Holy crap is this picture freaky! I'm not trying to be mean at all, I wish her luck!
Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
Mutations presents Change The Music
Mutations (original show)
Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds
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Re: Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
Holy fukin shit... that is crazy.. does'nt look real..
Poor girlwww.twitter.com/mikeoreilly
Pimps up Hoes down. -
Re: Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
Originally posted by Jenkssaw on the discovery channel the other night, doctors removing a 161lb tumor from an elderly woman in romania.
161lbs.Mutations presents Change The Music
Mutations (original show)
Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds
Re: Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
Absoulty amazing! My positive thoughts and prayers are with her and her family!!!Comment
Re: Docs Removing 16-Pound Face Tumor
^^ typical Pickle ^^ .. at least ure consistant .. no flip floppingComment
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