what do you think of the death penalty

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  • Bululu
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 810

    Re: what do you think of the death penalty

    Yes I am totally with it if it is proofed that the person commited the crime 100 percent throught DNA testing or more , because you dont have the right to take someones life , and if you do you deservb to be killed , and Yes rapists especially child rapists should suffer before they die.

    Plus why do I have to see my taxes going to feed a serial killer that have a life sentence in prison , no i prefer they die.


    • bart_smastard
      Gold Gabber
      • May 2005
      • 980

      Re: what do you think of the death penalty

      Forgive me if i come accross as ignorant on this subject . But why does it take so god damn long to kill these bastards ? Some Scottish guy who killed a mother and a child by setting fire to the house has been on our news a few times over the last 4 years . He comes accross as an evil vengefull asshole and the evidence stacked against him is huge apparently .So why isn't he swinging from a branch somewhere? He seems to be going from appeal to appeal taking up more and more tax dollars when he should of been pushing up daisies long ago . Society shouldn't have to keep paying for subhuman scum like him . Apparently from what iv'e seen on t.v. all 12 jury members have to agree someones guilty for them to be sentanced to death ...
      Good enough for me


      • nbpgt
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1044

        Re: what do you think of the death penalty

        im for it. it saves on burdening tax payers/states & potentially keeps people in line knowing what they do, has serious concequences. but it doesnt seem to be used effectively often enough to prevent nuts wiggin out.

        but every time i hear of the death penalty, i think back to what ron white had said. texas not only uses the death penalty, but in certain circumstances, sends you to the front of the line. (not verbatim)


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: what do you think of the death penalty

          Originally posted by nbpgt
          im for it. it saves on burdening tax payers/states
          acutally, believe it or not, because of all the red tape involved, it is more expensive to execute someone than to house them in prison for life.


          • thesightless
            Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
            • Jun 2004
            • 13567

            Re: what do you think of the death penalty

            Originally posted by toasty
            acutally, believe it or not, because of all the red tape involved, it is more expensive to execute someone than to house them in prison for life.
            that why when it comes to murderers, rapist and felons of multiple violent crimes, i am all for having someone go buy a .22 caliber bullet for 50 cents, and having someone related to the victim put it in their head ASAP. no more BS> fucking hippies who are against death penalty. Hammurabi's code was the best deterrent against crime. like i said, on your ballots there should be an option to vote for or against it and those for it should get a tax break and those against it should foot the cost of keeping these fucking wastes of life alive. ""waah, killing him isnt right""" , OK then we are gonna let this rapist/murderer loose in a room with YOUR mother/sister. after her rapes and kills them, ill come back check out your viewpoint.
            your life is an occasion, rise to it.

            Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
            download that. deep shit listed there

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            • DancingQueen
              AVB FanClub | President
              • Oct 2005
              • 4061

              Re: what do you think of the death penalty

              I have mixed views on this topic. I do feel that certain people like Paul Bernardo and John Wayne Ghacy deserve the death penalty....they are serial killers with no remorse for what they did and they took the lives of many innocent people.

              However, there have been people in the past that have been sentenced to death and later proven innocent....
              RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
              RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

              Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


              • picklemonkey
                Double hoodie beer monster
                • Jun 2004
                • 15373

                Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                For it. If the crime warrants it.


                • peloquin
                  Till I Come!
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 8643

                  Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                  they should be stuck in a room with no windows, with a loaded gun, and have either nails on a chalkboard or tiesto blaring at a deafening volume. that way theyd take care of themselves.


                  • daveman
                    I love the colors!!!
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 1221

                    Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                    Originally posted by bart_smastard
                    Forgive me if i come accross as ignorant....Apparently from what iv'e seen on t.v. all 12 jury members have to agree someones guilty for them to be sentanced to death ...
                    Good enough for me
                    my first post on this thread i answered "depends on the jury". that is exactly why i feel that if we put the death penalty into the fast lane a lot of innocent people are going to get killed.

                    now i don't want to defend the "murdering pedifile junkie rapist", but people and juries make mistakes. the appeals process although draining is a crucial part of the justice system.
                    once upon a time, machines were mice, and men were lions. now that its the opposite, it's twice upon a time


                    • SupaLindo
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Aug 2005
                      • 150

                      Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                      Originally posted by sakio pod
                      some dude outta NC was the 1000th person to die...by lethal injection today,
                      which i think is a joke the number should be much higher. i could go on and on

                      whats the deal with the US and letting all these killers sit and rot for 20 years before anything happens

                      only if our country was like other countries......
                      I agree, lethal injection is much too calm for some one that comitts violent murder. And why should we keep spending the tax payers money keeping these shit heads alive.


                      • daveman
                        I love the colors!!!
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 1221

                        Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                        Originally posted by sakio pod
                        some dude outta NC was the 1000th person to die...by lethal injection today,
                        which i think is a joke the number should be much higher.
                        btw. its the 1000th person since 1976 (or so). they restarted the count when they made it legal again.
                        once upon a time, machines were mice, and men were lions. now that its the opposite, it's twice upon a time


                        • bart_smastard
                          Gold Gabber
                          • May 2005
                          • 980

                          Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                          Daveman someone once wrote "id'e rather 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man be incarcarated for a crime he didn't commit" ( or summat like that ) anyhows my opinion is that that is one innocent man locked up and one innocent life wrecked . 100 guilty guys going free can destroy 500 innocent lives . pitty the poor bugger banged up who did nothing wrong but his sacrifice was for the greater good


                          • neoee
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1266

                            Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                            Ok than you can be the sacrificial lamb.

                            But what about the lives that may be wrecked or ruined by the innocent's death? The possibilities are equal. What if the guy could have invented a device to save lives, cured cancer, maybe he would have saved someone from being raped, murdered etc., you get the idea.

                            Ever see the movie sliding doors?
                            "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                            • shan
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1187

                              Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                              I am defo for the death penalty depending on the crime. I think being on death row for a long time has got to fuck you up aswell. knowing that all you will see is the inside of a prison until you go to hell would be a tough burdon for many. They need to go through more pain though when it does come around. cut their balls off leave them for an hour and then fry them.


                              • mixu
                                Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1115

                                Re: what do you think of the death penalty

                                While I wouldn't deny that some fvckers deserve to die... there is no evidence the death penalty deters crime and unless you have an infallible justice system (virtually impossible) there is too much room for error.

                                And death is too good for some people, I'd rather they had to sit out their days in prison.

                                Nice to see the US on an illustrious list of liberal democracies sanctioning the death penalty, ahem. Very progressive...

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