Hey all i need some help please. ok here do i start. hmm ok here goes. Now i know it's programming that helps make a mix sound smooth. Lets sart by when u go to a shop and buy vinyl how do u know u have a track that mixes in with the one u are buying. i mean i recently bought tracks and i can't seem to find other tracks in my collection that woul fit the tracks i just bought. the reason i bought these tracks is cause i like the sound in them and the general feel of the tracks. How do u guy's mix? I also have alot of trouble with certain ryhthm's. is there a way to mark on a record the rhythm of the track. Please help me get sarted on the right track. i can beat match very well. i sorta understand phrase mixing but people can explain that to me aswell if they like. the only prob i have is finding right tracks to mix into each other and making it sound close to perfect. Thank's for any suggestions. also i have tried mixing certain tracks from different comp's and tried to work out why they work together so well but i just can't figure it out eg i would get 2 tracks from let's say digweed's gucd and mix them like he does and try work out why he places the mix where he does, certain rhythm etc.
