The Devil

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  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    Re: The Devil

    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


    • neoee
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1266

      Re: The Devil

      Originally posted by cowardly dj
      You say prove the Bible is real I say you prove it is not.
      CDJ, I'm not asking you to prove the Bible is the real deal, rather why the other religious texts are wrong. I should mention that not all religions believe they are the only way to God, yours does and as such I think its only fair to explain why the others are wrong. After all they can't all be right, right (based on what the Christian faiths preach)
      "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


      • rubyraks
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 5341

        Re: The Devil

        I'll never understand how the inherent fallacy of all religions is so quickly overlooked. When someone could explain to me why it is that all these religions believe that god is all-loving, yet for some reason god has chosen one group of people over another, then I'll believe. Or why the bible and all other related books are written from a strict male perspective? Is that an all-loving god?

        What makes a good honest god-believing Christian any better or worse than a good honest god-believing muslim or good honest god-believing jew or good honest god-believing buddhist or whatever you like?

        If god truly is all-loving, why does it matter if this person believes in god through jesus, muhammad, moses, etc.? Aren't they all just different paths to a similar end?

        And here's another little question I have, is it merely coincidence that in the "bible" that Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the first commandment is not to eat from the tree of knowledge (but you could do whatever else you like)? Seems a little self-protecting to me...

        and lastly why oh why, if these religions are all truly based upon love (for fellow men or otherwise), why have they been the cause of more deaths in this world than anything else?

        From my perspective, these are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are many many more hypocrisies and fallacies throughout imo.
        "Work like you don't need the money.
        Love like you've never been hurt.
        Dance like nobody's watching.
        Sing like nobody's listening.
        Live like it's Heaven on Earth."


        • bart_smastard
          Gold Gabber
          • May 2005
          • 980

          Re: The Devil

          I been out of the loop for 2 weeks , glad to see religion back on the board for discussion ( as long as it's done good naturedly) .
          My take on the heaven / hell thing
          Apparently god/allah/buddah (whateva) has promised to take his ppl out of pain suffering and servitude numerous times . He has broken these promises numerous times . He promises if you act in a certain way you will either go up or down

          Here's my point .

          He lied before so whats to say this isn't an empty promise too


          • evangelion
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1999

            Re: The Devil

            My point is not that Christianity is BS...all religions are BS. They are a way to explain the unexplainable. It is universally believed that Norse, Roman, Greek, Native American sun and rain gods and Egyptian gods were all ways of early man rationalizing and trying to explain what was going on around them. So why should that make the Bible and the Christian, Islamic or Hindu god(s) any different?? Because they are the most popular and widely accepted??

            People will follow whatever you put in front of them. For proof look at the Shakers, Heaven's Gate, People's Temple and Branch Davidians. Each of them trying to find the same thing...and each of them telling you there's is different than the others. Why are there umpteenth different versions of Christianity?? And every last one of them will tell you that there's is right and the others are wrong. And they all believe in THE SAME GOD!!! But no...Protestant and Lutheran are WAY different that Catholic and Baptist. Whatever...sheep.

            Some people in this world need to be told what is right or wrong and how to live their lives. It's a crutch. So why not follow the one that others have been following for thousands of years. Got a question about whether something is right or wrong?? Read the Bible/Koran/whatever, it will tell you. Some of us don't need our hands held and can make our own decisions in life.

            I've always loved how some people will say that sci-fi movies are stupid because they are "unrealistic" or "far-fetched." Then this same person will tell you that "god" created heaven and Earth in 7 days and all of that crap. And one day he is going to come down from the sky and take all of the people who got suckered into or were made to believe in him and whisk them all away to Heaven and leave all of us "nonbelievers" (I call us realists) here to rot. Now THAT is far-fetched.


            • runningman
              Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
              • Jun 2004
              • 5995

              Re: The Devil

              See it all comes back to the Hopi Indians of the America's.. all the other religions are a joke if you ask me.. they sound too businessey come here (church/mosque) give money and maybe you will go to heaven if you live by this book (koran/bible).. horse shit.. the Hopis's are the only ones who have a religion that makes some sense.. Read the book "the mystery of the crystal skulls'' then you will know..


              • Yao
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 8167

                Re: The Devil

                Hhahaha....oh well....I guess in the end it all comes down to mutual respect if we don't understand each other.

                At least I can have premarital sex
                Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                • Lorn
                  Looking for a title!
                  • Sep 2004
                  • 5826

                  Re: The Devil

                  Originally posted by BSully828

                  Its my feeling that those who really understand the meaning of faith do not care whether one is a christian, a jew, a muslim, buddhist, taoist, zoroastrian - because the mode of worship is not important, it is the sincerity and honesty behind that worship that is the key.

                  Very well put bro....


                  • hulkhuss
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 3699

                    Re: The Devil

                    Originally posted by cowardly dj
                    do I dare enter this conversation?


                    well Satan is an angel cast our of Heaven by God. He is the "prince of the world", "the great tempter", along with other names.

                    One thing that people need to know about God (even if they do not beleive it is still good info) is that when he designed everything he designed it with free moral will. That means the He is not a dictator. When he made good he also made evil. If not then we would be like robots always doing what we are told with no choice in the matter.

                    There is a heaven and a hell. the choice is up to each person to decide if they are going to follow what God tells them. It is a very basic concept of choices vs. consequences. Just like we tell our children-- if you pick that up I will spank you, or if you do not bring home passing grades you will be grounded. We tell them of the bad to hopefully encourage the good but it is ultimately their choice. God has done the same for us.

                    The only reason people do not believe the Bible is because they do not want to see it, not because it is not true. Any person who studies the Bible like they studied in college (assuming they were studious) would understand the truth in it. After a while it becomes self-evident in truth.

                    Fact: We are here.

                    Fact: We were created, no scientific evidence says otherwise. I challenge anyone to show scientific evidence we came from a gelatinous blob.

                    Fact: All cultures look for a supreme being. If man were the pinnacle of existence then explain the religious phenomenon that has existed for as long as man has. We are all looking for the greater good we know is out there. It is by design we feel that way.

                    Fact: All forms of religious doctrine except Christianity have been proven false by breaking down the book/people that/who claim to be their guidance. The Bible is the only one that has stood the test of time. It has been proven true time after time after time even in the highest doubt.

                    Just because most people do not understand the Bible does not make it not understandable. Imagine if your math prof in trig class gave you the book and said I will be back at the end of the year and there will be a test to see if you studied. Good luck and he left. You have 2 choices 1. Pass 2. Fail There is no in-between here. You can not almost pass or almost fail. The choice is yours. At the end of the year there will only be two types of people in the class, those who studied to pass and those who did not. It will be up to each person to decide to study or not. When the teacher comes back and gives the test it will be plain and clear who studied and who did not. The Bible is the same. IF people put as much effort into learning the absolute truth of the Bible as they did to pass college then there would not be so many false doctrines out there.

                    The Bible is the absolute truth of everything, it is proven so through time (the ultimate test)
                    well put




                    • bart_smastard
                      Gold Gabber
                      • May 2005
                      • 980

                      Re: The Devil

                      Im a gambling man .. it's around 50/50 that religion does explain our existence . (Though no religeous books explanation of creation stands up to scrutiny) . Howeva there are 4 major religions . Choose the wrong one and ure still going to hell . There are over 200 minor religions . Choose the wrong one ure still going to hell . 1000's of sect's type religions . Choose the wrong one ure going to hell .
                      The odds are shitty id'e rather just go for the 50/50 and live my life as i choose


                      • cowardly dj
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 645

                        Re: The Devil

                        Originally posted by Yao
                        One question though: why haven't you answered or referred to, at any given moment, that letter "why can't I own a Canadian?". It may look like a joke, but it's not. I want you to read it, and tell how it is that you say the Bible is your authority over everything, but you still ignore a lot of commands that are in there?

                        I have looked at it many weeks ago and I already know how to show you the answer to that .

                        There are a great many verses I could point out to show what I am talking about but to save time I am not going to give them now. If anyone wants some direct scritputes to back up my point then ask and I will post them.

                        Here goes a quick and absolutely Biblically sound take on the question found in the Why cant I own a canadian thread.

                        Everything the the writer used was from the Old Testament. The things that were mentioned were things that God required of the Jews. Sacrifices were to take away the sins of the people. God gave explicit orders often down to how to make something to the inch. People were to follow them to the letter or it was not a good sacrifice. That is why Cain killed Abel. God liked Abels sacrifice more because Abels heart was in it. The idea was that God wanted a persons heart in the sacrifice and had nothing to do with the actual sacrifice.

                        Much of the Old Testament predicts the coming of Christ and describes in detail many of the things that the Jews were to look for to know that he was the Christ. A list of qualifications if you will. The Jews were always looking for the coming of Christ because he was to be the new law and to replace the Law of Moses, (the old law customs that the are mentioned if the article, the 10 Commandments) He was sent to earth with the intent to die for all mans sins past present and future. He knew that he was on earth to die. If you read Galatians you will come to an understanding. There are some mentions in Hebrews as well.

                        The situations with Christ is basically this. Jews were looking for Christ. Christ came and spent his entire life fullfilling prophesy after prophesy of the coming Messiah. He told of his purpose for coming to earth was to die for mans sins once for all. He was the perfect sacrifice sent by God to cleanse the world of its sins. Since Adam and Eve sinned all man has been destined to die and all have sinned since. Jesus was perfect. In him was no sin at all. He never sinned. He was subjected to every little thought that we are subjected to. He was a man on all accounts just like us. He was tempted by all the sins we are tempted by, yet did none. He died to make peace between God and man and his blood is referred to as the cleansing blood of the lamb. It is represented when you are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. You are then added to the kingdom and no man can take you out, however you can chose to not follow Gods commands and remove yourself from the kingdom.

                        The reason we do not do any of the things mentioned in the Old Testament is because it died on the cross with Jesus. He is the new law and since his coming we follow what was given us in the New Testament.

                        The Old Testament was a guide (the covenant between God and Moses) to pave the way for Jesus who is the New Covenant between God and Man.

                        any questions
                        Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                        • cowardly dj
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 645

                          Re: The Devil

                          Originally posted by rubyraks
                          Or why the bible and all other related books are written from a strict male perspective? Is that an all-loving god?
                          People who say God is an all-loving God are the same people who say God will not hold me to that book he gave us if I am a good person I will go to heaven. They confuse all-loving with all-loving and blind.
                          He is an all-loving, but he is not blind and sees all the wrong we do. Our relationship to God is described as the relationship between a parent and a child. He is our Father and we are his children. He is all loving to us as we are to our children. No matter what our child does we still love it deeply and are just as deeply hurt when they make bad choices. We punish them and love them at the same time. We hold our kids to a certain standard of behavior. God is the same. He loves everyone equally but holds us to a certain standard.

                          So he is all-loving and also the perfect example of parenting man has ever seen. He is all-loving but holds us to a standard. We chose to hold ourselves to it or not.
                          Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                          • BSully828
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1221

                            Re: The Devil

                            Good response CDJ - that traslated some very vague 1st century biblical termenology into modern language. But I'm still left with a few unaswered questions. First: why aren't all Old Testament sins wiped clean?

                            Originally posted by cowardly dj
                            The reason we do not do any of the things mentioned in the Old Testament is because it died on the cross with Jesus. He is the new law and since his coming we follow what was given us in the New Testament.
                            If we are to take this rational as "gospel", then shouldn't the idea of the sin of homosexuality be just as washed away as the sin of working on "the Lord's day"? The new Pope has just released a statement stating that gays are still unwelcome in the church, apparently the center of the Catholic religion is a bit more selective then your more accepting view. I admit I am not as well versed in this Holy text as you are, if there is equivalent homophobia present in the New Testament then I willingly plead ignorance.

                            Secondly - and I understand that you are a lone vioce among a sea of dissention - but I would still like to hear your response to my earlier comment on time being the "ultimate test" of a true religion. I made a brief reference to a series of organized faiths that were in existance much longer than the current run of Christianity, I would like to hear your take on those as compared to your previous statement.

                            The floor is yours my friend.
                            Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                            a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


                            • cowardly dj
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 645

                              Re: The Devil


                              homosexuality is directly spoken against on more than one occasion.

                              All sins are forgivable but you have to be a member of the Church of Christ, (the Kingdom, the bride of Christ and it is called many other names) established on the day of pentecost. There are very specific guidelines on how to get into that kingdom. Once you meet them you are in for life and no man can remove your name but your choices can take your name out. However here is where it starts to get sticky because some people want to be able to do what they want to do even if it is a sin and so they take certain scriptures and will make a whole new doctrine from them to meet their needs and wants. I will give a good example here. Many doctrives say that all you have to do is believe Jesus was the Son of God and you will go to Heaven if you are a good person. That is not the case. There are very strict guidlines to getting into Heaven.

                              Forgiveness only comes from a repentant heart. God only forgives if you are actually sorry you did wrong and when you are actually sorry about doing it you will not do it again. Not continuing in sin is the most sincere thing you do. You have to stop doing wrong to get forgivness. It is not given by a Catholic priest. He does not have the power to forgive sins. Only God does and he told us how to have our sins forgiven and nowhere in the Bible does it say to go to a priest and he can do it. . He tells us to turn away from sin. So then if a person sins and ask forgiveness but does it again and again then common sense tells us that he is only asking for forgivness with his mouth not his heart. God know the heart of all people and when you ask for forgiveness you will only get it if your truly want it and are not just saying it. That is how God looks at sin and forgivness.
                              Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


                              • cowardly dj
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 645

                                Re: The Devil

                                Originally posted by BSully828
                                But I'm still left with a few unaswered questions. First: why aren't all Old Testament sins wiped clean?
                                please elaborate the question for me. I can go a few different ways with this depending on what you are seeking.
                                Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.

