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  • datas
    Fresh Peossy
    • Nov 2005
    • 1


    Anyone using SoulSeek? I just got my new IPOD and trying to organize it. I have all my vinyl organized with Artwork and everything.. anyone doing the same thing?
  • stencil_cp
    Addiction started
    • Aug 2005
    • 408

    Re: SoulSeek

    after suckling soulseek like a little gremlin of music for years, i've finally weaned myself off of it (somewhat--my posture is screwed and i'll never lose that silly grin...). you too can achieve independance from the p2p addiction that's over running the world. it's a disease, datas. admitting it is the first step to recovery. my program to cure Musicollectivegigglyfilepoaching Disorder is as follows:

    1. admit your addiction
    2. go to liquor store / see dealer
    3. listen to the last screwy mp3 you downloaded over and over and over (an f'd up shpongle track did the trick for me)
    4. destroy your p2p terminal
    5. burn the room / house / apt
    6. welcome to [ms] mate, don't take any ____ from these _____


    • bart_smastard
      Gold Gabber
      • May 2005
      • 980

      Re: SoulSeek

      ^^ Please don't let ITunes organise ure files . It's a total nightmare brousing ppl's files who have let apple screw up their folders .


      • fletcher
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2005
        • 1308

        Re: SoulSeek

        Originally posted by bart_smastard
        ^^ Please don't let ITunes organise ure files . It's a total nightmare brousing ppl's files who have let apple screw up their folders .
        well said!

        I do sometimes use soulseek but admittedly i hardly ever download stuff from it these days, mainly live sets


        • Maxxx69
          Fresh Peossy
          • Jul 2005
          • 20

          Re: SoulSeek

          Originally posted by bart_smastard
          ^^ Please don't let ITunes organise ure files . It's a total nightmare brousing ppl's files who have let apple screw up their folders .
          I agree with u 100 %


          • cowardly dj
            • Jun 2004
            • 645

            Re: SoulSeek

            I still use it to get sets that are not up for sale, shared files and things of the sort. It is good for what we called back in the 80's "underground" things that you can not get at any store
            Greatly rejoicing in following God as a freedom not a choice.


            • sakio pod
              SALAD TOSSER
              • Jun 2004
              • 6034

              Re: SoulSeek

              stupid ichoons


              • NastyD
                Gold Gabber
                • Jun 2004
                • 617

                Re: SoulSeek

                I find Soulseek really annoying - You start to d/l a set, you get a 1.2 k d/l speed 'cos the person you're d/ling from limits their outgoing bandwidth, then when you're half way there they go offline for a couple of months. AudioGalaxy ruled in that respect.

                Plus, the IRAA are starting to look at Soulseek so its days have got to be numbered, and they're going to be looking at prosecuting people who are using it.
                An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.


                • First Strike
                  Getting warmed up
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 70

                  Re: SoulSeek

                  Originally posted by stencil_cp
                  after suckling soulseek like a little gremlin of music for years, i've finally weaned myself off of it (somewhat--my posture is screwed and i'll never lose that silly grin...). you too can achieve independance from the p2p addiction that's over running the world. it's a disease, datas. admitting it is the first step to recovery. my program to cure Musicollectivegigglyfilepoaching Disorder is as follows:

                  1. admit your addiction
                  2. go to liquor store / see dealer
                  3. listen to the last screwy mp3 you downloaded over and over and over (an f'd up shpongle track did the trick for me)
                  4. destroy your p2p terminal
                  5. burn the room / house / apt
                  6. welcome to [ms] mate, don't take any ____ from these _____
                  You must have some issues with 2p2, seems a bit harsh to me.....

                  But if it was a problem for you its good that you stoped.


                  • Yao
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8167

                    Re: SoulSeek

                    so far it seems i finally got my slsk working again after fucking around for weeks...that install folder bullshit.
                    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                    • poopoo22
                      Getting warmed up
                      • Jan 2006
                      • 98

                      Re: SoulSeek

                      Soulseek being watched? Any links you can send?


                      • weswood
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 139

                        Re: SoulSeek

                        SoulSeek only offers low quality mp3's and live sets. IT'S KILLING THE MUSIC INDARSTRY!!!1


                        • denzug
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 14

                          Re: SoulSeek

                          SoulSeek does not offer anything is the people that use its server to share files!


                          • geoffgulley
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Apr 2005
                            • 2002

                            Re: SoulSeek

                            Let the RIAA sue me...

                            Court is in session:

                            "Is this (insert so and so's producer's name) song". "Yes it is". "Did you download it off Soulseek". "No". "Then how do you explain it's existence on your harddrive?" "(insert so and so's producer name here) uploaded it to me via Soulseek". "So the actual producer of the song sent it to you?". "Yes... Anything else fuckwit?"
                            "only dead fish swim with the stream..." Malcolm Muggeridge

