Check out this opinion (subject edited)

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  • sono
    Gold Gabber
    • Aug 2004
    • 515

    Re: Check out this idiot

    oh thats ridiculous, please don't compare sexual orientation to race and religion. It just shows you don't know what you're talking about.

    Plus we are not going out hurting anyone, just making a point and arguing the case. If we protested against paedophiles, what are you gonna say? stop the hatred and bigotry?

    Also, if you're not basing your theory on science or logic then what have you left yourself to argue your case? You cannot just say something and tell people they are wrong when in fact there is no basis to your argument.


    • az0000000
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jan 2006
      • 114

      Re: Check out this idiot

      Originally posted by sono
      oh thats ridiculous, please don't compare sexual orientation to race and religion. It just shows you don't know what you're talking about.

      Also, if you're not basing your theory on science or logic then what have you left yourself to argue your case? You cannot just say something and tell people they are wrong when in fact there is no basis to your argument.
      I agree with you as well.

      Originally posted by sono
      Plus we are not going out hurting anyone, just making a point and arguing the case. If we protested against paedophiles, what are you gonna say? stop the hatred and bigotry?
      Or if we are against sexual sadism? [some crazy fu**ks would consider that a normal sexual preference]


      • Yao
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 8167

        Re: Check out this idiot

        Originally posted by sono
        i thought i might ignore the lot of you because obviously intelligence is difficult to come by on this board, but I thought I'd reply and maybe something will click in your empty heads.
        Oh I'm sorry, you were saying...?

        @ sono: I don't think it's a disease, but you won't catch me talking about genes either. All I know about the scientific research is what I told, and IMO population control is a damn big advantage when overpopulation is a fact. Procreation is a means for a species to survive, but sometimes it can also be in their advantage to slow down on that. Your thoughts on this are rather one-sided.

        If you want to throw it on culture, I suggest you do some reading on the 'gender' perspective in cultures around the world. You'll be in for a big suprise, but I'll tell you this in advance: your viewpoint is extremely Western and culturally right-winged. Try Eriksen: "Small places, large issues" for a start.

        If being gay was once accepted, it means that approval/disapproval is a cultural matter. Gay people however have always been around. The number may have been higher when the culture at that time was more approving towards it, which seems pretty logical to me. In the history of mankind homosexuality has always been around. Don't tell me that in the Middle Ages when the church was cracking down on everything considered pagan people had nothing better to do than to 'choosing to begay'. Wether genetic or not, I have serious doubts about it being a choice. That would be the most illogical thing there is.

        As for intolerance: don't put the blame on us dude, you're the intolerant person here. You're the one denying a group of people a culturally equal position here just because you're afraid of getting a smelly dick.

        @ Az: As far as I know those barebackers have been around a bit longer than your country, in a time where it was much harder for a state to legitimize itself and survive. How's that for logic?

        This is all a dead end discussion like Sully said, not to mention that I fucking hate this kind of intolerance. I maybe a mod, but i'm also human which means I just might end up abusing my powers. :thisisnotafuckingsmileyicon:

        And btw: I nail women. I'm just not afraid of my sexual preference.
        Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

        There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


        • BSully828
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1221

          Re: Check out this idiot

          Originally posted by sono
          oh thats ridiculous, please don't compare sexual orientation to race and religion. It just shows you don't know what you're talking about.
          Sexual orientation defines a person's character about as well as the color of their skin - Sorry to say, but it's one in the same, men and women are too complex to be judged by one aspect of their personality. When you say that a gay man is "diseased" you might as well say the same about a black man.

          Originally posted by sono
          Plus we are not going out hurting anyone, just making a point and arguing the case. If we protested against paedophiles, what are you gonna say? stop the hatred and bigotry?
          Linking pedophiles to homosexuals - now that is a ridiculous comparison. A relationship between two adults is far different that the relationship between an adult and a child - do you really think that a couple comprised of a 12 year old and a 30 year are congruent to two 30 year old men/women? There's just a slight mental, social, emotional and experiential gap between a child and an adult - one that makes pedophilia a whole different ballgame than homosexuality.

          Originally posted by sono
          Also, if you're not basing your theory on science or logic then what have you left yourself to argue your case? You cannot just say something and tell people they are wrong when in fact there is no basis to your argument.
          I'd be willing to bet that you have never gotten to know even 1 homosexual. If you did, you would realize that all the science and biology you can quote falls short in the face of real world experience. You could throw every scientific journal that says "you cannot be born a homosexual" and each and every one of them would crumble before the real live, thinking, breathing organism that says differently. How on earth can you say that this study or that scientist knows more about the homosexual mind than an actual homosexual?

          Believe it or not but gays and lesbians share all the same feelings, thoughts, hopes and fears as you do Sono - they are just like you, each and every one of them. Perhaps that idea scares you, maybe it disgusts you, but that doesn't change the fact that in every way, save one, you are no different then these "genetic mutants".

          To you it seems sexual orientation relates solely to the sexual act itself - i think your words were "Putting your lifemaking organ into a defecating, human waste orifice" (That human waste orifice bit is slightly ironic by the way, seeing how urine isn't exactly chardonnay). What you seem to miss is that, just like in heterosexual relationships, homosexuals actually do love eachother on a much greater level. They have the same hardships and trials, the same joys and success as we "normies" do. Their lives as a couple are no different than the lives of a heterosexual couple except in the bedroom - is that grounds to wish to wipe this entire segment of the population out of the public eye? To shun these normal people to the corners of the room because they see the world a little differently than you?
          Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
          a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


          • az0000000
            Getting Somewhere
            • Jan 2006
            • 114

            Re: Check out this idiot

            Originally posted by BSully828
            And that, my friend, is the definition of intolerance. "Normal behavior" is relative - what was "normal" 2000 years ago would seem barbaric today, just as today's standard of "normal" will seem barbaric 2000 years from now.
            Sorry, but here you are very wrong. What is normal today was normal 2000 years ago and will be normal forever. Normal is to have sex with women. Normal is to fall in love with opposite sex. To have wife and family and kids actually [I?d go as far as that in my affirmations, why not? ] Abnormal is to dig your penis into someone's ass. And it was always abnormal. Society always considered that idiotic. Doesn?t matter if we were created or came from monkeys, some concrete moral-ethical principles were established long time ago. As humans we need those principles to survive and have happy life. From this matter gays are bringing on the social chaos.

            Originally posted by BSully828
            To judge a person's character based on their sexual preference is parallel to judging them by their race, religion or nationality - period.
            And how would you judge a whore's character? Or shit-eater?s nature? [You may not be familiar with it, but even such crazy sexual preference as eating someone's shit exists ] Or those that like fu**cking with animals? Aren't those just their sexual preferences that we shouldn?t judge?

            Originally posted by BSully828
            Dress it up with all the empirical evidence and scientific fact you want, but at the end of the day its still bigotry and hatred.
            Believe me, no bigotry and hatred here, at least from my side


            • BSully828
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1221

              Re: Check out this idiot

              Originally posted by az0000000
              Sorry, but here you are very wrong. What is normal today was normal 2000 years ago and will be normal forever.
              It was once "normal" to think the world was flat, that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun, stars and plants were affixed to crystal spheres just beyond the skyline. How's that working out now?

              Originally posted by az0000000
              Normal is to have sex with women. Normal is to fall in love with opposite sex. To have wife and family and kids actually [I’d go as far as that in my affirmations, why not? ]
              So single adults who never married and are without children are abnormal now?

              Originally posted by az0000000
              Believe me, no bigotry and hatred here, at least from my side

              Originally posted by az0000000
              It is a known fact. Sexual disaster leaded to total disaster

              I think homosexuality is a serious disease

              First they should leave all in one place. On some island or so. And they need to go through deep healing process

              Abnormal is to dig your penis into someone's ass. And it was always abnormal. Society always considered that idiotic

              Gays are bringing on the social chaos.
     sure about that?
              Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
              a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


              • az0000000
                Getting Somewhere
                • Jan 2006
                • 114

                Re: Check out this idiot

                Well, i kinda came to an end of my disire to claim anything more. Please agree with me, this talk may never end. So let's just leave it in peace.


                • BSully828
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1221

                  Re: Check out this idiot

                  Can't say I'll agree with you, but I certainly respect your opinion. Just different views on a loaded topic, 'tis all.
                  Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                  a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


                  • az0000000
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jan 2006
                    • 114

                    Re: Check out this idiot

                    Cheers than!


                    • srbbnd
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 1088

                      Re: Check out this idiot

                      Originally posted by sono
                      , and.....?

                      Romans were no role models, any society is no role model which is my point. Just because they accepted gays doesn't mean it is right.
                      Really... so your not saying the Romans or mainly for the sake of the argument Greeks helped influence are current technology and art in a good way. In my opinion I think your wrong. Maybe some of that "gayness" or as you would call it a "disease" helped influence are culture in a good way.



                      • srbbnd
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 1088

                        Re: Check out this idiot

                        Originally posted by az0000000
                        Hey dude,
                        Do you have idea why the Great Powerful Roman Empire was conquered by a bunch of unorganized tribes? What the fundamental reason? It is a known fact. Sexual disaster leaded to total disaster of their famous, stable social system they had. So those losers Roman Empire gays weren’t cool at all
                        I don't believe the fall of the Roman Empire was due to sexual disasters. I think it had more to do with strecthing there army to thin and not being able to replenish their numbers. Also some major battle losses had a few things to do with it. I'm curious what sexual orientation had to do with the downfall of Rome... who controlled most of the known world at that time? Your saying it being a known fact of sexual orientation being the downfall of Rome doesn't mean much unless you can back that up with statistics, or actual factual information. Sorry I'm a little slow and the obvious is not so obvious in this case... Your input would be appreciated.



                        • az0000000
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • Jan 2006
                          • 114

                          Re: Check out this idiot

                          Sorry, i got over it mate. But if ya really want, we could create a thread titled "Sexual Immorality in Roman Empire and Empire's failing"


                          • Yao
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 8167

                            Re: Check out this idiot

                            No, you can simply post that info in here. I'd like to see it too. And as I said, that empire has been around longer than your country (and mine) as a state.

                            If not, I'm gonna lock this thread because honestly I'm getting sick of listening to the most ridiculous arguments against gay people. Wether you like the mor not is your own business, but I do have a problem with this kind of bullshit being spewed around. If you are one to deny other people basic respectful treatment because of a difference in lifestyle or looks, you're not worth being treated like that yourself.
                            Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                            There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                            • az0000000
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Jan 2006
                              • 114

                              Re: Check out this idiot

                              Originally posted by Yao
                              No, you can simply post that info in here. I'd like to see it too.
                              Ok, if you insist; i can continue; however i feel we will not come to a common point on that. All words that where brought into this thread could be summarised to one simple question, for a man fu**cking with another man is good or is it bad? Seems like you and me, we have different criteria of good and evil. If so, we will not come to a common conclusion. I don't know where you have your view on good and evil from, my view relies on such fundamental concepts like: Man isn't an intelligent monkey. We were created. Our existence has a certain clear purpose. The creator's idea for man's sexual organ is to meet women's sexual organ. This is the best way to reach happiness. The creator's idea for human ass was to let the shit out. Further, make your conclusions, is being gay normal or abnormal.
                              Now about Roman Empire. When an army would loose the war? If some external factors would preclude that army from wining that war. For example German army lost the Second World War because such external factors like Russian frost and people's fatigue restrained them from wining. Roman Empire army was well feed and rested so it wasn't the reason to loose the war. Besides it was very numerous. Why than? There was another factor. At that time sexual immorality in Roman Empire was at its peak. The emperor himself was quite busy with incest. Remember "The Gladiator" movie, she was his own sister. He was thinking that to win the crowd he would have to give them only entertainment and food. Sexual chaos [especially homo type relationships, the biggest problem in the army] totally decayed army's discipline. So, they lost the war.
                              Remember i did not want to continue this talk.

                              Originally posted by Yao
                              as I said, that empire has been around longer than your country (and mine) as a state.
                              How long lasted the Roman Empire? My country exists more than 1500 years.
                              Originally posted by Yao
                              If you are one to deny other people basic respectful treatment because of a difference in lifestyle or looks, you're not worth being treated like that yourself.
                              I do respect man as human even if he is gay, as long as he behaves as man. I only don?t respect this sexual orientation because I consider it wrong. One serious point: Being gay is not lifestyle or look; it is a sexual disorientation due to person?s troubles on spiritual and psychological level.

                              p.s. I don't want to offend you, or anyone else, but i cherish my own opinion, life view, etc.


                              • BSully828
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1221

                                Re: Check out this idiot

                                This thread is going to get real ugly real quick.
                                Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                                a sense of humor to console him for what he is.

