatinous blob.
                And I challege you to show ANY (scientific or otherwise) evidence, other than some book full of myths and passed down legends that were bent and twisted to suit the authors liking, that some "god" waived his hand and created everything we see.


                • cowardly dj
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 645

                  Re: The Devil

                  noee, for one to believe something it has to come from somewhere

                  where do your ideas about God come from?

                  evangelion... the proof is in the pudding, no need to go anywhere else for the truth when it comes from the Bible. It would be pointless to look elsewhere for the answer you have in front of you.

                  As I have said many times before and will say many times again... people think the Bible is a story because they have not studied it enough to know that it is the absolute truth on everything. People speak of the Bible as they know all about it when in fact they no very little or they could not say it was just a "book"

                  I have in my library many books and many accounts of history that prove the Bible is from God and that the writers were inspired of God

                  Can anyone tell me who was the first astronomer?
                  Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                  • picklemonkey
                    Double hoodie beer monster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 15373

                    Re: The Devil

                    it's passed down from Mormons that John Smith's 'Book of Mormon' is all fact. do you agree that it's fact, cdj?


                    • neoee
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1266

                      Re: The Devil

                      My ideas come from observation, nature, and pieces from other religions. Also when many different religions believe the same thing (reincarnation) I believe it to be closer to the truth than if only one religion says something (hell).

                      So explain to me why the Bible is the right book and not any other text. Actually instead tell me why the Bhagavat Gita, the Koran, the Adi Granth are wrong. And please in your own words.
                      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                      • Jenks
                        I'm kind of a big deal.
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 10250

                        Re: The Devil

                        Originally posted by neoee
                        And please in your own words.
                        Coward ly has no thoughts of his own.


                        • cowardly dj
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 645

                          Re: The Devil

                          Originally posted by picklemonkey
                          it's passed down from Mormons that John Smith's 'Book of Mormon' is all fact. do you agree that it's fact, cdj?
                          I had a long discussion at this link about that starting at page 17

                          but to sum it up:
                          point 1
                          Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was given divine revelation by God. The Bible says that only the 12 apostles were given divine revelation. John 16:13 Jesus tells the apostles they will be guided by the Holy Spirit to all truths. The book of Mormon was established because Smith says that Jesus told him there was no church suitatble for him to join so Smith was to bring the church back to the world. They say that he is a prophet. The reason there were prophets was to pass on Gods word to the people. The Mormons say that he was given divine revelation because the Bible was not complete. IF that were the case then when Jesus said to the apostles in John 16:13 that they would be guided to all truths then it comes to Smith vs. Jesus to see who is right. If Jesus said ALL TRUTHS then the Mormons do not take the word all to mean all. It seems to them that Jesus was erring when he said all truths. If Smith was right then Jesus was wrong and the very thing Smith is trying to uphold is flawed and useless to anyone, especially Smith.

                          point 2
                          In 1 Corinthians (mostly chapter 13) tells us of the spiritual gifts and what they are used for and in verse 10 tells us when they are going to cease, which BTW was when the Bible came to completeness. After the last apostle was dead and wrote no more, the Bible was complete and we have all truths. Smith said that there were still truths to be had 1800 years after the Bible was complete so he was given divine revelation. If the Bible tells us that all gifts will cease then how can Smith claim to have something that the Bible says does not exist anymore. Again it comes down to Smith trying to claim things that the very Bible he claims to uphold clearly speaks in opposition of Smith's concept.

                          So picklemonkey the answer to your question is no, I do not believe Joseph Smith.
                          Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                          • cowardly dj
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 645

                            Re: The Devil

                            Originally posted by neoee
                            My ideas come from observation, nature, and pieces from other religions. Also when many different religions believe the same thing (reincarnation) I believe it to be closer to the truth than if only one religion says something (hell).

                            So explain to me why the Bible is the right book and not any other text. Actually instead tell me why the Bhagavat Gita, the Koran, the Adi Granth are wrong. And please in your own words.
                            I can and will show you neoee but I am about to watch a movie with the family so it will be later
                            Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                            • cowardly dj
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 645

                              Re: The Devil

                              Originally posted by Jenks
                              Coward ly has no thoughts of his own.
                              thanks I will work on that
                              Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                              • BSully828
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1221

                                Re: The Devil

                                Anyone else seeing this thread is turning into another Cowardly Vs The Heathens real quick?

                                The Bible is the absolute truth of everything, it is proven so through time (the ultimate test)

                                Fact: All forms of religious doctrine except Christianity have been proven false by breaking down the book/people that/who claim to be their guidance. The Bible is the only one that has stood the test of time. It has been proven true time after time after time even in the highest doubt.

                                Both those statements of yours, CDJ are overflowing with a certain "deadly sin" that your faith warns about (Hint: Starts with a P ends with a RIDE).

                                If longevity is the “ultimate test”, then the jury is still out on Christianity my friend. What’s it been, 2000 years now? People have been praying to Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and the rest of the Hindu pantheon going back to 800 BC, Artifacts dating before 2000 BC show that the Egyptians were paying worship to their gods, and they were still in use through the first century AD. The Tammuz-Dumuzi followers of ancient Sumer hung around from 3500 BC all the way and beyond the birth of Christ. (If it’s proof you want, I direct you to Joseph Campbell’s four volume Masks of God, or your local museum)

                                So if time is the “ultimate test” than what’s your explanation for those faiths that were around much longer than Christianity? And sorry, saying that they were influenced by the God of the Bible or that the Bible is the truth because the Bible says so won’t work – circular logic need not apply.

                                All of those faiths mentioned above were filled to the brim with fanatics like yourself who were dead certain that their way was the right way. They even used the same arguments as you use right now to prove the validity of their beliefs, looked down their nose at nonbelievers like you do. Now you look back at those gods and goddesses and say, “Nope, not even close – THIS is the right way” after only 2000 years in existence? Sorry man, you’ve got some more time to put in before you can start throwing those kinds of statements around.

                                Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                                a sense of humor to console him for what he is.

